MHA 11

Olivia lay atop me, covered in sweat, her breath ragged, and her muscles spasming involuntarily, and I couldn't help but wonder if I had gone too far. Despite her immense stamina, the overstimulation of experiencing multiple orgasms without a refractory period was clearly taking a toll on her. She had, mostly willingly, offered her body and most of her orifices for the advancement of my advanced scientific research.

And oh boy were there advancements.

"You... beast..." she muttered, her words interspersed between labored breaths, causing me to chuckle. With our bodies still intertwined, the sudden tremor inside her body sent another wave of ecstasy through her, resulting in another moan of pleasure escaping her lips, while her fingers dug deep into my skin.

"I love you too," I replied, wrapping my arms around her as a sly grin spread across my face.

After putting Sky and Eri to sleep, I had the foresight to put up a sound barrier around our bedroom. The day had been exhausting for both of them, and they fell asleep almost immediately.

[Overhaul] was an incredible ability, allowing me to rearrange matter on a molecular scale. However, with both of us constantly having [Shapeshift] active, I wasn't sure if it could work on our bodies at all. Still, I conducted a few tests on myself while waiting for Eri in the park yesterday. During those experiments, I discovered that, for some reason, it couldn't affect my DNA but could alter the building blocks of my body—my cells.

I could make my appendages, longer and thicker, change their shape at will, and even alter how my organs worked.

Armed with that information, I decided to experiment further while bringing Olivia to new heights of pleasure. I expanded her sensitivity by tremendously increasing the number of nerve endings in her primary and secondary sexual characteristics, enabling her to climax from the lightest touch. Even the slightest flick rendered her defenseless and quivering with pleasure.

Despite our intense sexual experimentation and escapades, the system stubbornly refused to unlock any Eromancy skills or classes. It was disheartening, and I couldn't help but feel a deep sadness in my heart. Despite my earnest wishes and hopes, it seemed that there was no Eromancer class within the Library system.

Seeing Olivia's satisfied grin, I concluded that the experiment had been a grand success. However, I knew the importance of thorough research, so I decided to collect a few more data samples in the nearby future for further analysis.

But for now, I could see how exhausted she was, as if she had been in a life-or-death battle for an extended period of time. Reluctantly, I decided to give her some mercy. Activating [Overhaul] once again, I restored her body to its original state, saving her from experiencing any additional unexpected climaxes.

I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close, and kissed her forehead gently. "You can rest now, my love," I whispered, my voice filled with tenderness.

Olivia nodded weakly, a soft smile still on her lips. "That was... intense," she managed to say between breaths. "But I don't regret it. Not one bit," she added with a grin.

"Neither do I," I replied with a satisfied smirk, making her playfully roll her eyes.

"I've got a day off tomorrow, wanna walk around town?" she asked, giving me a hopeful look.

Humming thoughtfully, I reviewed my plans for tomorrow, or should I say today, and replied, "If you take Eri off my hands in the morning, I'll finish analyzing the DNA samples I've collected, experiment with them for a bit, then I can give Eri her new abilities, and find her a loving family." Her little date had changed some of my plans for some Quacker shenanigans, but I could adapt.

"Sure," she replied with a shrug, "But, are you sure that's a good idea? You seemed to be quite attached to the little girl."

"Me?" I asked, trying to feign innocence, "You're imagining things."

Olivia chuckled softly, her fingers gently tracing patterns on my chest. "Oh, really? So, you weren't the one who insisted on taking her to the park yesterday, and then spent the entire time playing with her and watching her every move?" she teased, raising an eyebrow playfully.

I huffed, trying to suppress a smile, "Well, I'll let you know the park outing was just because I needed some fresh air."

"Uh-huh, sure," Olivia said, her eyes dancing with amusement. "You're just a big softie, Andy. Admit it, you've grown fond of her."

"Okay, fine," I relented with a laugh, "Maybe I have. But that doesn't mean I'm going to change my mind about finding her a good family. She deserves to be with people who can give her a stable and loving home."

Olivia nodded in agreement, her expression softening. "I know you're doing what's best for her. And I trust your judgment, Andy."

I leaned down, pressing a soft kiss on her lips. "Thank you for understanding," I said, my voice filled with gratitude. "And thank you for everything you've done. You've been amazing, as always."

She smiled warmly, her fingers gently caressing my cheek. "You're welcome. And you're amazing too, even if you try to act all tough and scientific."

I chuckled, pulling her closer. "I'm just a mad scientist with a heart, I guess."

She snuggled against me, resting her head on my chest. "And that's why I love you," she whispered.

We stayed like that, wrapped in each other's arms, finding comfort and solace in the love we shared, until sleep finally claimed us.

The next day began in chaos as I may have forgotten to disable the sound barrier during the night. We were abruptly woken up by a hyperactive girl and an excited puppy, bursting into the room and nearly causing me to accidentally blast them apart with magic.

