Speedrun 3

"Can I truly wish for anything?" She asked, tilting her head curiously.

"Nearly anything," I confirmed with a nod, a playful glint in my eye, "Just don't overload me with too much work."

"A wish, huh?" She cast a contemplative glance at her frail form, her eyes brimming with calculation. After a sigh and a determined nod, she met my gaze and declared, "I wish for world peace."

"Seriously?" I couldn't help but chuckle, surprise dancing in my widened eyes. I shook my head and retorted, "Wish denied."

"Why?" She exclaimed, taken aback. "You said you could grant any wish."

"Conflict is ingrained in human nature," I explained, my head shaking. "Do you want me to reshape the thoughts of every individual, present and future, on this planet?" I quirked an eyebrow, then waved her off dismissively, "Not that I can't do it, but it's just too colossal a task... Aim for something more feasible. Like, say, a billion dollars or such."

"Put an end to world hunger?" She proposed, her head tilting in thought.

"Yeah, that's a no-go," I responded with another chuckle.

"So, what should I wish for then?" She asked, her frustration palpable. "You've granted me a wish with the potential to reshape the world, why should I waste it on myself?"

"Your intentions are noble, though somewhat naïve," I remarked, shaking my head gently. "The wish is for you, not the world. Be a bit selfish. Shape it so the person you care about never has to read that melancholic letter you wrote for him," I advised, a smile tugging at my lips. "Actually, you know what? It might be better if I show you what tomorrow holds. It'll undoubtedly alter your perspective," I proposed, grinning as I enveloped us within a temporal and spatial bubble, wrenching us from the river of time.

In an instant, our surroundings transformed, depositing us within a bustling concert hall. Kaori, visibly taken aback, hovered alongside me, our presence imperceptible to the unsuspecting crowd. Scanning the area swiftly, I located prime seating and effortlessly prompted their occupants to vacate.

"W-where are we?" Kaori stammered, a hint of distress coloring her voice, as she tried to conceal her hospital attire, not comprehending that, at that moment, we were invisible.

"Hush. It's about to start," I advised, gently guiding her into a seat. As a dark-haired boy sporting round glasses graced the stage, her focus remained fixated, her wide eyes locked onto the unfolding scene.

"Kousei?" Her whisper escaped in awe, her attention riveted as he approached the piano, anticipation electrifying the atmosphere.

Kousei Arima, the pianist, and the one who altered Kaori's fate, took his place in front of the grand piano with an air of both determination and vulnerability. The spotlight illuminated his figure, casting a dramatic shadow on the stage behind him. The hushed anticipation of the audience was palpable, and a sense of excitement filled the air.

As his fingers hovered above the keys, a wave of emotions seemed to wash over him. His eyes closed briefly, and his shoulders relaxed as if he was allowing himself to be transported into a world of his own. Then, with a deep breath, he began to play.

(A/N: "Your Lie In April – Last Performance (Full Version)". It's around 9 minutes.)

The first notes that emanated from the piano were delicate and ethereal, like the soft whisper of a gentle breeze. The melody wove its way through the concert hall, captivating the audience and drawing them into Kousei's world. His fingers danced across the keys with grace and precision, each note ringing out with a clarity that seemed almost otherworldly.

As the piece progressed, Kousei's playing grew more impassioned, his emotions pouring out through the music. The piano seemed to come alive under his touch, its keys resonating with a rich and vibrant sound. The audience was spellbound, their eyes fixed on Kousei as he poured his heart and soul into each note.

The music swelled and soared, building to a crescendo that seemed to shake the very foundations of the concert hall. Kousei's fingers moved with a fierce intensity, his entire being consumed by the music he was creating. It was a performance that transcended the ordinary, a display of raw talent and deep emotion that left a profound impact on everyone in attendance.

And then, as the final notes hung in the air, Kousei's hands came to a rest on the piano keys. The audience erupted into applause, their cheers and ovation filling the space. Kousei's expression was a mix of exhaustion and sadness, his eyes swelled, tears running down his cheeks, his chest heaving as his mind somewhere else.

