The six day of 2023

There's this crisp tension between us.

Like two people before an argument. I'm a bit over it in all honesty.

You didn't text me once last night. Ignored my text throughout the night. I didn't care much for it last night.- this morning however was a different story.

I just went to sleep because I was sure you did the same without a care.

The next morning you text me like nothing happened. It's strange.

But I can't put my finger on it.

It's tense.

It's like walking on eggshells all of a sudden.

Like a chore I very much do not enjoy.

Like we both know what going to happen. It's what I wanted I guess, but it's also kind of upsetting. Mostly because I still like you. But I definitely feel it less right now.

It's easing it's way out, but I know soon enough it'll be choking me.

If you've met someone else then can you just tell me straight? I want to cry my eyes out and never look back. I'd prefer it over having to break this off myself.

I'm back here again- I think I'm just fuelled on hunger and irritation now.

You're distant.

I don't understand why at all.

I'm beginning to dislike you. Tremendously. I'm feeling hurt before you've hurt me because I'm sure you will soon. I suppose it's my turn anyway.

I am not okay at all.

I feel miserable.

I can't tell if it's you or my bloody cycle.

Every time I stop distracting myself I feel like crying.

No I actually am crying…

This sucks.

Your last message just did it. I had the long cry. It won't be the last no doubt.

But I'm not so sure I ever want to speak with you again.

Well done.