Thankfully, even in my groggy state, my reflexes were fast enough to cancel my already-launched spell. However, it led to comforting a crying and frightened little girl and cleaning up the wet spot the embarrassed puppy had made. Yeah... Fun times.

After breakfast, Olivia took Sky and Eri out for some exploration, giving me the perfect opportunity to seclude myself in my makeshift mad scientist lair - my study in the trunk.

Unwilling to spend the whole day analyzing genetic samples, I utilized magic to enchant the machines and automate their functions. Additionally, I employed temporal magic not only on the equipment but also on the room itself, speeding up the sequencing process and granting me enough time to have some fun today. Though it was a significant drain on mana, the seconds required to finish the complete DNA sequencing made it worth the invested resources, especially with thousands of blood samples waiting in my inventory.

In the end, the enchanting and automation process took longer than the actual gene sequencing, leaving me with plenty of time to analyze the data.

Each human genome contained data equivalent to about 3 gigabytes of information, but fortunately, the advanced computer from the Star Trek world was more than capable of handling and analyzing the data. With the wealth of medical research available within its database, I had access to fully sequenced human genomes', making the progress in my research incredibly efficient.

Armed with the knowledge from their advanced biology texts and the wealth of genetic information from the Star Trek world, I embarked on a comprehensive analysis of the meta human abilities. By comparing the fully sequenced human genome with the genetic data of meta humans, I could identify the specific genes responsible for their extraordinary powers.

After filtering out the genome pairs that matched standard humans, I focused on the ones that deviated, eventually pinpointing 64 genes that seemed to be linked to the manifestation of meta abilities. However, amidst this fascinating discovery, a concerning pattern emerged.

Upon closer examination, I noticed a significant reduction in the telomeres of those who had undergone what I termed "awakening" and "secondary awakening," referring to the manifestation and evolution of their meta abilities. Eri's case was particularly concerning, as her telomeres appeared to be in a severely degraded state.

For those that don't have a basic understanding of genetics, telomeres are repetitive sequences of genetic material located at the ends of chromosomes. They play a crucial role in protecting the integrity of the DNA during cell division, effectively acting as a "cap" to prevent the loss of genetic information. As cells divide, their telomeres gradually shorten, ultimately leading to cell senescence and, eventually, cell death.

The drastic reduction in telomeres among meta humans indicated that their abilities were directly linked to this accelerated aging process. I already knew this particular version of the My Hero Academia had an issue with meta human lifespan. However, it became appeared that not only the evolution but also the very manifestation of their powers came at the cost of their own lifespans.

This revelation was both intriguing and troubling. As I continued my research, I couldn't help but wonder if there might be a way to mitigate this detrimental effect, not only for Eri's sake but also for the future species I was planning on making.

As I calculated Eri's estimated lifespan, my heart sank with the realization that it would reach only her mid-thirties at best, and her late twenties at worst. The gravity of this discovery weighed heavily on my shoulders, and I knew I had to find a solution to extend her life.

With determination in my eyes, I vowed to use [Overhaul], to fix this situation. If necessary, I would push the boundaries of the skill and even evolve it to achieve the desired outcome.

It was ironic, in a dark and twisted way, that the very ability that caused her so much distress might be the key to saving her.

As I refocused my attention on the information displayed on the screen, my eyes scanned through the genetic data of the various samples, searching for patterns and correlations. Swiftly, I identified the gene sequences responsible for the Mutant Quirks, which caused physical changes and granted additional appendages. The next challenge was finding the genetic sequences associated with Transformation Quirks, which allowed users to temporarily shift their bodies.

However, the most complex and elusive ones were the Emitter Quirks, granting users seemingly magical or, in my opinion, psionic abilities. These abilities defied conventional scientific explanations, and understanding the underlying genetic basis for such powers presented a daunting task.

As I continued my work, minutes turned into hours, and the research became all-consuming. Immersed in the world of genetic data and creation-based abilities, I felt a sense of purpose and urgency like never before.

By the end of the first day inside the trunk, only about fifteen minutes have passed in the outside world, and I had successfully mapped out most of the genetic sequences responsible for the different Quirk types. Exhausted but determined, I took a short rest and freshened up before moving on to the next phase of the project: testing.

With the combined powers of my [Life Weaver] and [Creator] titles, I gained greater control over my creation-based abilities while reducing their mana cost. Using the genetic sequence of an individual with electromagnetic wave manipulation as a template, I unlocked the full potential of my mind, activating all of my mental skills one by one.

The air crackled with energy as mana coalesced and took form, gradually building a human body from the ground up. With each pulse of energy, mana solidified into quarks, forming electrons, neutrons, and protons. Another surge of energy compelled the primordial soup to form atoms and molecules, guiding them into proteins, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, and lipids – the building blocks of life. Slowly but surely, bones, organs, and muscles took shape, following the blueprint provided by the genetic data.

In perfect harmony, my mind and abilities worked as one, each step of the process executed with precision. It was a delicate dance of creation, where I meticulously ensured that every gene was expressed correctly, every detail fell into place, and every element aligned harmoniously.