Beside me, Kaori's gaze was transfixed, tears tracing paths down her cheeks. It was a moment saturated with raw, unspoken sentiment—a communion between performer and observer that surpassed the confines of language. Yet, for Kaori and Kousei the performance communicated something deeper, a profound statement of affection, a concealed confession, and an ache of yearning.

[Quest: [Witness] Completed 5,000 WP (1/8) (625 WP) Received]

With a contented smile, I turned toward Kaori, who remained ensnared by the musical enchantment. "So, what do you think?" I asked, my voice soft but full of meaning.

She met my gaze, her eyes gleaming with a fusion of marvel and appreciation. "Thank you," she murmured, her words heavy with emotion. "Thank you for showing me this."

I nodded, a sense of fulfillment settling over me. "You're welcome, Kaori-chan. Now, about that wish…"

Her gaze lingered on the stage for a moment longer before she turned to me, a determined glint in her eyes. "I know what I want to wish for," she said, her voice steady and resolute. "I want to experience all those moments that life has to offer, to feel the music and the joy of being alive. I don't want to die, I wish to be by his side, see his performances, and play with him countless times in the future."

"Wish granted," I affirmed with a gentle smile, channeling my mana around her. [Overhaul] surged forth, mending her flawed DNA while I simultaneously restored the frayed nerves with [Rewind]. Given her inherited ailment, the full prowess of causality manipulation, embedded within [Rewind], were useless, necessitating the assistance of [Overhaul]. Gradually, her pale complexion transformed into a radiant flush, vitality, and vigor rekindling within her.

[Quest: [Save Kaori] Completed 10,000 WP (1/8) (1,250 WP) Received]

She gazed downward in astonishment, her fists clenching and unclenching in rapid succession, an exultant smile painting her features. Meeting my gaze anew, she blinked back tears. "Thank you," she murmured.

Yet, my actions were far from concluded. An audible snap of my fingers, resonating throughout the concert hall, summoned a cascade of mana that enshrouded her in a brilliant aura. Her attire morphed into an ethereal white gown, her hair spontaneously arranged in impeccable fashion.

An unnatural silence descended on the hall, as time stagnated for all but three individuals, and I inclined my head toward the stage. "I believe he awaits your response to that confession," I remarked with a knowing smirk. "Don't keep him waiting."

Bewilderment etched across her expression, but she heeded my gaze, her eyes widening in tandem with Kousei's. He stood upon the stage, fixated upon her, hope and expectancy kindling within his gaze.

She stood up, her legs shaky from nervousness, but her eyes never broke eye contact with Kosei. She took a deep breath, and with a determined nod, stepped forward. Her pace gradually increased, until she was running, and smiling, leaving tears of happiness behind her wake.

Kousei, rousing from his initial shock, grappled to comprehend the reality before him. In his mind, she had vanished, swept away akin to cherry blossoms carried by the wind. He blinked, striving to understand if she was indeed real, not just another phantom of his imagination. However, the reverberation of her exclamation, "Kousei~!" jarred his senses awake. Dispersing his hesitation, he jumped off the stage, nearly stumbling in his haste, and met her midway.

"Kaori, what are you doing here?! You're supposed to be in the hospital!" His voice, laced with concern, betrayed his worry as his gaze swept over her, an amalgamation of fear and relief shaping his features.

"Quit blabbering and kiss me, you idiot!" she commanded, her impatience failing to stall her advance. His feeble response of "Huh?!" was overtaken by her swift action, her fingers cinching his tie as she pulled him into a passionate, albeit inexperienced, kiss.

Kousei's eyes widened in astonishment, his arms suspended in the air, caught between disbelief and surrender. The kiss deepened, and his trembling hand encircled her form, a gentle embrace as if she were made of glass. His eyes slid shut, surrendering to the warmth that engulfed him.

Reluctantly parting, their lips relinquished the intimate connection, their breaths intermingling as they sought equilibrium. Their foreheads met a point of contact that channeled the shared intensity of their emotions, tears intertwining in a delicate dance. In this fragile moment, Kaori bared her soul, her voice a fragile filament weaving through the air, "It was all a lie," her words stumbled forth amidst emotion, "My interest was always you. I yearned to be near you. I just didn't know how to bridge the gap, how to approach your circle of friends." Her confession tumbled out, the sincerity of her feelings quivering in her tone. "All I longed for was to witness your music again, as I did all those years ago when your melodies captured my heart. But those feelings evolved into something more, something much deeper." Her gaze locked onto his, and with a solitary declaration, she imbued the world with radiant hues, "I love you, Kosei."

