Widya was still driving the car, until he didn't realize that the fuel in the car had actually run out, and the vehicle's pace began to falter.

widya '' owh shittt... looks like we're running out of fuel..

alicia '' then what about the sergeant..the zombies are still chasing us

Ayumi'' we have to get out of this car we have to immediately give a distance ..

widya then immediately activated his earpiece to contact the alpha team and ask for help

widya '' you copy... we were pushed 9 km from the gathering point, copy

but there was no answer, only a crackling sound was heard from the earpiece, and suddenly the car engine died instantly, and they immediately rushed out of the car. they immediately ran forward because behind them the zombies were still chasing them. suddenly appeared 4 ZOX zombies from in front of them, they are very pressured and surrounded from all directions.


Ayumi '' Sergeant how is this ....

Widya pointed the gun at the zombies, but when he started shooting it turned out that he had run out of bullets, and it took a few seconds to reload the gun.

but swiftly, Alicia fired a shotgun at the zombies, but unfortunately missed, the zombies were getting closer. ambushed them, when the ZOX zombies flew to ambush them, suddenly a sniper shot was heard, and it hit the ZOX zombie, then a scream was heard

duck kkkkkkk...

and you can see a dirt bike driver zooming up and firing a grenade launcher at the crowd of zombies chasing them. shortly thereafter 3 jeeps appeared from the south shooting zombies indiscriminately, I don't know who they are but what is clear is that they seem to have complete weaponry and good fighting skills, it didn't take long for them to flatten the zombies. After the area was safe the people stopped in front of Widya and his friends. Then one of them might be considered the leader of their group named Jack approached Widya while pointed the sniper in front of Widya.

jack''hands up!! drop your weapons .. said jack

widya '' yes sirr...

and jack also ordered his RICO colleagues to disarm and supply them

jack "who are you" and what is the purpose of coming to this city?? asked jack loudly.

widya'' I am sergeant Widya from the Indonesian military, and next to me Ayumi and Alicia are doctors who are specialists in handling viruses

jack ''ou... we have military guests apparently hahaha...said jack while laughing and other people also laughed

Widya was surprised, why were they all laughing

jack ''to hell with the Military….then what are you looking for here? can't you breathe a sigh of relief in Kalimantan right? asked Jack while pointing the sniper at Widya's forehead

widya ''please let us go...

jack '' go you said .... replied jack while getting emotional and gripping Widya's neck

jack '' listen dear beautiful sergeant, shouldn't you thank us?? and you haven't answered my question,

jack''jawaaaaaaaab. shouted jack

Ayumi''please don't hurt us, well we will answer your questions.. Ayumi said while scared

jack'' ou ou ou... ok pretty girl can you answer that. said jack while stroking his cheek

Ayumi'' we are looking for someone who broadcast a message via radio a few days ago, and we are looking for him .. Ayumi answered

jack''then you know who that person is??

Ayumi'' he is a doctor named Mahendra

after Ayumi told him, Jack immediately stood up with a cunning and evil face, and he ordered his men to put them in the car, and took them to their base camp