(Olivia's POV)

Emerging from the confines of the apartment with Sky by my side, I gazed through the sleek and stylish device provided by the Association. It was a tiny square marvel that responded effortlessly to the touch of my fingertips. Unlike the archaic landlines of my world or the blocky ones I've seen in the DXD world, this cutting-edge gadget operated wirelessly, while its battery boasts an astonishing week-long lifespan. To my amazement, it also harnessed the power of the Internet, the realm known as the world wide web, brimming with enchanting cat videos and knowledge from all around the globe.

Yesterday, Andy had taken the time to guide me through the intricate workings of this device. While some of the technical explanations soared far above my comprehension, I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought that his [Teaching] skill had grown by leaps and bounds, thanks to this very endeavor.

Recalling his patient instructions, I activated the Navigator application, which unfurled before me like a vibrant tapestry. With a few deft taps, I set the application to chart my course, starting from my current location and opted for a mode of transport that defied convention—aerial travel. The holographic city map materialized before me, boasting my precise position thanks to the miraculous GPS technology Andy had explained—an advanced system that employed multiple satellites to triangulate my exact whereabouts. A clear, unobstructed path unfolded before me, an iridescent line pointing me toward my intended destination.

"Turn to the left by 41.2 degrees, raise to the air by 506 meters to avoid obstacles, and fly forward for 5.7 kilometers." the Navigator instructed, and without hesitation, I complied.

Harnessing the power that originated from the Sacred Gear Andy had modified, [Blade Birth], I summoned a wide-edged blade just beneath my feet. This masterfully modified skill, endowed me with unparalleled versatility, granting me the ability to manipulate and summon blades within a certain radius at will.

With this skill at my disposal, I could fly using the sword as my steadfast platform, all without depleting my mana reserves. Instead, the skill derived its strength from my boundless stamina, which seemed to flow ceaselessly within me.

Although this method of flight lacked the luxurious comfort and nimble maneuverability of Andy's spell, it possessed its unique advantages. Not only did it spare me from mental exhaustion and the strain on my mana channels, but it also granted me remarkable speed, far surpassing the capabilities of his method.

Adjusting my posture, I commanded the blade to lift off, and with a touch of my will, I infused it with the powers of [True Cut] and [One with the Blade].

Initially, the intricate fusion of those two skills within the framework of a [Blade Birth] blade had been a daunting task, it demanded tireless practice and an unwavering focus. Yet, with diligent repetition and unwavering resolve, the process became more fluid, and the barriers that once impeded me gradually crumbled.

Now, summoning the combined energies of these skills into a blade came to me with relative ease. The arduous practice had paid off, refining my control and mastery to a point where the process flowed effortlessly as if it had become second nature to me.

With an explosive burst of power, I launched forward, propelled to supersonic speeds in the blink of an eye. Balancing flawlessly atop the blade, my unwavering equilibrium, bolstered by the [Acrobatics] skill, kept me firmly grounded as I raced through the air. Yet, despite the astonishing velocity I attained, not a single sonic boom shattered the tranquility of the atmosphere. The combined might of [True Cut] and [One with the Blade] sliced effortlessly through any resistance, negating the disruptive forces of friction that dared to impede my journey.

As a hero, it was my duty to protect both the surroundings and the people within them. I couldn't afford to wreak havoc or cause unnecessary damage in my wake.

"Attention: You have exceeded the speed limit," the Navigator dutifully chimed, its warning echoing in my ears. Yet, I pressed on, soaring through the skies with unwavering determination, paying no heed to the cautionary message.

Drawing closer to my intended destination, I gradually decelerated, urging the Navigator to relent in its incessant reminders about the imposed speed limit. Manipulating my sword with precision, I executed a graceful descent, gradually lowering myself to the waiting ground below.

Barely moments after my feet made contact with the ground, a resounding ping reverberated within my consciousness. Intrigued by the notification, I swiftly glanced at my system, and a small smile graced my lips as satisfaction washed over me, accompanied by a nod of approval.

[Quest: [Rescue Eri] Completed 750 WP(x2) Received]

True to his word, Andy had indeed saved the girl. Though I remained in the dark about her backstory and the circumstances surrounding her predicament, the fact that the system had offered a quest to rescue her attested to her significance. I harbored no doubt whatsoever that Andy would undertake the task and emerge victorious.

Closing the system screen, I gently set Sky down and extended a wave of mana, fortifying the ground beneath us. The subtle infusion of mana ensured that the earth wouldn't crack under the sudden burst of kinetic energy. Just as I prepared to sprint toward the first stop in my patrol route, Sky whimpered, her tail tucked between her legs, her body trembling as she cowered, her fearful gaze fixed southward.

And then it hit me.

