As Sky and I continued to explore the underground area, awaiting the arrival of reinforcements, I seized the opportunity to gather a few strands of hair from one of the unconscious individuals we encountered. With a hint of curiosity, I used the system to create a race card for myself and equipped it. However, I couldn't help but chuckle anticipating Andy's annoyance as my newfound skill, granted by the Meta Human race, proved to be incredibly intriguing.

[Frictionless LVL: 1/100]

- Grants the user the ability to eliminate friction between themselves and objects or surfaces.

- Grants the user the ability to create temporary frictionless zones in the environment, facilitating smooth movement for themselves and others within the area.

With a single thought, I activated the newly acquired skill, only to find myself slipping on an invisible banana peel, tumbling backward, and crashing into the wall with my head. The impact elicited a grumble of frustration as I swiftly deactivated the ability and rose to my feet, shaking off the dust from my hair.

"Yeah, this definitely needs some practice," I muttered, a hint of annoyance lacing my words.

Sky, observing the entire spectacle, regarded me with a puzzled expression, as if I had sprouted a new head. Sensing my glare, she quickly averted her gaze and diverted her attention to the intricate patterns on the clear ceiling, as if feigning innocence.

Shaking my head in amusement at her adorable behavior, I couldn't help but chuckle as I approached her and began to pet her gently. "Could you put that talented nose of yours to good use and guide us to the room where you can smell Andy's scent?" I asked, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

In response, Sky nodded enthusiastically and took a few deep breaths, her nose scrunching adorably. After a brief pause, she looked up at me and let out a determined bark before darting off. With unwavering trust in her olfactory abilities, I followed her lead as she skillfully navigated the maze-like corridors, relying on her keen sense of smell to guide us toward our destination.

It didn't take us long to reach a section of the hallway that had been ravaged by destruction. The once pristine walls were melted away, debris littered the floor, and a gaping hole marred the integrity of the wall. The heavy scent of iron hung in the air, so potent that even my senses couldn't ignore it.

"Yeah, girl, I think it's best for you to wait here," I said, grimacing at the overwhelming smell. I gestured for Sky to stay put, ensuring her mental well-being while I proceeded cautiously into the room ahead.

The scene before me was nothing short of grotesque, resembling something out of a horror movie. It was a sight that immediately made me recoil and retch involuntarily. Before my eyes, a mutilated figure, once a man, was gruesomely displayed. His body had been ruthlessly severed in half, each half impaled on metallic spikes rising from the ground. The morbid display left an indelible imprint on my mind, as his innards hung suspended in the air, while blood continued to drip incessantly, pooling into a crimson text etched into the metallic surface below.

As my eyes reluctantly scanned the chilling message, a surge of unease washed over me. The words were intentionally repulsive and designed to provoke a sense of discomfort.

"Eclipse was here. Beware of my shadow," the text proclaimed, written in blood, each letter a chilling reminder of the darkness that loomed. The ominous display sent a shiver down my spine, raising my guard to any lurking danger that awaited.

Andy's chosen vigilante name added an additional layer of unease to the message. It made me question my own decision to choose a hero name, wondering if I should have let him come up with one for me instead. "He can be creative when he wants to be... unlike his Dr. Clogbottom moniker," I muttered, shaking my head at the memory. Andy had warned me that I wouldn't like what I found here, I was sure the man deserved everything her got, but... I was not prepared for something so abhorrent.

Leaving the room behind, I carefully scooped up Sky in my arms, holding her close for comfort. "Let's get out of here, report in, and wait for reinforcements," I murmured, my voice filled with a mix of concern and determination.

Exiting through the impromptu entrance I had created, I swiftly contacted the Association, relaying the disturbing discovery made by Sky and me. The response on the other end of the line was a mixture of relief and shock, as the dead villain found at the scene was swiftly identified thanks to his unique build.