For a fleeting instance, her words left Kosei flabbergasted, his expression a whirlwind of confusion, astonishment, and ultimately, elation. A radiant smile blossomed across his features, as his cheeks took up a rosy hue and his embrace tightened around her form. As he composed himself to reciprocate her sentiments, she pressed a gentle finger to his lips, halting his speech. "I know," she murmured with a smile, "I sensed it through your music."

I granted the lovebirds a few more moments within their cocoon of affection, during which I performed some discreet memory alterations among specific individuals. Once satisfied, I gradually rose from my seat, traversing the hall with measured strides. The echoes of my footsteps reverberated lightly against the floor, a discreet sound that managed to draw their attention. Kosei, ever the protective figure, assumed a guarded stance before Kaori, his expression a mask of seriousness that, I must admit, amused me.

"I'm entrusting her to your care, kid," I addressed Kosei with a grin, then shifted my gaze to Kaori. "There are people searching for you, but not for the reasons you might assume," I continued, offering her a conspiratorial wink. "I added a little extra to your wish."

Kosei's bewilderment flickered between us, his features etched with confusion, while Kaori responded with an understanding nod. "Thank you for everything... Fairy Godfather," she expressed, her smile radiant, as a system notification chimed into existence.

"Really?" I muttered softly, casting a swift glance at the notification and the title's name brought a wry smile to my lips.

[Title: [Fake Fairy] received.]

[Fake Fairy]

- Gain the ability to manifest fake fairy wings, allowing customization of their shape, size, and color, though flight is not granted.

- Gain the ability to conjure faux fairy powder, a sparkling substance devoid of magical properties.

- Acquire the capability to adjust your size, without impacting any of your biological processes.

The abilities it granted were quite amusing, so I decided to make an exit with a touch of flair. Equipping the title before their astonished gazes, iridescent blue wings materialized on my back, while my stature shrank to a size of a palm.

Both Kaori and Kosei's eyes widened in disbelief as I levitated, deftly flapping my illusory wings. With a swift blink, I materialized right before Kaori's nose, playfully booping it yet again before vanishing with a cloud of fake fairy dust and set of parting word, "You've received another chance. Don't waste it, as there won't be another." I left the two astounded teenagers amidst the now bustling concert hall, their surroundings echoing with my final words, as time was finally allowed to resume its flow.

"Eject" I murmured, reverting to my original form and lying down atop a skyscraper. The countdown for ejection commenced, and during those fleeting moments, my contemplation gravitated toward their forthcoming paths. I had redirected the course of their destinies, yet the choices they would make from this point onward rested solely in their hands.

Lying there, I glimpsed fragments of their future, a smile etching my features at the sight. It wouldn't be a seamless journey; they would face discord and disputes, even enduring a period of separation. Yet, their shared melodies persevered, an enduring thread that wove their fates together and eventually reunited them.

A blissful and long life lay ahead of them, yet they stood only at the dawn of their journey.

In a blaze of luminous light, I materialized once again within the library, the all-too-smug magical book floating beside me, radiating an aura of self-satisfaction. {So, Mister Fairy Godfather... How did it go?} Its words were laced with a hint of smugness, and I could almost envision its metaphorical grin across his cover.

I responded by rolling my eyes, bemused by its playful attempt at banter. However, I replied honestly, "It was a pleasant experience, truth be told. A refreshing departure from the norm."

{I'm glad to hear that,} he responded, leaning forward in a manner that seemed to resemble a nod, {Are you prepared for the next world, or would you like to take a breather?}

"I'm fine, let's just get straight into it," I answered with a nod. Almost instantaneously, a gray-covered book manifested upon Index's pedestal.

{With your capabilities, this world should be a breeze.} He offered cryptically.

"Is that so?" I inquired, a hint of skepticism tugging at my brow. I extended my hand towards the book, my fingers making contact with its surface. "Alright, let's see what you get me into this time. Enter."

