Speedrun 2

In an abrupt and dazzling blaze of light, I found myself ankle-deep in the infuriating grasp of sand – the bane of all comfortable footwear. With an audible groan of displeasure, I extracted my feet from the sandy clutches, cursing the persistent grains that had dared to invade the sanctity of my shoes. However, I knew, their victory was yet to be set in stone.

I acted swiftly, manipulating my wristwatch through a sequence of clicks that triggered a surge of energy coursing through the fabric covering my body. The nanites coating my form, resembling miniature spider-like machines, sprang to life with remarkable efficiency. Their tireless efforts commenced, meticulously removing every grain of sand that had dared to trespass between my toes. In a small triumph, I emerged victorious, a self-satisfied smirk gracing my lips as my feet were liberated from the sandy siege.

The brief sense of triumph I felt was overshadowed by the realization that I remained utterly clueless about my current location, and potentially even the timeframe. My smug expression gave way to a more contemplative one as I grappled with this disorienting truth.

I turned my attention to my surroundings, my curiosity overriding any lingering frustration. Analyzing the sun's position directly above me, I deduced that it was likely mid-day. However, without accurate information about my longitude and the specific date, my conclusions remained tentative at best. The uncertainty of my situation gnawed at me, fueling a desire to uncover more about this enigmatic world.

"I entrusted you with the entrance and the story, but seriously..." I muttered under my breath with a resigned sigh, acknowledging that this world was certainly not the grim Mad Max wasteland I might have anticipated. Frustrated yet determined, I expanded my spatial awareness to its limits, striving to gather clues about my situation. Alas, the landscape yielded no peculiarities, no signs of imminent alien invasions or ongoing wars. It was a puzzle that refused to be easily solved.

"Quests," I spoke aloud, hoping that the available quests might shed some light on the enigma. Unfortunately, my hopes were dashed.

[Quest overview has been disabled.]

A trace of a grimace tugged at my lips. "Fine, let's play it your way," I retorted with a hint of sarcasm directed toward the heavens. Though it was unnecessary, I had the ability to access my system settings and reactivate the Quest System. Yet, that would be an admission of defeat, diminishing the challenge I had set for myself.

Cracking my neck and flexing my fingers, I summoned a determined grin. "Let's see how long it takes to uncover something substantial about this world."

Harnessing the vast capabilities of my mind, I fragmented my consciousness into innumerable mental instances, each one meticulously attuned to a different facet of observation. With calculated precision, I activated my [Intuitive Aptitude] skill in conjunction with a host of other mental abilities. As though a symphony of insights was playing out before me, I absorbed data from my surroundings and instantaneously forged intricate connections between various pieces of information.

The revelation began to unfurl:

"Atmospheric composition – Nitrogen 78.08%, Oxygen 20.95%, Argon 0.93%, Carbon dioxide 0.04%, and trace amounts of twelve other elements."

"Sediment composition – 95% igneous and metamorphic rocks, 4% shale, 0.75% sandstone, and 0.25% limestone."

"Continental plates – Seven major and eight minor, with stable conditions."

"Conclusion with 100% certainty – Location: Earth," I murmured with a sense of triumph, finally deciphering the identity of the celestial body beneath my feet.

A triumphant grin etched itself upon my features, and I couldn't help but quip, "That rules out about fifty percent of the worlds from our list," fully aware of how this discovery narrowed down the vast array of possibilities I could have ended up in. But I was far from finished; my quest for understanding pressed onward. Activating spatial gates throughout the planet, I expanded my observations, determined to extract as much knowledge as I could from this familiar yet enigmatic realm.

The rapid succession of insights continued to cascade through my mind, a whirlwind of information converging into a coherent whole:

"Population – Mundane Humans," I deduced with remarkable swiftness, narrowing down the inhabitants of this world to the familiar human race.

"Technological Level – early 21st century," I muttered, my intrigue deepening as I assimilated this crucial detail.

Summoning the power of Technopathy, my mental tendrils extended across the digital landscape, effortlessly breaching firewalls and security protocols, infiltrating servers and personal devices with unparalleled finesse. The vast expanse of the internet unfurled before me, yet my search yielded no extraordinary revelations. The analysis of countless files and data streams concluded in the blink of an eye, leaving me somewhat disheartened.

"Nothing in the media, or at anyone of significant importance..." I mumbled undeterred, and shifted my focus towards the realm of the supernatural, exploring the potential existence of mystical and otherworldly elements.

"Space and Dimensional Wall – Stable, Spatial and Dimensional invasion ruled out."

"No mana present in the environment – about 50% of supernatural worlds ruled out."