In response to the gruesome scene, a team of highly skilled investigators with diverse abilities was assembled to delve into the mystery and uncover the truth. Their expertise and resources were put to the test as they meticulously combed through the underground hideout and analyzed every piece of evidence they could find.

As they continued to investigate, the shocking discovery of the 30 research subjects held captive sent ripples of concern throughout their ranks. The true identities of these individuals were swiftly revealed, some of whom had been missing for years, causing both relief and renewed questions about their circumstances.

The focus of the investigation now shifted to understanding the full extent of the villain's operations and the implications of the research conducted on the captives. The Association realized that they were dealing with a sophisticated and organized operation, one that had managed to evade their detection for an extended period of time.

While the investigators delved deeper into the case, a new element surfaced—a group of vigilantes who had taken it upon themselves to eliminate the villain and his henchmen. The Association initially assumed that Eclipse was the moniker of this group, but they couldn't have been more wrong. Eclipse was not a collective, but an individual—a vigilante with his own agenda and methods, my sweet and vindictive boyfriend.

However, for the Association, the name Eclipse remained shrouded in mystery. I later learned that it was a moniker that had been used by a few retired heroes around the world, but beyond that, there was little information to go on. The team realized that they were dealing with highly elusive and careful individuals, someone who had left no trace behind.

This revelation added a new layer of complexity to the situation. The Association felt compelled to make a public statement, about the earlier event vowing to uncover the truth, as well as to apprehend and bring justice to Eclipse.

As the investigation unfolded, tensions grew within the Association. Some members believed that Eclipse should be seen as a necessary force, filling the gaps where the system failed. Others argued that vigilantism should never be condoned, no matter the circumstances. The debate raged on, and the Association grappled with the difficult task of finding a balance between upholding the law and recognizing the vigilante's contributions.

As I watched the Association grapple with the situation and the debates that ensued, I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. I knew Andy well enough to anticipate his reactions and his delight in stirring up the established order. His dedication to honing his abilities and his relentless pursuit of "fun" in this world had always been evident.

I imagined his amusement at the reactions of the Association, who were undoubtedly taken aback by the emergence of Eclipse and the impact he had made. From his duck persona to the mysterious vigilante, Andy was sure to leave a lasting impression on those who crossed his path. His mischievous nature and unwavering determination made it clear that he would relish the challenge of facing those who dared to challenge him.

With a knowing smile, I did not doubt that Andy was just getting started. Eclipse was his next chapter, and I eagerly awaited to see how his story would unfold, and the impact he would have on the world around him.

(Andrew's POV)

As I relaxed on the sofa, savoring a bowl of freshly popped popcorn, a chuckle escaped my lips as I watched the president of the Hero Association deliver a speech condemning vigilantism and vowing to capture the group known as Eclipse. It was quite amusing to witness their reaction, considering the speed and efficiency with which I had achieved what they had failed to accomplish for years.

While the Association attempted to reassure the public, my earlier outburst that caused significant destruction, followed by the subsequent restoration and revival of the deceased, had left the people in a state of shock and fear. They were quick to assume that the mysterious group known as Eclipse had a hand in these events, and the irony of their assumption brought a smirk to my face.

'Perhaps I should consider forming a vigilante group consisting of myself, myself, and well, myself.' I thought to myself, a smile spreading on my lips.

As the president of the Hero Association finished his speech, I playfully poked the little girl seated beside me with my elbow, eliciting a giggle from her. "Can you believe that guy?" I asked, gesturing toward the screen.

With a bowl of popcorn in her hands, she munched happily on the treat, her eyes filled with curiosity. "What's wrong with him, Uncle Andy?" she inquired, her voice filled with innocence.

I paused for a moment, considering how to explain the situation to her. "Well," I began, "Eclipse managed to save 30 people, something that the Hero Association struggled to do. But instead of acknowledging their success, the Association wants to catch them because they didn't follow their rules and procedures."

Her brow furrowed in confusion. "But isn't saving people a good thing?" she questioned, her young mind struggling to comprehend the complexities of the situation.

