Lying on the bed, unconscious and adorned with medical equipment, was Kazuki Shigaraki, better known as All For One. His appearance resembled that of a withered plum, wrapped in layers of bandages.

Despite his weakened state, an aura of danger surrounded him, as if he could unleash havoc at any given moment.

"This won't do," I muttered, shaking my head in disappointment as I assessed the figure wrapped in bandages before me. With a snap of my fingers, a complex magical matrix materialized over the patient, but I could sense a subtle resistance as if the fabric of reality itself was pushing back against my magic. It was a fascinating phenomenon, one that hinted at the intricate workings of tier five and above worlds.

As the magical circle spun around the bed, processing the biological data, my eyes widened in astonishment. The patient's condition was far worse than I had anticipated. Fractured bones, extensive internal injuries, severe burns, and the loss of several vital organs—it was a devastating list of afflictions. I couldn't help but marvel at the resilience of the human body, for the patient had somehow managed to survive such trauma.

"How are you still alive?" I mused, genuine surprise coloring my words. Just as those words left my mouth, the door to the room swung open, revealing a man clad in a medical gown, engrossed in the medical chart he held in his hands.

I blinked rapidly, taken aback by his obliviousness to his surroundings. Without noticing me, he proceeded to walk straight into me, stumbling and falling to the ground. He shook his head, his gaze rising to meet mine with a look of confusion etched on his face. "Um, who are you?" he asked, his voice laced with uncertainty. But as his eyes caught sight of the spell swirling around Kazuki, they widened in alarm. "What are you doing? He's in critical condition!" he exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes in exasperation, waving my hand dismissively, erasing the man from existence. The door was promptly shut and locked by my telekinetic abilities, ensuring no interruptions.

With my attention solely focused on the patient lying on the bed, the spell swiftly completed its analysis, and I stored his genetic data within my mind. Now, I possessed the ability to create my own versions of Quirk users. However, considering his current incapacitated state, engaging him in a fight would neither be satisfying nor fair.

The magical matrix above him underwent a magnificent transformation, blooming into a brilliant golden magical circle infused with a touch of my divinity and the power of [Holy Enhancement].

As I channeled my mana into the spell, a remarkable change began to unfold. His battered body, ravaged by injuries, underwent a rapid regeneration, healing him and restoring him to his former glory. Bone fractures were mended, damaged organs were revitalized, and burned skin regenerated flawlessly. The disfigurement on his face vanished, and his senses of vision, taste, and hearing were fully restored.

As the transformation reached its completion, I stood before the rejuvenated Kazuki Shigaraki, wearing an expression of satisfaction. His aura now radiated with an intensity far greater than before, and a spark of anticipation danced in my eyes.

"And you are whole once more," I declared, my words rousing him from his unconscious state. He blinked in surprise, his confusion slowly giving way to curiosity as he took in his surroundings.

With newfound clarity in his eyes, he glanced at his hands, marveling at their restored functionality. A wave of relief washed over him as he removed the medical equipment that had been tending to his injuries, freeing himself from their constraints. The sound of needles being pulled out and instruments being discarded filled the air as he regained his freedom.

Standing tall, a wide grin stretched across his face as he tested the limits of his regenerated body. The satisfaction of regained strength filled the room, and his gaze turned toward me, his grin widening. He extended his hand in a gentlemanly manner for a handshake, and with a chuckle, I accepted his offered hand, reciprocating the gesture with a firm grip.

"I don't know who you are or who sent you, but thank you," he expressed his gratitude, but as our hands met, his grip tightened and a foreboding grin crept across his face. "But this is where your usefulness ends."

A crimson glow enveloped his hands, and a surge of energy coursed through me, causing my soul shield to shudder momentarily. However, nothing else transpired. It was clear that his attempt at stealing my abilities was futile, for I possessed neither Quirks nor vulnerability to soul manipulation, thanks to my shielded soul.

His eyes widened in astonishment as he looked down at his hands and then back at me, locking eyes. A hint of surprise flickered across his face before he tried to retract his hand, only to find that my grip remained unyielding.

"That's a fascinating ability you have there, Kazuki," I remarked, my eye glowing with a vibrant blue hue, a visual indicator of my [Observational Learning] skill being activated. His eyes widened in shock, realizing that I knew his true name, a secret hidden from the knowledge of this century, while a resonating ping echoed in my mind, indicating the acquisition of a new ability.

"Well, it was fun meeting you," I said, my grin widening as anticipation coursed through me. "But the time has come for us to engage in a glorious battle. I'll do my best to hold back, but I advise you to stay vigilant." With those words, I swiftly swung my left hand, delivering a powerful slap that should have sent him hurtling through several walls. However, to my surprise, his reflexes kicked in, redirecting most of the kinetic energy back toward my hand. As a result, my hand disintegrated upon impact, but the remaining force still sent him flying.

I stood there, my expression shifting from surprise to excitement. "Impressive," I remarked, my eyes gleaming with newfound respect, while my hand regenerated in a fraction of a second.