Just as before, the surroundings dissolved into a kaleidoscope of hues, and with a swift rush, I found myself standing on a catwalk, facing a massive white booster rocket paired with an attached space shuttle.

"The heck?" I muttered aloud, surveying the unfamiliar setting around me. My present casual attire felt decidedly out of place. With a nonchalant flick of my hand, I cast an illusion over myself, subtly adapting my appearance to match the environment. I sauntered through the crowd, inspecting my surroundings. The scene was populated by a cacophony of military personnel, scientists, engineers, astronauts, and intriguingly, what appeared to be... miners?

"Hold on, is that Bruce Willis?" My brows furrowed in confusion as a familiar face stood out amidst the mass, prompting an instant connection. "Oh goodness, is this world based after that Michael Bay movie?" My question was largely rhetorical, as my [Mental Domain] had already provided the answer. A resigned sigh escaped my lips as I muttered, "Well, it's just one of many on the list... Hopefully, I'll get the chance to face those colossal robots at some point. Their cube thingy did pique my interest."

The foundation of this world's premise was straightforward: an asteroid of Texas-sized proportions hurtled toward Earth, its impending impact heralding global annihilation. Curiously, only the United States seemed concerned, dispatching a crew to obliterate the cosmic threat.

However, here's where the narrative deviated from its original story. The text describing the reasoning for this world's doomed status held the truth: the asteroid's composition turned out to be more resilient than expected, thwarting the mission's success and sealing the planet's fate.

Mr. Willis, or rather, Harry S. Stamper, as he was dubbed in this alternate realm, heroically tried to avert the catastrophe. Yet, unversed in astronautics, his attempt to manipulate the space shuttle spiraled into calamity, resulting in a catastrophic explosion.

"Yeah, Index was spot-on," I remarked with a nod, "This world is a walk in the park."

(Control Center - Dan Truman's POV - 15 minutes before launch)

An intern greeted me as I entered the control center, handing me some documents to peruse. "Mr. Truman," he acknowledged. Determination in my step, I addressed the assembled team, commanding their attention. "Alright, everyone, let's ensure the final checks are in order," I declared, clapping my hands to emphasize the urgency. All eyes converged on me, attuned to my words. "We have only one opportunity at this, so let's ensure it is executed flawlessly!" I exclaimed, my words resonating as I assessed each individual, greeted by resolute nods in return.

Approaching me, Sam delivered the pre-launch checklist. "Dan, the launch checks on the engineering front have been completed," he reported. "Everything appears to be within the green parameters."

"Let's not settle for appearances; ensure it's unequivocally green. They've got 15 minutes; have them double-check," I directed.

"Understood, sir," he acknowledged, his expression solemn. Swiftly, he picked up a phone, dialing a number to relay my instructions.

However, an unsettling undercurrent soon intruded on the controlled environment. A voice pierced the room's ambiance, raising concern. "Umm, Sir we have a problem, I think?"

It took me a moment to identify the speaker, and once I did, I hastened to the telemetry area. "Report," I instructed, focusing on the individual responsible. As I scrutinized the data on the screen before me, bewilderment painted my features.

"The asteroid... it's disappeared from our sensors completely. Not even the telescopes can detect it," the individual announced, a heavyweight of confusion saturating his words.

"How do you misplace a fifty-quintillion-ton behemoth? Give me its last confirmed coordinates!" My voice resounded in a thunderous demand, frustration bubbling at the surface. "Someone locate that damned celestial mass!" I roared, the command rippling through the room. In an instant, chaos erupted, a cacophony of ringing phones and frantic voices as we attempted to verify the incredulous disappearance.

(Space – Andrew POV – moments before.)

"...and with a touch of [Annihilation], it's a wrap," I murmured, a simple gesture of my hand unraveling the last segment of this gargantuan asteroid.

Teleporting within its trajectory, I employed [Gravity Manipulation] to compress it, because it was just too large, before, part by part, [Annihilation] dematerialized it. It was as simple as that.

[Quest: [Impact] Completed 8,000 WP (1/8) (1,000 WP) Received]

"Alright, let's head home," I commented, dusting off my hands in satisfaction and acknowledging the successful completion of the quest. "Eject."