secret broadcasts

on Monday at 09: 00 WIB, all the country's leaders gathered in a secret meeting to discuss what is happening at the moment. steps to ensure that the refugees who come are really clean and free from exposure to zov. and one of the meeting members from England JOHN WILTORD emphasized that we must limit the population that enters this island, he is afraid of limited stocks of food sources or this area will not be enough for the next few years. but a convincing answer was given by the Indonesian leader ''we have all prepared everything even for the worst thing in the future, if indeed we all have to die in this epidemic that is not a problem, the most important thing is to save those who can still be saved '' said the Indonesian leader every day refugees from all over the world arrive, some by plane or by sea, they all come with makeshift goods and are briefly selected by the military.3 months have passed since the outbreak that hit the Indonesian military and internet communication experts from around the world continue to make improvements to reactivate internet and radio signals to detect the whereabouts of refugees who can still be saved, but this has many problems so it can only produce radio signals broadcast only, and even then it only covers the area of ​​the island of Java and can only reach local radio broadcasts. Interrupted when the Japanese scientist Ayumi was walking in the plantation area to find peace he held a cellphone and casually opened the radio broadcast on his cellphone, then suddenly she got a broadcast from a radio station that sounded broken and unclear, but Ayumi could hear it little by little and started taking the small note book that she often brought and started writing down messages given by the announcer, Ayumi had a little trouble writing it down because she didn't understand Indonesian, but the smartness of the broadcaster also spread the message using English as well so that Ayumi could write it. But strangely, the broadcast could only be reached by Ayumi's cellphone, maybe the announcer was using a secret channel? Or maybe Ayumi was in a position that can be reached? will be answered in the middle of this story. The message continued to be spelled by Ayumi and Ayumi managed to write it clearly using English, and the message was a secret message that could be the answer to this global problem. Then suddenly the connection was lost. waste .connection just disappeared