Frustration welled up within me, and I couldn't help but vent my exasperation aloud: "Where the heck am I?" My annoyance, however, quickly transformed into realization, a realization that left me incredulous: "Oh, if Index sent me here months or years before a significant event, I swear I'll wring him out of his bindings."

Resolute and irritated, I waved my hand, manipulating the fabric of time itself and accelerating its flow to a breakneck pace, hurtling through moments as if they were mere grains of sand in an hourglass.

[Quest: -Undisclosed- Failed]

[Quest: -Undisclosed- Failed]

I instinctively halted the accelerated flow of time as the notifications flashed before me, a sense of realization and curiosity intertwining within me. "Two quests simultaneously?" I mused aloud, intrigued by this peculiar turn of events.

I hopped back into the digital realm, however, once again, my efforts yielded no concrete answers. With a resigned sigh, I wielded the power of temporal manipulation once more, this time rewinding time at a leisurely pace of five seconds per day, allowing me to meticulously inspect each moment.

[Quest: -Undisclosed- Reinstated]

[Quest: -Undisclosed- Reinstated]

With the reappearance of the notifications on my interface, I swiftly intervened to halt the progression of time. Utilizing the capabilities of my watch, I fine-tuned my temporal awareness, pinpointing my current date and time as February 18, 2014.

"The asshole sent me here 10 months before the event even occurred," I muttered, a grimace forming on my face.

Yet, this revelation held little significance for me, as the specific date didn't evoke any notable memories or connections. Seeking to gather more insights, I decided to rewind time once again, this time focusing on the previous day.

Utilizing my watch, my mind once again delved into the vast expanse of the internet, scouring the wealth of information for any upcoming events within the next 24 hours. The results were overwhelming, presenting me with an array of appointments, festivals, parties, and countless other happenings spanning the globe.

My frustration surfaced audibly as I sighed in annoyance. "Not even fifteen minutes into this challenge, and I'm already annoyed by it," I muttered to myself, shaking my head at my own impatience.

I decided to take a moment for comfort, conjuring an armchair and parasol from the transformed sand beneath me. A refreshing cold drink with an umbrella and ice materialized from my inventory as I settled into my makeshift oasis, dedicating my full focus to scrutinizing the list of events slated for the following day.

Time dragged on slowly as I perused the mundane details of everyday appointments and gatherings, my interest waning with each passing entry. Yet, in a sudden twist, my mental faculties jolted to a halt as my [Intuitive Aptitude] skill facilitated a connection between three disparate pieces of information. In that instant, the fog of uncertainty lifted, revealing the truth of my whereabouts, purpose, and timeframe.

A chuckle escaped my lips as I pieced together the puzzle. "The ten months wasn't a mistake—it was April," I mused aloud, shaking my head at the cleverness of the enigmatic book. The realization hit me like a revelation, and I could almost envision the mischievous grin on the cover of that magical book back in the Library, eagerly anticipating my return with a sense of smug satisfaction.

With a mixture of frustration and amusement, I muttered my discontent about the state of this world's narrative. "This world is a masterpiece, but fuck the ending..." I grumbled, my dissatisfaction evident. However, a chuckle bubbled up from within me, and I couldn't help but add, "What's the point of having so much power if I can't shape reality to match my vision?" My grin widened as I fully embraced the idea of altering the course of this story, not even because of the quests, but solely because I wanted to.

Standing up from the comfort of my conjured oasis, I manipulated space itself to teleport to a hospital in Tokyo. The abrupt transition from a Saharan desert to a sterile medical environment was jarring, and the scent of hospital disinfectant invaded my senses, prompting a displeased scrunch of my nose. Hospitals held a weight of dark memories from my earlier life, memories I preferred not to dwell upon. However, now was not the time to dwell on the past, but rather the time to alter someones future.

Amid the hushed ambiance of the late-night hospital, the intermittent beeping of medical equipment echoed through the empty corridors like an eerie symphony. My attention was drawn to a specific room, where a 14-year-old blonde violinist lay asleep, her patient chart attached to the bed's frame. It bore the stark announcement of her scheduled spine operation the following day, along with the haunting label of her ailment—Friedreich's Ataxia.

My [Biology] skill sprang to life, flooding my mind with knowledge about this cruel affliction. In the Star Trek world, the disease had long been vanquished through genetic manipulation. However, in this world, Friedreich's Ataxia was a rare inherited disorder that systematically wreaked havoc on the patient's nervous system, leading to an array of debilitating symptoms including movement problems, paralysis, and ultimately, death. The condition was incurable by the standards of this reality, as the patient's spinal cord nerve fibers progressively degenerated.

