MHA 10

"Yuta, leave that poor squirrel alone!" scolded a mother from the background, and I couldn't tolerate this playful scene any longer.

We had already spent a good hour and a half at the park, and I had given Eri the freedom to explore her newfound abilities in this environment. While I kept a vigilant eye on her to ensure she didn't go too far, I also took the opportunity to sample the genetic data of the world's inhabitants.

Within my inventory, I had amassed a vast collection of labeled samples, numbering in the thousands. Each held unique information about various ability users, ranging from seemingly mundane and weaker abilities to those harboring extraordinary untapped potential. I couldn't help but shake my head in disappointment as I recalled one particular instance—a user with the incredible power to manipulate electromagnetic waves had chosen to become a chief and use his ability solely for cooking food faster. Such wasted potential was disheartening.

Shaking off my momentary frustration, I refocused my attention on Eri. Her joyous playfulness and boundless energy were contagious, and a smile tugged at my lips. Watching her dart around the park, performing backflips with grace, and engaging in whimsical conversations with the ants scurrying about, I couldn't help but marvel at her unbridled delight. For the first time in her life, it seemed like she was truly experiencing the carefree joy of childhood.

"Eri, leave the ants alone, it's time to go home!" I called out, ready to wrap up our outing. However, her response was a cheerful plea for "five more minutes," and I found myself unable to resist her charm. This was the fifth time she had requested an extension, and for some inexplicable reason, I couldn't bring myself to deny her. "Okay, but only five minutes! If you're not here by then, I'm leaving without you!" I warned, feeling my patience starting to wear thin.

"So, which one is yours?" inquired a stunning woman in her late thirties. Her face beamed with a radiant smile, and her eyes sparkled like a predator eyeing its prey. With a confident stride, she approached me, standing a bit too close for my comfort. Her gaze followed mine, trying to discern whom I was looking at and shouting to. Meanwhile, her group of older friends giggled from a distance, observing our interactions with calculated interest.

Despite her forwardness, I couldn't help but roll my eyes inwardly. [Mental Domain] had already picked up on her intentions, but there was a certain thrill in being noticed and hit on from time to time. It made me feel attractive, and I couldn't wait to share this experience with Olive once I got home. I could already envision her pouty and jealous expression, which brought a soft chuckle to my lips.

The woman leaned forward, accentuating her curves and gazing up at me with a cutesy expression while maintaining a curious look on her face.

"I don't actually have any children, I just like coming out here to shout at them. It's just a relaxing hobby of mine," I replied jokingly, however, her expression shifted to one of concern. Realizing my joke had gone over her head, I pointed towards Eri, saying, "Not really mine, but the silver-haired one over there, bothering that anthill. I'm more like an uncle to her, after her family passed away not too long ago."

The woman's guarded demeanor softened, and she let out a sigh, her expression turning sad. "That is tragic," she replied, after an awkward moment of silence. Gathering her courage, she asked, "So... I don't see a ring on your finger. Does that mean you're taking care of her alone?"

Flattered by the attention but firm in my response, I replied without hesitation, "I'm not really on the market, and besides, my girlfriend is helping out."

The woman immediately felt the need to defend herself, straightening up and crossing her arms defensively. "And who said I was coming onto you?" she retorted, adding with a wolfish smile, "But if you don't have a ring, you're fair game." She playfully wiggled her eyebrows, trying to assert her confidence.

I couldn't help but chuckle, playing along with her game. I gave her a once-over, and she seemed pleased with the attention. She was a good 7 out of 10 in terms of looks, with black hair, brown eyes, and a fit body, curvy in all the right places. However, my travels had exposed me to countless gorgeous women, and she didn't even come close to the top half of them.

"I've seen better," I commented with ruthless honesty, grinning as I looked away. While it might have been a bold statement, it was the truth. There were plenty of stunning women in this world, not counting the multiverse, and she simply didn't make the cut.

Her eyes widened in surprise, and she huffed indignantly. "How dare you!" she shouted, but I paid little attention to her words. Using [Mental Domain], I discreetly encouraged her to move on, then called out to Eri, "We're heading home!"

"But-" Eri began to protest, as she ran up to me, but I cut her off, saying, "No buts, it's getting late. We can come back tomorrow if you'd like."