A tempestuous wave of mana, akin to a raging maelstrom, descended upon the city, ruthlessly suppressing all it deemed unworthy. Even I, with all of my power, felt the weight of its manifestation, its density constricting my breathing, making each gasp for air a laborious effort.

"What's happening? There shouldn't be mana in this world," I muttered to myself, my breath ragged, as the realization struck me like a lightning bolt tearing through the sky. "Unless... Andy?"

At that moment, a surge of emotions coursed through our shared spiritual connection, revealing a side of Andy I had never witnessed before. His usual stoicism shattered, replaced by an unfiltered and palpable hatred that sent shivers down my spine. The intensity of his emotions left me trembling, unsettled by the depths of his anger. Whatever had provoked such an outpouring, it was undoubtedly significant.

Harnessing the power of [Soul Cohesion], my focus was drawn inexorably southward, my gaze aligning perfectly with the fearful expression in Sky's eyes. Andy was close, just a few streets away, hidden beneath the surface. Desperate to reach out to him, I persistently attempted to establish contact through [Link], only to be met with resounding rejection. Frustration welled within me, but I reluctantly ceased my attempts. Despite this, worry tightened its grip on my heart, the fear of his safety consuming my thoughts.

As I focused my attention on [Heart's Desire] skill, its innate ability to sense the safety of a loved one reassured me that Andy was, indeed, out of immediate danger. A sigh of relief escaped my lips, and a sense of calm washed over me, alleviating the earlier anxieties that had plagued my heart.

Contemplating the possibility of teleporting directly to him, even at the cost of depleting a significant portion of my current mana reserves, my thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a dramatic shift in the atmosphere. The wind bellowed, the world around me darkened, and the distant rumble of thunder reverberated through the air. I instinctively raised my gaze skyward, only to witness a peculiar phenomenon unfold before my eyes—an amalgamation of unnatural clouds swirling together, crackling with an eerie bluish-purple static. The ground beneath me began to tremble violently as a massive earthquake rocked the very foundations of the city.

My eyes widened in alarm, every hair on my body standing on end. Reacting swiftly, I scooped up Sky from the ground, channeling the power of [One with the Blade] through my being. With a surge of energy, I launched myself upward, heedless of any collateral damage, ascending to a height of two kilometers in a fraction of a second.

A symphony of pings resonated within my mind, a chorus of notifications inundating my senses, as the explosive force of my ascent carved a path of devastation—a circle with a radius of half kilometers—flattening a significant portion of the city beneath me.

"Shit," I cursed under my breath, witnessing the once towering skyscrapers crumble before my eyes. However, my concern for the destruction was abruptly rendered insignificant in the face of what occurred next.

In an instant, reality itself shattered, collapsing inward with a cacophony of fragmented echoes. The resounding silence that followed was deafening, as the world around Andy's location crumbled like a thousand shattered mirrors. A voracious void, unlike anything I had ever witnessed, expanded relentlessly, consuming everything in its path. And within the blink of an eye, I found myself suspended within the boundless expanse of this endless void, shielded by a protective barrier emanating a steadfast golden hue, infused with the distinctive essence of Andy's mana.

Within this desolate realm, the air was rent with ear-splitting roars, resonating through the void and stirring a sense of trepidation within me. My eyes widened in realization as a colossal eye, yellow and the size of a truck, materialized a mere meter away from me. Reacting swiftly, I released my grip on Sky, commanding her to sit. She obediently took cover behind my legs, quacking in fear.

"Divine beast my ass," I couldn't help but snort, a smile spreading across my face, finding her antics both amusing and endearing.

I summoned the weapons crafted by Andy, Aurora's Light, and Death's Kiss, crackling with ominous energy, as I prepared myself for combat. Yet, to my surprise, my intervention proved unnecessary as a powerful wave of energy surged through the void, obliterating everything in its path while completely ignoring the protective barrier that surrounded us.

My system screen was inundated with a flood of kill notifications, numbering in the thousands, and my levels soared, as a quarter of a million points of experience flooded into my being. The sheer magnitude of this event left me awestruck, aware that Andy was the catalyst behind this display of overwhelming power.

Turning my attention towards the direction from which the wave originated, I sensed Andy's presence. However, before I could reach out to him or fully comprehend the situation, Sky and I were abruptly teleported away, reappearing in the city just a stone's throw from where I had ascended into the sky.

Time seemed to flow in reverse as I watched the city reconstruct itself, a sight that never failed to captivate me. Yet, this time, it felt different. There was no residual trace of Andy's mana lingering in the air, nor did I observe any magical circles hovering over the city. It became evident that this reconstruction was not achieved through conventional magic.

