Complete the previous lifetime event

Although other Asahi say he doesn't care about politeness, Nanami herself doesn't think so. When she was a guest at someone's house, at least she couldn't give up etiquette.

"Since you think about it, I won't say more."

Asahi said: "In particular, you go to Misaki. She will guide you in dubbing, the room with Misaki's number on the door on the second floor is his room."


Nana nodded.

When she was about to get up, Chihiro stopped her.

"Misaki left the house during the day, so it might take a while to find her."

Chihiro sat on the sofa and spread it out, not looking like a teacher at all.

"Then I'll wait a bit..."

Nanami spoke quickly.

Fortunately, today she had half a day off. Otherwise, she really didn't know what to do.

Asahi can't leave Nanami alone, so he waits with her in the living room, especially since he can't go back to the room now, because Mashiro takes advantage of this time to sneak back to the second floor.

Mashiro didn't react now, but now that she had a chance to think back, it felt too embarrassing, how dare she stay there.

Asahi thought about waiting. Should he go to the second floor to find out? He couldn't use love to generate electricity on his own. Think about it, except that night he met Sonoko, he had never tried the taste before.

Even though Utaha says that he is still pure. But Asahi is a man, and when he lifts his pants, he is a virgin, that's normal, as long as he acts realistically.


After chatting casually with Nanami for less than half an hour, Misaki returned from outside with lots of material.

After Asahi was finally released, he introduced her to the two, and went up to the second floor and to Mashiro's room. At the moment when Mashiro provoked Asahi and wanted to run, he clearly showed a bit of panic.

Mashiro who returned to the room not long ago was basically on the bed, sometimes with his hands wrapped around his knees, sitting with his knees bent, sometimes with his back against the wall and legs stretched forward, and when serious, she would lie on the bed and kick legs twice.

The only thing that remained the same was her expression, her rosy face was always in a daze, and this situation lasted until Asahi appeared.

"Why is Asahi looking at me?"

Mashiro curled up on the edge of the bed.

"I'm not looking at you."


Asahi was surprised to find that Mashiro was showing a complaining attitude like a little girl.

It might be normal to look at other girls, but that's inconceivable at Mashiro. Sure enough, she had changed a lot. In Asahi's "breeding.".

"I admit it, but you can't run away now."

Asahi approached Mashiro.


"Misaki-senpai and Hasegawa-senpai are lovers?"

Downstairs, Nanami who realized Asahi's departure asked with trembling.

"Why do you ask?"

Misaki was fiddling with something in front of the machine.

Nanami stammered, and said, "Because I just saw Shiina-san running out of Hasegawa senpai's room with disheveled clothes."

"Oh, um… That should count, even though we're not a couple, things between lovers pretty much do."

Misaki turned around and gave her a big smile.

"Wait... Wouldn't it be a big problem if you two weren't a couple?"

Nanami stared wide-eyed, such a thing out of bounds caused a big shock in her heart.

Misaki waved his hand: "It's okay, everyone is used to it, even Mashiro, Chihiro Sensei's cousin, doesn't care, so don't worry."

Nanami was dumbfounded. Mashiro is Chihiro's cousin, so why does she just sit on the side and ignore her?

"Ah, don't look at me, Asahi promised that he would take care of the aftermath."

Chihiro generously opened a can of beer.

Is this the case...

Nanami is once again acutely aware that the rumors that the residents of Sakurasou are all freaks are no longer true, and she feels like she has fallen into a trap.

"With Asahi's ability, it's fine to kill someone, he can afford it after all."

Immediately afterwards, Chihiro sighed again: "I really envied Mashiro who could solve a lifetime's important problem before."

Please don't envy things that can't be explained casually! Nanami complained wildly in her heart.

If it wasn't for the lack of familiarity, Nanami would have been very much against this impure relationship as an outsider.

"Nanami-chan, let's play video games!"

Misaki who is finally full of enthusiasm.

"Didn't you prepare a short anime for me to try?" Nanami was dumbfounded.

Misaki said offhandedly "The clips are in my room, but I can't bother Asahi and Mashiro right now, so let's play a video game and wait a while, and let's talk about each other's secrets."

"Misaki-senpai, we don't know each other very well yet."

Nanami hesitated for a moment.

"Don't worry too much, Nanami-chan."

Misaki did a backflip and jumped to the side, and happily handed her the joystick: "Let's start!"

This startles Nanami, who grabs the joystick in a hurry, and is forced to play the game.


When the game finished two hours later, Asahi still had not come down.

"How long has it been, Mashiro will be crushed by him."

Chihiro can't sit still anymore, counting the time to take a deep breath, this is too happy... Ah bah, too disgusting.

Nanami blushed and did not dare to speak.

Misaki was amazed, and wanted to go up and observe.

Luckily, after another 10 minutes, Asahi came down with a calm expression.

Noticing that the three women had raised their heads and were focused on him, Asahi greeted them with a smile: "Are you done talking?"

"Oh! Of course, Nanami-chan has agreed to try voicing Heroine, just need to find someone else to help."

Misaki patted her chest proudly.

Asahi nodded, because this was for the best.

Asahi felt that with Nanami's level, it might be a bit difficult, but in the end, she was still able to complete the task. After all, it was harder for the lead actor with the most roles.

"Okay! I leave it to you. The task I'm dealing with here is almost done. The others are expected to hand it over to me in a week, you can find out."

After Asahi said hello, he chatted with Misaki about the progress of the anime movie production.

He should check every day to see if there is a problem with any link, so that he doesn't have to wait until the problem is found later to modify it.