Her eyes lit up with excitement, but I couldn't help but notice the calculating glint in her gaze. She quickly composed herself, crossed her arms, and looked away, trying to hide her eagerness. "Alright, but in exchange, I want pancakes," she declared confidently.

I couldn't help but snort at her attempt at negotiation, amused by her determination. A grin spread across my face as I replied, "Sure, but only if you promise to eat your greens." I knew the importance of a balanced diet, especially for growing kids, and I wanted to make sure she took care of herself.

Her pout deepened as she weighed the pros and cons of the deal, but ultimately she nodded in agreement. Extending her hand for a handshake, she made the gesture feel like a formal agreement. "You have a deal," she said, sealing our little arrangement.

I shook her hand, still chuckling at the entire exchange. As we prepared to head back home, I couldn't help but wonder if the intelligence boost and augmented growth enchantments from the earrings had anything to do with her savvy negotiation skills. Nonetheless, I shrugged off the thought, feeling that such intelligence would only benefit her in the long run.

"Let's go," I said, taking her hand in mine. "Aunty Olivia will be coming home shortly. She makes the world's best pancakes. You can pester her about them."

As we continued our walk back home, the thought of introducing Eri to Olivia made me pause and reflect. I knew Olivia had a tendency to get attached to people quickly, and it concerned me considering my plan to find a family to care for Eri once I give her the quirks I promised. I expected Olivia to protest, but I also hoped that this time, it wouldn't be as bad as last time.

The journey was relatively uneventful until, suddenly, a massive explosion erupted just a few buildings down the street, and my senses immediately heightened. Reacting instinctively, I activated [Annihilation], creating a protective barrier around us, and slicing through a two-ton slab of concrete like butter. The barrier not only shielded us from the flying debris but also buffered the shockwave and the deafening sound, keeping Eri safe and sound.

With a focused grimace on my face, I moved quickly, utilizing my mastery over time to freeze everything and everyone around us. The world seemed to come to a standstill as if time itself had halted. It was a surreal moment, and I scanned the frozen scene for any signs of danger or threats.

In this temporal stasis, I assessed the situation and considered the potential sources of the explosion. My keen senses allowed me to swiftly analyze the situation, but for the moment, I found no immediate danger.

With Eri protected within the safety of the barrier, I decided to investigate the epicenter of the explosion. Walking through the motionless debris and people, I cautiously made my way toward the source of the blast, swatting away levitating steel and stone. Arriving there, I found a single muscular man standing with his hands on his hips, his mouth wide open mid-laugh.

Using [Mental Domain], I probed his mind and discovered that he was nothing more than a low-level villain without any significant backing. He had intended to rob the store he had just demolished, but a hero had intervened, resulting in the explosion as retaliation. The said hero, now laid on the other side of the street, almost split in half, barely hanging on a thread.

While he posed no real threat to me, the ability within him piqued my interest. It wasn't for my own gain but for Olivia. The power I discovered could potentially open up new possibilities for her, and a grin spread across my lips as I considered the fortuitous encounter.

With gratitude for my luck, I carefully extracted a drop of his blood using [Overhaul] and deposited it into a test tube. At the same time, I activated [All For One], and claimed his power of [Self-Myomancy] as my own.

[Self-Myomancy LVL: 1/100]

- Allows the user to gain full conscious control over all of their muscles, from major muscle groups to fine motor skills.

- Enhances physical prowess and coordination, granting the user exceptional agility, strength, and precision in their movements.

- Provides the ability to consciously manipulate muscle fibers, allowing for faster muscle recovery and reduced fatigue during physical exertion.

Satisfied with my newly acquired ability, I dealt with the low-level villain swiftly and decisively. Breaking his neck with a clenched hand, I returned to Eri and restarted the flow of time. An isolation bubble enveloped her, shielding her from the destruction and cries of pain, while an illusionary world presented a calming façade.

"It's not safe here. Let's get out of here," I said to Eri, offering her a comforting smile as she reached for my hand. With hurried steps, we walked away from the devastation, my focus solely on keeping her safe. I had no interest in fixing the mess left behind or reviving anyone—it was not my responsibility, and I had no inclination to intervene.

Curiosity got the better of Eri as she looked around, trying to make sense of what had just happened. "What happened there, Uncle Andy?"