A momentary blankness overtook my thoughts as the memories from my studies resurfaced. The disease's onset typically occurred between the ages of 5 and 15, marked by a wide range of symptoms ranging from trouble walking and fatigue to chest pain and breathing problem, it matched her symptoms remarkably well. Tragically, only a few patients managed to survive into their thirties.

Having identified the world, even though I've previously seen the quests, deducing their likely nature would still be a straightforward task — save the girl and get her to attend the concert. My current capabilities made this task relatively straightforward, but I decided to inject a touch of amusement into the situation.

The idea of recreating a fairytale scenario, with the pianist Kousei playing the role of the prince who awakens her from slumber with a kiss of true love, flitted across my mind. However, upon further consideration, I dismissed the notion as impractical and potentially creepy, given the circumstances.

Instead, I approached the sleeping girl's bed with a mischievous smile and began gently, yet persistently, booping her nose. Her scrunching nose and annoyed swatting motions in response to the pestering were met with my unabated enthusiasm. I was undeterred by her half-asleep protests and continued the playful assault, my grin widening with each successful boop.

After what felt like an eternity of booping, her eyes suddenly snapped open, catching me in the act during yet another boop. "Good morning, princess~," I said, meeting her gaze with a grin, fully aware of the elevated pulse indicated by the beep of her heart monitor. To my surprise, she merely shrugged, attributing me to a figment of her imagination. With a nonchalant gesture, she closed her eyes again and settled back under the covers, seemingly intent on returning to her slumber.

Amused by her initial reaction, I let out a soft chuckle and continued to playfully engage with her. With a mischievous glint in my eyes, I decided to escalate my interaction. I shifted my focus to her cheeks and gave them a gentle pinch, eliciting a startled yelp and a wide-eyed look of shock as she realized she wasn't alone in the dark hospital room.

Her surprise at my presence was evident, and it caused her pulse to skyrocket—an alarming development given her current state. Recognizing the potential danger, I acted swiftly. "Calm down," I urged gently, channeling my power into [Absolute Command]. The skill bent reality and forcefully induced a state of calmness in her body, reducing her stress levels and quelling her fear-induced emotions. As the calmness washed over her, her body relaxed, and she blinked blankly, clearly taken aback by her own sudden serenity.

With the immediate crisis averted, she regarded me with a calculating look, seemingly curious yet cautious. "Who are you?" she inquired, tilting her head to the side in a display of confusion.

I pondered for a moment before settling on an improvised response, a touch of whimsy in my tone. "I'm your fairy godfather," I declared, nodding in satisfaction at my chosen moniker.

The response seemed to have caught her off guard, evident by the arched brow and deadpan expression that followed. "Where are your fairy wings, or your wand?" she quipped, skepticism evident in her tone.

Suppressing a chuckle, I played along with the banter. "You're too young to see my wand," I quipped with a wink, a mischievous glint in my eyes. My attempt at humor seemed to fly over her head, leaving her further puzzled. "Probably for the better," I muttered with a faux sigh, briefly turning away before turning back to her with renewed cheerfulness. "As for my wings, well, the fairy association discontinued their use. They tended to get us stuck in weird places. You can't even imagine."

"Yeah, you're right," she agreed with a nod, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "I can't imagine it."

I continued our playful banter with a pout, feigning disappointment. "You don't seem too enthusiastic about finally meeting your fairy godfather," I teased, my tone dripping with faux hurt. I glanced at the notification that popped up, indicating that my [Acting] skill had leveled up, but I brushed it aside, my focus remaining on the interaction.

She chuckled softly, her expression shifting to a mixture of amusement and sadness. As she settled back into her bed, a hint of melancholy colored her smile. A single tear trickled down her cheek, revealing the underlying weight she carried. "Yeah... I'm sorry," she replied, her voice tinged with sincerity. "I have an operation tomorrow, and there's not a lot of chance I'll make it through."

Taking a seat beside her, I leaned in, rubbing my chin in contemplation. "But then you won't make it to Kousei's performance," I mused, a mischievous grin tugging at the corners of my lips.

She sighed a mix of resignation and a small spark of hope in her eyes. "Yeah, sadly it's at the same time," she confirmed, her hands fidgeting nervously. Her smile returned briefly, only to be replaced by a furrowed brow of confusion. Her gaze fixed on me with a mixture of shock and intrigue. "How do you know about that?"

I leaned back, my hands spreading out in an exaggerated gesture, a knowing smile gracing my lips. "Oh, sweetheart, I know everything!" I proclaimed with a wink, my fingers wiggling playfully in the air.

She responded with an eye roll, her expression matching the theatrics of my own. "But really, who are you?" she inquired, her tone a mixture of curiosity and skepticism.

I maintained my grin, my gaze meeting hers. "I already told you," I replied with an affectionate smile, "you just don't believe me."

