It is told that the whole world is in a state of health crisis, where the zov virus has hit the whole world, where the virus affects the level of function of the stability of the brain and turns a person into a mutant who preys on others or what we often call ZOMBIES. In short, the virus has spread to all parts of the world, including indonesia.indonesia is included in the last distribution cycle after mainland china. Because there is one island among the islands in Indonesia which is completely free from exposure to the Zov virus, namely the island of Kalimantan. Why is that, maybe briefly because Indonesia is a tropical country and the virus cannot reach it. But why only Kalimantan? maybe we miss this explanation based on climate or there is something else that cannot be explained or explained in this story.

Crowds of people from all over the world came to the island of Kalimantan, those who came were people who managed to escape and survive from each country. anything to survive, the rest are probably only people who have survived and know about the island of Kalimantan. All the best and strictest security is carried out by the local government on the island of Kalimantan, including the best paramilitaries deployed on the island, even nearly 67% of world leaders have survived is on this island. the Indonesian government also strictly selects refugees who have made it to Kalimantan, it is said that Kalimantan has a lot of food and weaponry resources so that it can be called the safest island on earth, with abundant food stocks and an area that can afford man accommodate millions of people.

However, this does not rule out the possibility that other islands in Indonesia still have people who are still surviving, but material needs may be taken into account because since the outbreak of the Zov virus all major cities in Indonesia or even the whole world have been destroyed and devastated due to the chaos in which mana. after several weeks of running after the outbreak of the zov virus, scientific scientists from all over the world who are in Kalimantan continue to research ways to stop the cycle of spreading the zov virus and create an antidote to the virus.

told, in a closed meeting of scientists there was a female scientist from Japan named Ayumi Nakata, explaining that, the zov virus would only survive in cold land areas or if it was concluded that this virus would not survive in minus degrees Celsius, and they would die in the temperature was hot. then scientists from the United States ADOLF MC NYLON assumed, if indeed the virus would die in the tropics but why would other Southeast Asian countries or other islands such as Java, Sumatra and so on still be exposed to the virus?, that is the question what they debated throughout the meeting. After the meeting, Ayumi Nakata continued to think hard about the results of the meeting and looked for solutions to what was happening at this time. She continued to lick all the aspects she found and look for weaknesses in the virus. Because she has belief in solving this problem.