I assured her with a smile, "Nothing you need to worry about, munchkin. The valiant heroes already took care of it."

Still, she seemed fascinated by the idea of meeting heroes, and she turned around, gazing back in the direction we had come from. "Could we go back and see the heroes?" Her hopeful expression led her to ask.

"Why would we?" I replied with a playful smile, knowing what awaited her back home. "We have two strong heroes already waiting for us at home! And I bet you will love to meet one of them!"

Her eyes lit up with excitement, and her anticipation became palpable. She increased her pace, tugging at my arm eagerly. "We need to hurry! What are you waiting for, Uncle?"

I couldn't help but roll my eyes affectionately, my smile growing wider. "Coming, coming," I assured her, allowing her enthusiasm to guide us back home.

It didn't take us long to reach the apartment, and fortunately, both Olivia and Sky were already home. Olivia was lounging on the sofa, engrossed in something on TV when my presence caught her attention. She perked up and greeted me with a wave, her curiosity piqued by the sight of Eri standing shyly behind me.

"Hi, Andy. Who's the little missy next to you?" Olivia inquired as she approached us.

"Olivia, this is Eri. Eri, meet Aunty Olivia," I introduced them, gently pushing Eri forward, while Olivia gave me a questioning glance.

Eri seemed a bit timid, fidgeting with her hands as she mumbled a soft, "Hello, Aunty."

With warmth and charm, Olivia squatted down to Eri's eye level, flashing her a wide smile. "Hi, Andy has told me so much about you!" she exclaimed.

"Uncle did?" Eri looked at me with confusion, and I nodded to reassure her that it was true.

"Oh, you bet he did," Olivia continued playfully. "He said you're the prettiest and smartest girl he has ever seen, and honestly after I've seen you, I can only agree with him. I'm so jealous."

Amused by their exchange, I interjected, rolling my eyes. "Alright, alright. I promised Eri that you'll make her the best pancakes in the world."

Olive raised an eyebrow, looking amused. "Oh, did you now?" she said with a playful tone.

Eri immediately confirmed, "He did!"

I playfully poked Eri's cheeks and asked, "But what did we agree on?"

Eri reluctantly replied, "That I'll eat the veggies first..."

As Olivia observed our interactions, a genuine smile graced her face. I couldn't help but notice, and I turned toward her, raising an eyebrow curiously. "What?"

She shook her head, still smiling, and simply replied, "Nothing..."

With Olivia's exceptional cooking skill at tier three, she effortlessly conjured up a feast of heavenly food, true to her promise. Eri eagerly gobbled up her veggies, earning a well-deserved stack of pancakes, which she devoured with evident delight. After lunch, Eri and Sky teamed up for some playtime, dashing around the apartment as Sky experimented with her shadow manipulation abilities. I couldn't help but notice the similarities to the spell I had encountered in the DanMachi world, the Shadow Step.

Meanwhile, Olivia and I settled comfortably on the sofa, shutting off our minds to the mind-numbing TV series playing in the background. Instead, we found solace in each other's warmth, cuddled up together. It was the perfect moment to conduct research on our next world while enjoying the simple pleasure of each other's company.

I turned my attention to Olivia, breaking the comfortable silence between us. "How was your day?" I inquired, as an uninteresting fight scene played out on the screen.

"Annoying," she replied, pouting slightly. "Your little stunt caused me half a day of investigation, and then another half of questioning."

I felt sheepish, apologizing, "Sorry about that."

She shrugged, her annoyance softening. "Meh, I lived through it. Besides, for once, it was for a good reason, so I'm not complaining."

I attempted to defend myself, saying, "Hey, it's not like I'm always causing trouble..." but she raised an eyebrow, implying that I did indeed have a track record of getting into peculiar situations. "Fine," I conceded with a roll of my eyes, realizing that I couldn't escape my adventurous nature.

Changing the subject, I smiled and revealed the gifts I had for her. "By the way, I got you a present, well actually, two." From my inventory, I produced the sword-shaped earrings and an intricate paw-shaped dog tag, presenting them to her with a heartfelt expression. "These are the first presents. It will allow you a seamless communication with Sky, even if you're dimensions apart." I said, eager to see her reaction.