I smiled, ruffling her hair, electing another cute giggle from her. "Indeed, saving people is a good thing, but sometimes people get caught up in their own ways of doing things. Eclipse chose a different path, and it seems to have stirred things up a bit."

Her brow furrowed in confusion as she grabbed a handful of popcorn and popped it into her mouth. With her mouth full, she mumbled, "So that means Eclipse are not bad guys?"

I chuckled at her innocent question and shook my head. "Oh no, they are definitely bad guys, but good bad guys."

Her eyes widened, clearly puzzled. "How can someone be good and bad at the same time?"

I leaned back, contemplating how to explain it to her young mind. "Well, you'll understand it when you're older. For now, let's focus on something else. Remember the list I gave you? It's time to choose which quirk you want."

She frowned, placing the bow of popcorn to the side and holding up the list, inspecting it curiously. "But I can't read..."

Realizing my oversight, I raised my hand and gently tapped her head, infusing her with a touch of holy affinity mana to ensure her safety, preventing her mind from overheating from the sudden influx of information. Then, I activated my [Mental Domain] skill, transferring my full comprehension of English and Japanese into her mind. "There, now you can read," I said with a smile, pulling back my hand. "Take a look at the list and tell me what you want."

She blinked, her confusion shifting to surprise as she realized she could understand the words on the paper. She hesitantly scanned the list, and I urged her to make a choice.

"What is Matter Manipulation?" she asked her face a mix of confusion and curiosity.

I pondered for a moment, considering how best to explain it to her. "Matter Manipulation is a powerful ability that allows you to shape and control the world around you," I began. "You would have the power to alter the properties of objects and materials, bending them to your will. It's a highly versatile and formidable ability that could make you nearly unstoppable. However, mastering it would require a deep understanding of how things work."

She pouted slightly at the complexity of the explanation, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes playfully at her reaction. Standing up, I decided to liven the mood. "But imagine the possibilities, my dear," I exclaimed, raising a fist in the air dramatically. "With Matter Manipulation, you could become a master crafter or a formidable hero. Villains would tremble at the mere mention of your name!"

Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she considered the idea, but then she pointed to a quirk on the list that I had included almost as an afterthought. "I don't want that quirk," she stated firmly. "I want to talk to animals!"

I let out a sigh, amused by her sudden change in preference. "You know what?" I said with a smile. "I'll make you something special that will allow you to communicate with animals. But in exchange, you need to choose two quirks."

Her face lit up with joy, and she focused back on the list, her expression turning serious as she contemplated her choices. After a moment, she looked up at me with a confused expression. "What is Thermokinesis?" she asked.

A grin spread across my face as I raised my right hand, activating my [Elemental Mastery] skill. Flames flickered to life in my palm, making her jump back in surprise. Chuckling, I manipulated the fire, shifting its shape and form. "Thermokinesis allows you to control temperature and manipulate heat," I explained. "You could create fire like this, or summon ice sculptures like this." With a wave of my other hand, I conjured an intricate sculpture of her made entirely out of ice.

Her eyes widened in awe at the display of power. "Would I be able to do that?" she asked, her voice filled with excitement.

I nodded a warm smile on my lips. "Absolutely," I replied. "Thermokinesis is a fantastic choice. It opens up a world of possibilities and gives you control over one of the fundamental forces of nature."

She fell into deep thought, carefully considering her other options. However, with a gentle nudge from me and a grand display of the potential of each quirk, she ultimately chose Thermokinesis and Matter Manipulation, thankfully, leaving the Animal Whisperer quirk behind.

"Well done," I commended her, patting her head gently. "With these two abilities, you'll have the power to shape the world around you and harness the forces of nature. Your potential will be boundless!" I exclaimed, raising my fist into the air, eliciting a giggle from her.

"Thank you, Uncle Andy." She said, giving me a shy hug.