However, I had little time to ponder on this as the phone granted to me by the association began to ring. "Blade Dance speaking," I answered, though inwardly cringing at my chosen hero name. I regretted it almost immediately, finding it rather embarrassing whenever others referred to me by that moniker.

'I should have let Andy choose a name for me,' I mused fleetingly, swiftly dismissing the thought, certain that his selection would have been even more mortifying.

"Blade Dancer! Your GPS position places you right in the heart of the disaster area. We've lost contact with everyone in that vicinity. We need an immediate update on the situation!" Urgency laced the voice on the other end of the phone.

"Yeah... From what I can see... everything seems to be... fine?" I responded, my uncertainty evident in my voice.

As I took in the scene before me, a profound sense of calm enveloped my being. Andy had not only restored the portion of the city he had destroyed, but he had also rectified the unintended damage I had caused. The sight filled me with awe, solidifying my determination to reward him later.

Yet, amidst this remarkable restoration, a cloud of confusion descended upon me. Swirling particles of dust filled the air, and from within their midst, people materialized, their expressions mirroring my own bewildered state. It was as if Andy had not only reversed the physical destruction but also erased any trace of their demise from the annals of time itself.

"That's impossible!" The voice on the other side of the line pulled me out of my shock. "We've received reports of a massive explosion, followed by an earthquake, and the formation of a black bubble that seemed to consume matter. It all appeared to originate from a few streets away from your location," the man on the other end of the line responded, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

"No, you misunderstood me. All of that did happen, but I don't believe there will be any casualties or property damage. It's better if I show you..." I trailed off, searching for the camera icon on my phone. "Now, where was the camera thingy..." I mumbled to myself.

"Ah, found it!" I exclaimed, pressing it and pointing the phone toward a building that was currently reconstructing itself. "See? Something strange is happening. This building was destroyed just moments ago."

"Um... Miss Blade Dancer? All we can see is your face. Could you please switch to the back camera?" the voice on the other end requested, sounding slightly awkward.

"Oh, how do I do that?" I asked, confusion clouding my thoughts as I inwardly cursed Andy for not explaining this feature to me. 'Or perhaps he had, and I simply forgot.'

"On the bottom of your screen, you should see an icon with a camera and two back-and-forth arrows," he explained patiently.

"Oh, I found it! Should I press it?" I inquired, ready to rectify my mistake and share the situation unfolding before me.

"Yes, please do..." came the deadpan response from the other end of the line.

"Alright... There, can you see it now?" I asked, only to be met with complete silence from the other side of the line. Confusion washed over me as I shook the phone in my hand. "Did this thing break?" I questioned, perplexed by the lack of response.

"Eh... No, it didn't. We're still here. It's just... we've never encountered anything like this before." the voice finally replied, tinged with disbelief, before going silent for a moment and adding. "Did that person just appear from a cloud of dust?!"

"In a way, yes. I'm pretty sure she was dead just moments ago, and that dust cloud was all that remained out of her after the explosion," I explained, my expression serious.

"Lord..." he mumbled, before incoherent shouting erupted in the background, and someone else took over the phone.

"Blade, give the phone to Sky Wolf. She is the only B-rank in the immediate vicinity," the new voice ordered in a no-nonsense tone.

"Sky Wolf?" I echoed, perplexed by his request.

"Yes, Sky Wolf, your partner. Her locator places her near your location. Isn't she there?" he asked, his tone laced with confusion. I glanced downward at Sky, raising an eyebrow suspiciously.

"Did you name yourself Sky Wolf?" I inquired, not truly expecting a reply. However, to my surprise, Sky nodded and let out a playful "Woof," confirming my suspicion. Ignoring how absurd it may have seemed, I lowered the phone and utilized my enhanced hearing to eavesdrop on the conversation.

"Sky Wolf?" he asked, only to receive a playful bark. "Perfect, you're the only B-rank hero in the vicinity. We're granting you full authority for now. Other teams are already en route and will be informed," the voice declared with an authoritative tone. "Through Blade Dancer's phone, we'll be sending you the location of the anomaly we detected. Investigate the cause and report back, but be cautious," his tone grew graver. "There are no known quirks in the registry that should be capable of what transpired there. You may be facing an individual with a newly awakened quirk or something far more sinister. Understood?" he inquired, prompting Sky to bark in response. "Um... Get an interpreter in here. What did she say?" he added hastily.

"Sir! She said, 'It will be done,' sir," a new voice swiftly replied.

"Alright, may God be with you, Sky Wolf. Also... tell Blade Dancer to exercise caution," the voice concluded before ending the call.

Sky gazed up at me with a smug expression, as if attempting to convey a sense of authority through her barks. I chuckled, unable to comprehend her instructions, yet appreciating her enthusiasm. "Sure, girl, I have no clue what you're saying, but we're definitely checking it out," I said, shaking my head with a grin.