With a final surge of energy, I breathed life into my creation, setting its biological processes in motion. A smile spread across my face as my handiwork took its first breath, its steady heartbeat signaling the success of my complex creation. Thanks to the power of my equipped titles and the [Mastery of Natural Creation] ability, my creation possessed a basic understanding of its identity and most of its capabilities.

I swiftly cast several analysis spells, checking its vitals and ensuring that its biological systems functioned as intended. However, during this process, I noticed something peculiar—its heartbeat was elevated, and its cortisol levels were high, indicating pain that I couldn't immediately identify the cause of.

My heart sank as I continued my observation and analysis, witnessing the grimace on its face and tears streaming down its chin. With a grunt, it fell on its knees, convulsing and screaming from the pain that assaulted its being. I contemplated terminating my research and starting again, fearing that I had made a grave mistake. However, my determination to uncover the true cause of this predicament kept me going.

"Shut up," I ordered, annoyed by the noise. My command, empowered by my titles and skills, forcefully shut its mouth. Its eyes went wide, unable to open its mouth, and it continued to wriggle in pain but couldn't utter a sound. I continued to investigate the cause, and finally, after what seemed like ages, I stumbled upon the truth.

At the moment of its conception, my creation lacked a soul, but that was slowly changing. A seed of a soul was sprouting within it, gradually binding itself to its body. It was a phenomenon I had never encountered before, and it filled me with both awe and concern. I knew I couldn't turn a blind eye to this discovery, as it could potentially unlock a whole new understanding of life and existence.

As I delved into the metaphysical layer of its being, my analytical spells morphed and shifted, granting me the ability to observe the intricate process unfolding before my eyes. I was cautious, afraid of accidentally interrupting or affecting the delicate process, while also taking detailed notes to deepen my understanding of souls. It was evident that some kind of world laws or concepts were responsible for this phenomenon, but my knowledge of their workings was limited.

However, as I observed the birth of a soul, a surge of bioelectricity within its being started to build up, reaching a dangerous level. As sparks of green electricity shot out in all directions, the room was filled with crackling energy, vaporizing the ground and scorching the walls. In a split second, my quick reflexes reacted, forming protective shields and saving the delicate equipment laying around from destruction.

Despite the chaos, I couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity and fascination at the sight before me.

With a swift thought, I sent a pulse of mana to knock it out and end the outburst of electricity, but the static charge still lingered in the air, a testament to the power it possessed. I carefully observed the aftermath, trying to understand what had just happened, and the answer soon dawned on me - the stress and pain of the situation had caused its Quirk to evolve.

Annoyed by the unexpected development, I placed my palm on its head, activating [Power Absorption] to claim its power as my own, effectively shutting off the source of the static electricity in the air.

[Electromagnetic Spectrum Manipulation LVL: 1/100]

- Allows the user to control and manipulate the entire electromagnetic spectrum, giving them unprecedented power over electromagnetic radiation and energy.

- Enables the user to perceive and analyze electromagnetic waves, including radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays, providing a unique form of enhanced perception and awareness.

- Grants the ability to generate and emit electromagnetic waves at will, which can be utilized for various offensive and defensive applications.

- Allows the user to absorb and convert electromagnetic energy from their surroundings, providing a nearly limitless source of power to fuel their abilities.

The evolution of its Quirk was nothing short of remarkable. The original host could only manipulate electromagnetic waves, but the advancement of my test subject had taken it to an entirely new level.

"Suck it, Magneto," I muttered with a grin on my face, unable to resist the playful jab at the famous comic book character known for his magnetic abilities.

I knew I had to be careful with this newfound power. Its potential was immense, and I had plans to evolve it into an ability that could potentially affect the fundamental forces of the universe. Activating the skill guidance menu, I set it up so the skill would evolve in that direction. If all went according to plan, in the future, the skill should encompass not only electromagnetic waves but also gravity, weak and strong forces, expanding its influence to a level beyond comprehension.

With that under control, I continued my in-depth observation of the forming soul, taking every precaution to avoid any unwanted disturbances or complications, while frantically jotting down notes. The soul's development was a delicate process, and I couldn't afford any missteps.

However, it soon became apparent that the process had taken a heavy toll on its body. Within minutes of its start, my creation and test subject breathed its last, leaving me contemplating the cause.

Remembering the pain I experienced after suffering soul damage, the only theory I could come up with for the cause of its death was the rapid growth and unnatural expansion of the newborn soul, trying to fully encompass the entire being of my creation instead of gradually growing as it aged. However, to test that theory, I would need more preparation and was unwilling to attempt it right now.

In the end, the test with the template was a partial success. It was now time to move on to the second part of my experiments: attempting to modify the genetic data and create or modify abilities.

With a wave of my hand, I restored the room to its previous pristine state and simultaneously dematerialized the remains of my creation. I then sat down on the chair in front of my desk and immersed myself in my mind, delving into the vast amount of genetic data and using [Optimize] to streamline the process.