Utaha Thought

In the rental house.

Utaha, who came out of the bathroom, threw the black stockings she changed into the basket, put the clothes into the washing machine, and then fell onto the bed. Drops of water that had not yet dried slipped from her delicate collarbones.

Since Asahi helped her promote it, sales of the first volume of [Love Metronome] have increased tremendously. In just two days, sales had increased by 10,000 copies, and there was no need to worry that the third volume would be cut in half.

And just in time for her first autograph session next Wednesday, Sonoko asked her to release the second volume, seizing the momentum to make the most of the opportunity.

Utaha is so grateful for everything Asahi brings her. In the past two days, the other party had also helped her come up with some plot ideas for the third volume. Referring to his opinion, Utaha had thought about the general context of the next volume.

The main details still have to be thought out. There was no rush anyway, the second volume was about to be released soon, and she had plenty of time next.

Glancing at the phone out of the corner of her eye, Utaha thought that she was still awake at this time and had to write a new work.

In recent days, with more contact and deep understanding, Utaha has a more comprehensive understanding of Hasegawa Asahi.

Including the anecdotes about Asahi and Nayuta in the industry, people in the circle thought that they were a perfect match. They are both gifted novelists, and they both won a Newcomer Award for their debuts, and Nayuta greatly admires Asahi and crazily pursues him.

This made Utaha's heart shake a little. Every time she had the courage to talk to Asahi about her work, he would take pains to point out her mistakes and explain various techniques and methods to her.

After a few days, Utaha didn't know if she just wanted to chat with the other party, or if she was actually doing business.

Now that the second volume can't be changed, she has no reason to look for Asahi, but... She really wants to chat with him, no matter what the chat, as long as she can see that he is paying attention to her and is willing to reply. She will feel the joy in the feelings of his heart.

Utaha clearly realized that things had gone terribly wrong, unlike her previous self.

Recently, Asahi has gradually appeared in her mind more and more, and sometimes she even subconsciously shapes the actions of the male protagonists in works based on her.

Originally, Naoto was an indecisive person, but under Utaha's accidental modification, his character gradually became relaxed and firm like Asahi, and the plot was also modified. This process is smooth and will not make the reader feel abrupt, but will allow them to feel the protagonist's growth.

In the second volume, besides Sayuka, which Utaha wrote based on herself, the appearance of another female heroine, Yui, is a minor climax of the work.

Asahi sometimes feels like it's like the [White Album] in memories.

After thinking about it for a long time, analyzing her inner thoughts, Utaha was probably convinced that she was a little in love with the guy. Even if she have not known each other for a long time, but liking someone has never depended on timing.

Visiting her when she was sick, helping her when she was helpless, not to mention Asahi's own excellence.

And while Utaha was sure of her thoughts, she was even more excited to meet Asahi now.

It is impossible to meet, the only thing that can be done is online chat. Under the pressure of the emotional side, Utaha opened the channel. As expected, the previous conversation with Asahi was still continuing.


Room 101 Sakurasou.

Asahi is still thinking about what the heroine is missing, but sees the chat box from Kasumi Utako flickering.

Hadn't she finished the second volume already? What else is there?

With hesitation, Asahi clicked on the conversation.

Kasumi Utako: "Aren't you sleeping yet? It's fine to work on the progress of a new job, but you should know how to take breaks. You better pay attention, if you damage your body and stop working."

Asahi was stunned for a moment, is it too late? It wasn't even 11 p.m. yet, and he usually didn't sleep at this time.

And Utaha regretted it after posting it, it was too stupid, what did she post!

Because she is dominated by sensitivity, she doesn't even pay attention to what I write! Busy with other things.

Hasegawa: "..."

Asahi really doesn't know how to answer When you stayed up late to edit the second volume, you thought I didn't know?

I only proposed it to you at 12 at night, but it was fixed the next morning, how can it be so fast if you don't stay up late?

But the other party also had good intentions. Asahi was about to explain that he was going to sleep right away, but in the end...

Kasumi Utako: "Actually, I wanted to say, don't forget my autograph session next Wednesday."

Hasegawa: "Don't worry, I have a memo."

Kasumi Utako: "Okay, that's it."

Leaving a few words in a hurry, Utaha's dialog box dimmed.

Asahi:? ? ?

Just for this?

Today's Utaha was a bit strange. With that in mind, Asahi turned off the computer and climbed into bed.


Lunch break.

After reading Chapters 3 and 4 in one go, Hina frowned slightly.

After accepting Asahi's request yesterday, she actually came to the rooftop at noon today, hoping to read the sequel.

At the same time, after reading nearly 50,000 words, she could roughly see the main gist of the novel.

Love teachers and students!

Could it be that Asahi did it on purpose?

Because he wanted to find a reader that matched his identity and personality, so he found herself?

But when Hina thought that she had just randomly transferred here, she knew that even if it was a coincidence, life was so beautiful.