With a hint of determination, she arched an eyebrow challengingly. "Alright, I'm going to call the nurse."

I nodded in agreement, unfazed by her threat. "You do that," I conceded with a confident nod.

Squinting her eyes, a hint of frustration crossed her features, and she weakly attempted to reach for the call button on her bedside table. Her efforts were strained, and her arms trembled with the effort.

Seeing her struggle, I moved closer, my tone gentle. "Let me help," I offered, extending my hand to assist her. With a simple click of the button, I activated the nurse call for her.

I was genuinely impressed by the swiftness with which the hospital staff arrived. In barely a blink, an older nurse practically rushed into her room, switching on the lights and immediately fussing over the young violinist.

"Miss Miyazono, did you call for assistance? How are you feeling? Is everything alright?" The nurse inquired, her focus entirely on Kaori as she meticulously assessed her vital signs. In the meantime, I lingered to the side, a bemused grin dancing on my lips.

"I'm alright," Kaori brushed off the nurse's concerns with a feeble wave of her hand, briefly glancing in my direction. "But that man over there is keeping me from sleeping," she added, tilting her head slightly in my direction.

"Who?" The nurse appeared puzzled by Kaori's comment, her gaze darting around the room with a touch of suspicion. Her eyes wandered everywhere except the space I occupied, seemingly incapable of acknowledging my presence.

"The one doing handstands just behind you!" Kaori exclaimed, prompting the nurse to pivot swiftly, her gaze scouring the area where I was goofing about. Yet, despite her efforts, her mind steadfastly refused to register my existence.

"It's no use," I remarked casually while getting back on my feet. "Only you can perceive me." I drew closer to the nurse, playfully draping an arm around her shoulders and giving her a gentle poke on her cheek. "See? She can't even sense my touch."

The confusion began to etch its way onto Kaori's features as her wide-eyed gaze alternated between me and the nurse. A trace of apprehension quivered in her voice as she turned to the nurse and inquired, "Can't you see him? He's right next to you."

"Miss Miyazono," the nurse responded with a knowing yet tender smile. She moved closer to Kaori and affectionately patted her head. "No need to be afraid, dear. Everything will be alright. Tomorrow is a big day for you, so it's best to get some rest." Her genuinely caring tone prompted Kaori to bite her lip and reluctantly nod in agreement. "If you need anything at all, don't hesitate to call me. I'll be here in an instant," she reassured, taking a step towards the door. "Would you prefer the lights to stay on?" she inquired, and Kaori nodded once again. "Wishing you sweet dreams."

With those words, the nurse left the room, leaving Kaori and me alone once again. Her gaze remained fixed on me, a mixture of curiosity and apprehension in her eyes. And I couldn't help but give her a playful wink as I sat down on the bed beside her.

"Are you genuinely real? I mean, are you here in the flesh and not just a creation of my mind?" She asked, sensing the bed shifting as I settled on it.

"What defines true reality versus mere imagination? Does a falling tree produce a sound in a forest devoid of listeners?" I replied, turning to her and arching an eyebrow. "If I were a product of your imagination, would I declare myself real or a mere illusion?"

"I honestly don't know," She answered, her face a canvas of shifting emotions.

"Nor do I, but it's certainly a thought-provoking concept," I remarked, nodding in agreement.

"If you're really my fairy godfather, where were you when I needed you?" she asked with a touch of self-deprecation in her smile as tears started to stream down her face.

"Don't get all gloomy on me, kid," I replied, playfully rolling my eyes, then waved my hand making her tears suddenly vanish. "Us fairies, we've got our hands full, you know." I said, ignoring her surprised expression.

"With what?" she choked out between quiet sobs, clearly intrigued.

"Oh, you know, the usual stuff," I said with a casual shrug. "Cooking up fairy dust, collecting teeth – ever wondered where some of your socks vanish to?" I shot her a knowing look, and she shook her head. "Yup, blame those pesky sock gnomes. Quite the troublesome bunch," I added, my displeasure evident.

"So, what kind of fairy are you?" she asked, after taking in a deep breath, seemingly captivated by the yarn I was spinning.

"You know. Just your friendly godfatherly type," I declared with a smug nod.

"And what exactly does that involve?" she queried, a perplexed expression crossing her face, her tears already forgotten.

"I make wishes come true," I said with a smile, turning towards her.

She lay there, dumbfounded, her jaw almost touching the floor. "So, Kaori-chan~," I started, "If you had a wish, what would it be?" I said tilting my head with a grin spread across my face.

(A/N: So, I got really into it and ended up making this possibly a two-chapter story (still didn't write the next one so I've got no idea). In case anyone didn't catch the hints or simply doesn't know the manga or anime, it's "Your Lie in April".)