Her eyes lit up with excitement as she delicately traced the edge of the blade, inadvertently cutting her finger on its sharpness. She looked at me with a puzzled expression, and I couldn't help but chuckle at her innocent curiosity. "It's not bound to you yet. Just drip some blood on it, and I'll activate the Bloodbound enchantment to make sure this won't happen again," I explained with a smile.

Eagerly complying, a small crimson droplet appeared on her finger as she temporarily disabled her regeneration skills, allowing the previously made cut to remain open. The droplet of blood fell onto the earrings, igniting the enchantments with a bright light. For a moment, her eyes seemed to cloud over as the user manual was transmitted into her mind, and then a wide grin spread across her face.

The earrings levitated from my palm, flying to her before separating and attaching to both of her ears. She propped herself up and planted a loving kiss on my lips, expressing her gratitude. "They are wonderful. Thank you."

[Edge of Expansion] (Set Item)

{Rarity: Uncommon}

{Bonus Parameters: None}

{Enchantments: Reinforced Durability, Sticky, Mana Saturation, Enhanced Reflexes, Enhanced Vitality, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Agility, Enhanced Perception, Enhanced Intelligence, Enhanced Regeneration, Auto Healing, Auto Shielding, Auto Parry, Temperature Regulation, Air Filter, Link, Locator, Universal Translation, Universal Energy Conversion, Mana Battery, Sharpness, Remote Control, Inheritance, Bloodbound, Everbound, Dimensional Anchor}

{Bonus Abilities: Extend}

{Requirements: Olivia Lane or descendants}

I couldn't help but wonder how much of an impact the enhancement enchantments would have on us. However, to my disappointment, after giving her status screen a quick glance, it turned out to be a mere one-percent boost. I contemplated the possibility of stacking these enchantments, but I understood that there should be some limits to how items could augment our abilities.

"Place a drop of Sky's blood on the dog tag, and it will be bound to her. It has similar enchantments to yours and will allow you to find her and communicate with her anywhere and anytime. It has more defensive enchantments than your earrings, but contrary to them, it does not have any offensive ones. However, it gained an interesting ability when I embedded a concept into it. From my understanding, it will allow her to create an independent shadow copy of herself." I explained.

[Eclipse Paw]

{Rarity: Uncommon}

{Bonus Parameters: None}

{Enchantments: Reinforced Durability, Mana Saturation, Enhanced Reflexes, Enhanced Vitality, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Agility, Enhanced Perception, Enhanced Intelligence, Enhanced Regeneration, Umbral Affinity, Auto Healing, Auto Shielding, Temperature Regulation, Air Filter, Link, Locator, Universal Translation, Universal Energy Conversion, Mana Battery, Inheritance, Bloodbound, Everbound, Dimensional Anchor}

{Bonus Abilities: Shadow Mirage}

{Requirements: Blood binding}

"Thank you, she will be delighted," Olivia said with gratitude, giving me another kiss.

"And lastly, this," I said, taking her hands and activating [All For One], transferring the skill I stole earlier today.

A ping resounded in Olivia's mind, signaling her acquisition of a new skill, and she gave me a puzzled look. "Don't we need [Soul Cohesion] to share skills?"

"I'm not sharing it; I'm giving it to you. It's the ability of one of my new skills," I explained.

She nodded in understanding and quickly checked the system notification. "[Self-Myomancy]?" She questioned, sounding confused.

"If you master that skill, you'll have full control over any and all muscles in your body," I said with a smile. "It will be useful in fights, whether on the battlefield or in the bedroom," I added playfully, earning a playful swat from her.

"Andy!" Olivia exclaimed, her cheeks blushing rose-pink.

Grinning mischievously, I continued, "Well, it could also help during childbirth, especially in combination with one of my new skills," I said, activating [Overhaul] and making a slight modification to her body.

I could see the confusion in Olivia's eyes as she felt something had changed within her, but she couldn't quite comprehend what it was. Suddenly, a light brush of the fabric against her nether regions elicited a loud moan that escaped her lips, leaving her utterly shocked and embarrassed.

She quickly covered her mouth and shot me a death glare, "Undo whatever you just did before -" but before she could finish her sentence, I lightly poked her erect nipples through her shirt, causing her to bite down on her lips to suppress the intense orgasm that left her body convulsing.

"Oh, yeah, we will have so much fun with this," I said with a mischievous grin, noticing a mix of fear and anticipation in her eyes.