split strategy

a few hours passed, and they returned to strategize to carry out the mission

andrianto'' it's time for us to think carefully about the strategy, we have to break up the existing team, because we know that we haven't found a clear point of the whereabouts of doctor mahendra,

david''right we will focus on the search point on the radio station in this city, it looks like our object is at the radio station, because he can spread broadcast messages, and he also said not far from this area

Ayumi '' looks like we have to split up now before it gets dark

Alicia ''Okay, we prepare and activate the communication device, Sergeant Andri, what is the range of this earpiece?

andrianto'' a radius of 10 km and I hope that whatever we face and get it will be communicated immediately and upgrade the position, because there are 5 radio stations that are closest here, we will name them as alphabet

ok let's start dividing the team

Alpha Team consists of me, Doctor Ayumi, Steve Walton, Alicia and Sergeant Widia

and team betha consists of david, burreck, michele and hyun

they immediately started their mission quickly, and came out one by one from the building and began to break down, the alpha team moved to the west and north areas then the beta team moved to the south and east. they moved very carefully to avoid the ferocious zombies that roamed the slightest noise they make will attract the attention of the zombies, also due to the limited weapons and ammunition they have, they must be really vigilant. mutate into ZOX (a zombie with a very intelligent hunting instinct)