We need to know, that this group is Zero Camp, where the leader of them is a cruel and brutal person named PHARON, and he has 3 trusted people, namely Tommy and Bony, they can be called influential people in the group. it contains brutal and criminal people who take advantage of this epidemic situation for their satisfaction and to survive, every time they find female survivors, they treat her very immorally, they make it as a gratification for their lust, torture them and make them they are forced laborers to meet the needs of the group. With this it seems that the position of Widya and his friends is very threatened. Somehow they must escape immediately, before they become prisoners who will be tortured by them.

In a situation like this global epidemic, indeed, many people take advantage of this situation, it's not strange and indeed in this situation there are no laws that restrict them from doing anything anymore. In this group, all members must follow the crazy rules that were made. , and if they violate they will be tied up and thrown into a crowd of hungry zombies that surround them. The leader of their group PHAROON, formerly a traveling book trader whose economic life was very difficult, but he has the intelligence to form an organization. for example, like the group he leads now. But he has another side that is very brutal and cruel, because maybe it was caused by his hatred of the government and rich people. That's a little description of the character of a leader of this group, in general the group this is a group that takes advantage of crisis conditions s global for personal satisfaction without thinking about the safety of people who can still be saved.