"But you're not the only one who can manipulate kinetic energy," I declared with unwavering confidence, raising my palm as a surge of power emanated from within me. "Let's see how well you can handle this." Without a moment's hesitation, I unleashed a [Kinetic Burst], a concentrated force of energy propelled at unparalleled speeds. The blast struck Kazuki, launching him across the room and crashing through multiple walls. Yet, to my astonishment, the sphere of kinetic energy swiftly shifted its trajectory, redirecting back toward me.

A thrill surged through me, and my grin widened in delight. Instead of fear or apprehension, I embraced the challenge with open arms. "Yeah, this IS going to be fun," I exclaimed, bracing myself for the impending collision.

As the sphere tore through my body, obliterating more than half of it, I embraced the pain and allowed it to fuel my resolve. In an instant, I willed my body to reform, my regenerative abilities working in tandem with my indomitable spirit. Meanwhile, my [Master of Natural Creation] skill swiftly weaved a new outfit around me, tailored for battle.

With a satisfying crack of my neck, I harnessed my powers, creating a resounding sonic boom as I propelled myself through the holes in the wall. In the blink of an eye, I arrived at Kazuki's location, closing the distance in a fraction of a second.

The flames of [Infernal Mastery] enveloped my arm, enhancing my strike as I delivered a powerful punch toward him. Despite his attempt to block with his arms, the infernal flames burned through his defenses, searing his flesh in an instant. A piercing scream of pain echoed through the room, fueling the rage in his eyes.

In response, Kazuki's muscles swelled, doubling in size, while his arms crackled with ominous red lightning. Spikes formed from bones protruded from his fist, creating a formidable and deadly weapon.

He pulled his arm back, energy crackling all over his body, and unleashed a devastating punch. However, the space before him distorted, causing his fist to collide with the side of his own head. The shockwave generated by the impact shattered the ceiling, and the sheer force of the punch sent him hurtling through yet another wall.

"I believe we need a tad more breathing room," I remarked with a mischievous grin, observing Kazuki as he rose from the debris, his determination and anger burning brightly. With a snap of my fingers, I added a touch of theatrics to the unfolding spectacle. Activating my powers of [Elemental Mastery] and [Master of Natural Creation], I unleashed my will upon the world.

The walls around us unraveled, crumbling into granules of sand, while the ceiling and the ground above us opened up like a can of tuna, revealing a vast expanse of space. The once-confining underground hideout now stood exposed, granting us the freedom to unleash our powers without limitation.

"What in the world are you?" he spat through gritted teeth, blood ticking down the side of his lips, while he attempted to buy himself some time to desperately warp space in an effort to escape, regroup with his allies, and gather information about me.

"I am something far beyond your comprehension," I retorted, flashing him a sinister grin as I swiftly nullified his escape attempt. "And just so you're aware, teleportation won't work unless I allow it."

In a desperate bid to retaliate, his legs coiled like springs while an array of additional arms sprouted from his back, their size and strength enhanced, adorned with rivet-like protrusions and menacing spikes. His entire body crackled with otherworldly energy as he unleashed his telekinetic power in an attempt to seize hold of me.

However, I stood resolute, unmoved by his assault.

With a resounding war cry, he lunged towards me, his movements appeared sluggish, easily perceptible to my heightened senses. With a raised palm, I summoned a barrier of pure annihilation, obliterating his outstretched arms and reducing them to mere particles before they could reach me.

As his momentum carried him forward, I swiftly evaded what was left of his attack, intending to prolong the confrontation rather than end it prematurely. Activating [Mental Domain], I delved deep into his mind, unraveling intricate plots and hidden locations, all centered around his grand ambition of conquering Japan and subsequently the world. He possessed knowledge of military experiments and had conducted his own research, aiming to create weapons capable of decimating entire countries.

His experiments had yielded some degree of success, and he was now determined to demonstrate one of the formidable abilities he had acquired. "You will regret underestimating me!" he roared, finally realizing that I had yet to exert my full power in this battle, a realization that elicited an eye-roll from me.

A surge of energy crackled around him, saturating his surroundings with an ominous green hue. Gamma radiation seeped from his body, heralding the imminent destruction that was about to unfold. The environment trembled and crumbled as he gritted his teeth, bellowing the words "GAMMA BURST!" in a desperate attempt to overwhelm me.

However, my response was far from impressed. With a casual wave of my hand, a wave of annihilation emanated from me, shrouding the world in darkness and colliding head-on with the explosion that rocked the realm. The clash was swift, consuming everything within its reach in a fraction of a second.

When the dust settled, he stood amidst the wreckage, his body trembling with exhaustion. With labored breaths, he managed to muster a question, "How...?"

A sigh escaped my lips, tinged with a hint of disappointment. "Is this the full extent of your abilities?" I taunted, his gritted teeth serving as his only response. "You were nothing but a letdown. Not even worth my time." Cataclysm materialized in my hands, and with a swift motion, I unleashed a devastating downward strike, channeling the power of [Spatial Slash]. Effortlessly, I cleaved through him and what remained of the hideout, leaving a clean cut that severed him in two.