A warm smile spread on my face, and I realized that my little experiment with parenting wasn't such a bad idea. "And Uncle Andy will do everything he can to make it happen," I reassured her. "But it will take me a few days to get everything ready, alright?" I asked, giving her a hopeful look. She crossed her arms and pouted, but reluctantly nodded. "Good girl," I said with a gentle smile, reaching into my pocket and pulling out a chocolate bar to reward her.

As she happily enjoyed her treat, I changed the television channel to something more entertaining for her. And as I delved deeper into my thoughts, the idea of sequencing the genomes of Meta Humans grew more and more enticing. The connection between their abilities and their genetic makeup was undeniable, as evidenced by the passing down of similar, if not completely identical, abilities from one generation to the next. A project dedicated to unraveling the specific genes responsible for these extraordinary abilities could hold immense potential.

With the advanced technology at my disposal, I could embark on a journey to sequence the genomes of Meta Humans, meticulously analyzing the intricate details of their genetic code. This research would provide invaluable insights into the nature of their abilities, shedding light on the mechanisms and processes that governed their manifestation.

Furthermore, the knowledge gained from this endeavor would aid me in the design and development of my own race. By understanding the specific genes and genetic variations associated with different powers, I could create the race I envisioned with unique abilities tailored to my desires.

Additionally, my mastery of the [Mastery of Natural Creation] skill would enable me to replicate these extraordinary abilities at any time I want. Armed with the information obtained through genome sequencing, I could manipulate the fundamental building blocks of life to recreate the genetic profiles responsible for these powers. With [Overhaul] it would allow me to bestow these abilities upon others or even enhance my own capabilities.

Fortunately, part of the research had already been conducted by Overhaul's team. They had explored the same topic, and that allowed him to edit his own DNA and acquire a diverse array of body modification quirks. Although his abilities proved ineffective against me during our brief encounter, his research held valuable insights that wouldn't go to waste.

Leaving Eri alone in the living room, engrossed in a children's show, I made my way into my bedroom. Retrieving my trunk from my inventory, I entered my study and cleared the space of furniture with a simple wave of my hand. Placing the replicator on the table, I initiated the replication process for ten genome sequencers and a selection of advanced gadgets necessary for this research endeavor.

As the replicator hummed and began materializing the required equipment, I busied myself with organizing the necessary resources and materials. This project would require a meticulous approach, and I was prepared to invest the time and effort needed to unlock the secrets hidden within Meta Human genetics.

With each replicated device, I carefully inspected and calibrated them to ensure optimal performance. The excitement grew within me as I contemplated the possibilities that awaited me in this journey of discovery. The mysteries of Meta Human abilities were about to be unveiled, and I was determined to be at the forefront of this groundbreaking research.

As the replicator chimed its completion, I arranged the ten genome sequencers along the wall, their sleek designs a testament to the advanced technology at my disposal. I connected each device to the high-tech medical computer, marveling at the convenience of having ready-made schematics to streamline the process. It spared me the hours I would have spent designing computer systems and applications from scratch.

Although my current collection of Meta Human genetic data, including samples from individuals like All For One, Overhaul, and Eri, covered a wide range of fascinating abilities, it was not enough to fully map out the intricate connection between genes and abilities. I would need to acquire additional genetic samples to augment my research.

Nevertheless, I placed the three genetic samples into the machines, initiating the process of extracting and analyzing their genetic information. With the sequencing process underway, I turned my attention back to the replicator, bringing up the molecular and mana structure of the magical materials I have gathered.

I had promises to fulfill. Eri would receive an item that would grant her the ability to communicate with animals, allowing her to forge a unique bond with the natural world. Additionally, I needed to create a device that would enable seamless communication between Olivia and Sky, eliminating the need for pantomiming or struggling to understand barks.

A sigh escaped my lips as my mind raced, formulating intricate enchantments to bring my vision to life. However, in a world without mana, crafting Eri's item posed a unique challenge, requiring me to use a more creative, alchemical solution.