As my phone emitted a notification sound, I glanced at the screen, revealing the location where Sky was instructed to investigate. Bending down, I gripped her scruff and lifted her from the ground. "Let's go see what mess Andy has made," I remarked, a mixture of excitement and curiosity coursing through me.

My mana seeped into the ground, fortifying it beneath me, and with a powerful leap, I propelled myself into the air, effortlessly vaulting over two streets. Just before landing, I swiftly activated Andy's flight spell, gently gliding down to the ground without a hint of impact.

"This would be so much simpler if I could just ignore the environment," I grumbled in frustration, feeling annoyed by the constraints of physical obstacles.

Following the map's guidance, I made my way to the center of the road, brushing off the frantic shouts and blaring horns of bewildered drivers around me. However, as I reached the designated location, my gaze fell upon an ordinary scene devoid of any notable anomalies. Andy had already departed from this spot, rendering his assistance in locating an entrance futile.

"There's nothing here," I muttered, a slight frown furrowing my brow. Nevertheless, my determination remained unyielding. "Well, if there's no entrance, then I'll have to create my own," I declared with a confident smile. Reaching for the holster where Death's Kiss resided, I infused the dagger with half of my mana, preparing it for action. Without a moment's hesitation, I drove the blade downward, unleashing a torrent of darkness from its ethereal form, carving a path of my own into the unknown.

As the torrent of corrosive energy surged downward, its malevolent power traveled a distance of half a kilometer, gradually dissipating into the surrounding space. Satisfied with the results, a smile of accomplishment graced my face as I securely returned Death's Kiss to its holster. Cradling Sky tightly in my arms, I prepared to descend into the gaping hole that I had created, only to be greeted by the sight of surrounding infrastructure—cables, pipes, and metro lines—melting away due to the unintended consequences of my attack. "Oops..." I muttered, a sheepish expression crossing my face as I acknowledged the collateral damage caused by my actions.

Glancing at Sky, I squinted my eyes at her, conveying a stern expression. "The hole was already here when we arrived. Understand?" I said in a no-nonsense tone, eliciting frantic nods of agreement from the pup.

Satisfied with her response, I nodded and with a steady leap, gracefully descended into the depths. Not even five seconds later, a peculiar structure swiftly flew by, catching my attention. Activating [Fly], I levitated to get a closer look.

Before me stretched a metallic grayish-white hallway, now severed in half by my initial attack, its floor scattered with unconscious bodies. "I have a feeling we're in the right place," I muttered, receiving an affirming nod from Sky. Glancing upward, I calculated the depth, estimating that we had descended approximately 150 meters. With a wave of my hand, I summoned a multitude of swords using [Blade Birth], arranging them to cover the hole in the ground. "This should suffice for now," I noted, satisfied with the makeshift barrier we had created, and started my investigation.

While walking through the halls, I checked on [Soul Cohesion], sensing that Andy's emotions had calmed. Deciding to give him a quick call on [Link] to check on his well-being, he answered promptly, sounding unusually cheerful.

"Hi sweetheart, how's your day going?" he greeted, as if oblivious to the events that had unfolded.

"Cut the crap," I replied, rolling my eyes. "Are you alright? What happened?"

A sigh echoed through the channel, and he responded, his tone tinged with concern. "I got a bit angry at an imbecile."

"Yeah, I felt that. Sky felt that. And I'm pretty sure half the world felt that. Sky and I were sent to the location, and an investigation team is on its way. Can you tell me what happened?"

"That's not good... You're not going to like what you find there," he replied, his worry palpable. "Remember the slave owners in DanMachi?" His words triggered a memory of the single slaver's den I had helped him liberate, and a grimace formed on my face.

"Was it that bad?" I asked, apprehension creeping into my voice.

"No... it was worse. You'll come across about 30 research subjects, each held in separate cells. I've already erased their memories and restored their bodies to their original form, but it was a gruesome scene... That's all you need to know."

"What about the girl? I saw that you completed the quest," I inquired, my concern shifting toward her well-being.

"Yeah... She's six years old, and she's lying unconscious right next to me on the sofa. I'm still figuring out what to do with her. Trust me, you're better off not knowing what she went through. Also, before you ask we're not adopting her." he responded in a no-nonsense tone. My grimace only deepened as he continued, "You won't find much evidence, as I've erased all their research data from their computers. However, you'll find what remains of their boss in a large room on the west side of the hideout, it will be a gruesome sight, so you might want to leave Sky outside of the room."

"I will, and good. I hope the guy suffered," I stated, a small smile spreading across my face.

"Oh, he still is. He still is," Andy replied, his tone filled with malice and a surprising sense of satisfaction.