
"There we have it, gentleman. My offer to you is simple, Believe in me and follow us. Worst case scenario, you take a turn and head to port or Orario. In the best-case scenario, we give you lifetime preferential treatment and a position on the merchant council for the city." Aziz Says, standing before a group of 30 merchants.

These men are all exceptionally wealthy and connected but are also his trusted friends and competitors. They have all worked hard to achieve what they have, and every last one of them was an adventurer at one point. The men present also cover all major industries of commerce. Slave trade, farming and produce, brothels, entertainment, information, you name it, and these men will bid for your business.

"Aziz, we hear you, we do, and even though it sounds too good to be true, we want to support you. But why are you in such a hurry? You don't seem the type to force things. Just give me one reason I can't sleep on it, and I am willing to support you." An elderly man with a subtle rich look instead of a gaudy look responds to his pitch.

"In all honesty, I am not here to ask for more support. I have already devoted 100% of my assets to this venture. I am all in friends. Either I strike it rich in this one move, or I fall to the lowest of poverty. My entire tribe's reserve is going into this as well. This isn't a sales pitch; this is me giving you an opportunity. A never before seen divine being with ridiculous powers that don't seem to be limited by the pact. This being wants to build a city to spite the one that kicked her out. So join me and be among the first, the founders if you will, or wait and be among the legion who follow."

"you want us to dive full-on into this burning path of retreat." A younger man in gold and silk responds with a bit of contempt present on his face.

"Not in the least. I'm saying you should treat this like you're opening a branch in Orario and have the first pic of whatever property you like if you act now. Just remember, like with any venture, the better locations require better resources, and the more you have, the more speaking rights you get." Aziz takes a smug look. This boy is being tested by his father to see if he is ready to take over the family business. He could leisurely do circles around him in business so long as the father didn't step in.

"Comparing a completely undeveloped piece of land to the dungeon city is a bit much. But I see what you're trying to say. Assuming the Goddess can get the building plan down and the oasis in place, it's a future cash cow for sure. Just having a history of being a part of building it would be enough clout to not let a family fall to ruin in 3 generations. I'm in." a grampa character with an ancient sage beard braided with warrior beads speaks up. His words cause a moment of silence to descend.

"You're going to need food and a lot of it. Livestock, produce, and alcohol. I'll bring enough booze to get a few bars running. I am also coming in person. If this Goddess can do what she says, we may be able to farm there. I'll bring enough seed to supply three villages with some variety. We will talk about livestock after I see what we can work with. Don't let me down." A poor-looking middle-aged man with broad shoulders speaks before standing up, looking like he has much to do and little time to do it.

"It so happens I have a large number of slaves from the empire that just reached town. They were supposed to go to help suppress the rebellion. However, so long as this venture is promising enough when I personally meet this Goddess. I don't mind contributing them to the cause for the right deal. Ten thousand able bodies, ill bring whatever she doesn't bargain for and continue on." A woman covered in so many jewels she could be mistaken for a species of living crystal conveys in a haughty tone.

"Aye, we will join as well. With this many of the apostles of wealth moving at once, we would be fools not to." A pair of brothers speak up, conveying their plans. The rest nod and begin to work together, figuring out how to spread the market and resources, not to step on each other's toes.

Later that evening, a sight not seen before baffles the guards and many merchants alike. Just past the city gates, a caravan has formed. A caravan with a singular purpose, housing many of the wealthiest merchants in the city personally riding along. It's not uncommon to form large caravans or to gather so many goods when a sudden demand occurs, but this is sudden and without signs of chaos in the news.

"Aziz, this is a bit much, isn't it? It looks like we are on an exodus abandoning this city before a devastating disaster hits." Altina asks, a bit nervous about having to lead so many people across the vast expanse of desert before them.

"Let's just hope the Goddess will be able to hold up her end of the bargain. If so, I look forward to a long prosperous future." He said, looking into the stars off into the distance.

Time passed.

The unofficial road from Lioad to the the port is unpaved. However, it is quite broad, allowing up to 6 wagons or carriages to pass side by side. Leaving from Lioad is a visible line a mile and a half long, 6 carriages wide, constantly moving through the desert sun. Normally the caravan would have stopped this time of day to rest, but with the sheer number of people are carts, they just kept moving. Rotating the manpower in shifts of several hours each. Adventurers riding out to scout ahead, verifying no ambushes along the road, steadily bolt off in waves from the line returning every 15 mins like the ebb and flow of the sea.

"It's been two days. I hope she hasn't passed out from hunger or thirst. Hopefully, we find her soon." Celene speaks to Starla, lying in the shelter of a cart on their shift break.

"I have faith that she is doing very well. I only ever see her cause trouble and not be in trouble. Even when we thought she was a sand golem, she was never really in danger. Well, maybe a bit when Altina tried to stab her, hahaha." Starla replies, laughing at the idea of what mischief she could be in.

Sometime later, all the scouts return in unison, startling the caravan and causing it to slow for the first time in 2 days of constant motion. They steadily file into position near the front, where the heads of all the merchant groups have gathered. Celene and Starla strain to hear them speaking.

"You Found What?" a shrill shout comes from the carriage.

"We Said a Massive capital level city. It wasn't here a week ago." Scout 3 says

"So it just magically sprung from the ground and appeared here." The youthful arrogant voice follows.

"We keep moving. We will decide when we reach its walls. Have the guards rest until we get close. No need to be strained till we are in its shadow." Aziz gives out orders affirming their destination. His heart is warring internally in excitement and adventure against the terror of the unknown.