Welcome to dead island

Welcome to dead island

After Ayumi and the team were in the helicopter and ready to depart, they began to pray for their own safety, and the helicopters had started to fly. It was seen that there was destruction everywhere, black smoke billowed in every building, in a few hours they would arrive. in the area the landing point is located in the city of jakarta to be precise soekarno Hatta airport. where the airport has been devastated and overrun by zombies, there is no safe end it seems if seen. after a few hours they were airborne they arrived above the sky of jakarta and saw the devastation everywhere and zombies everywhere, and they are also confused about the point for a safe landing, because the location of their starting point for landing is already filled with hungry zombies. They keep turning until they find a safe point. Once they find a safe landing point, they immediately make a short landing, they are given time 5 minutes to get out of the helicopter before the helicopter flew again, due to a very extreme and dangerous situation. after landing they all had descended and rushed to run to find a safe haven, equipped with limited weapons they continued to run and finally found a complete intact building. at least it's probably safe that is 100m from the location they landed. they carefully entered the building and limited the sound that would invite zombies to roam everywhere. combing the entire room to make sure the building is free of zombies.

Sergeant Widya ''check all areas and arrange this place to rest temporarily,, ordered Widya firmly

And everyone did their job

Hyun '' welcome to the island of death , are we going back in a complete team ? '' said hyun while staring at the outside window filled with zombies around them

Mc Burreck "I hope so too, let's bet bro," said Burreck to Hyun, smiling

Hyun''Let's bet that God still hears our prayers, answered Hyun while middle to high

Mc Burreck'' hehehehe if God hears you we will find Dr. Mahendra, otherwise life is useless in exile

After a few minutes, they managed to secure the building and they started to rest and began to re-arrange plans after the break. And Sergeant David began to open the map and began to detect their current position.

David'' Ayumi did doctor Mahendra give the coordinates?

Ayumi "no sergeant, he just said find me in the city area you landed, that's all he said

Andrianto ''hmm this will be a difficult search because the city is wide and surrounded by zombies, he said the area of ​​the city means between Tangerang and Jakarta, said Andrianto, pointing to a point on the map

if we were in their position we would definitely be faced with an extraordinary fear, because they are at the point where they are surrounded by hundreds of zombies ready to prey on them at any time. the slightest noise they make will be a fatal mistake they will feel. also rest and routinely take turns to guard the rest rest to sleep for a while.