[Kazuki Shigaraki (T3) slain (100) 75 XP Received]

[Quest: [Defeat All For One] Completed 1,000 WP(x2) Received]

"Well, damn... That certainly explains why it was so easy," I muttered in annoyance, brushing off the dust from my shoulders, as I walked forward. "Furthermore, his focus on physical prowess was utterly incompatible with me." Leaning forward, I scooped up some of his blood, activating the race system and forming a race card.

[Meta Human]

+0.5 to all attributes for every Global Level attained.

- Acquire a 25% boost to skill acquisition speed.

- Upon initially adopting the Meta Human race, obtain a randomly bestowed evolutionary ability as a skill.

"Huh, so that's what they're called," I mumbled, perusing through the race information. "Hmm, not as bad as some of the other human-based races," I muttered, deciding to equip the race.

In an instant, my body underwent a rapid transformation as my genetic code was rewritten. Only my [Shapeshift] ability allowed me to retain my original form. An annoyed grumble escaped my lips as I glanced at the skill.

[Comi-Coat LVL: 1/100]

- Grants the user with the ability to instantly summon a wide array of colorful, cartoonish clothing and accessories.

- While wearing these attires, the user experiences temporary enhancements, including increased agility, physical and magical resistance, and heightened charisma by 0.1%/LVL.

A sigh escaped my mouth as I switched back to my original race setup. The skill wasn't the most relevant, but it held some potential as losing my clothes during fights had proven to be an inconvenience.

However, I was unwilling to don cartoonish clothes all the time, so I focused my attention on the skill, setting up an evolution guide to remove that aspect. Simultaneously, I rapidly activated and deactivated the skill in an attempt to level it up quickly.

Guided by my [Intuitive Aptitude], after just a few activations, I managed to manipulate the skill to only cover a specific part of my body. I formed a cartoonish underwear that covered my pants, allowing me to retain some of the skill's benefits without compromising my desired appearance.

With a separate mental instance dedicated to the [Comi-Coat] skill, I shifted my focus to the new skill I acquired from the defeated opponent.

[All For One LVL: 1/100]

- Enables the user to steal multiple skills or abilities with physical contact from others, granting them a wide range of powers and techniques.

- Provides a deep understanding of the stolen abilities, allowing the user to utilize them to their fullest potential.

- Grants the user the ability to transfer stolen abilities to others, bestowing them with the powers and skills acquired.

- The transfer can be temporary or permanent, depending on the user's choice.

- However, when a stolen ability is transferred, it loses all progress and the skill orb is removed from the user's soulspace, resulting in a temporary or permanent loss of acquired skill.

(A/N: Only stolen abilities can be transferred, not merged or system-granted ones.)

A sly grin crept across my face as I pondered the possibilities presented by this newfound skill. Its strength was undeniable, and now, with the ability to transfer skills, it would become an indispensable weapon in my arsenal.

"Finding the kid with the Copy quirk will be the next step," I muttered, relishing in anticipation of acquiring even more abilities.

While the idea of merging [All For One] with my other skill-stealing abilities sparked my imagination, I knew that patience was paramount.

"Meanwhile, it's time to make our grand entrance on the global stage," I declared with an ever-widening grin. With a simple gesture, I unleashed a sudden torrent of flames, fueled by [Infernal mastery], reducing the hideout to nothing more than molten glass.

The explosive release of matter, coupled with the sudden surge in temperature and pressure, conjured winds of cataclysmic proportions. Yet, I paid no mind to the twenty-seven kill notifications that flashed before me, standing undeterred in the heart of the deathly maelstrom. My hair and clothes billowed in the destructive currents, a mere fraction of my true power on display.

With a sense of satisfaction, I bent space to my will and materialized high above Musutafu, the very town that had witnessed the unfolding of the original story.

"Should I start will the low profile appearance?" I muttered to myself, as [Comi-Coat] formed a ridiculous, and yellow and neon green outfit around me.

(Mirai Sasaki's POV)

I jolted awake from my afternoon nap, my body drenched in a cold sweat. Tremors ran through me as I collapsed to the floor, clutching my pounding heart. My breathing came in ragged gasps, and I realized I was in the midst of a severe panic attack.

"This doesn't make sense!" I cried out, my arms quivering uncontrollably. "The future has changed!" The visions I had witnessed were shrouded in incomprehensibility. I could only perceive the devastating aftermath, unable to grasp the cause behind it all.

"Awata! Moashi!" I shouted, my voice trembling with panic, calling for help.

Awata hurriedly opened the door to my office, her initial smile fading into concern as she witnessed my distressed state.

"Nighteye!" she exclaimed, her eyes widening in shock as she rushed to my side. "Are you alright?!" She turned towards the door, urgently calling out, "Moashi, call an ambulance!"

"No," I managed to say, gripping her hand tightly, my words forced through clenched teeth. "Contact All Might. Tell him that something is happening. Something has changed, and the world is in grave danger."

With those urgent words escaping my lips, the last remnants of energy abandoned my weary body, and I succumbed to the embrace of unconsciousness.

In that vulnerable state, my quirk reactivated, opening the floodgates to visions of a grim and foreboding future. Scenes of destruction, chaos, and despair played out before my mind's eye, painting a haunting picture of the perils that lay ahead.