Man's Mouth

"Don't lose focus."

Misaki switched to another game while working on it.

"Wait… Misaki-senpai, dubbing! Filled voice promised! I'm not here to mess around!"

Nanami asked loudly.

"Sorry, I forgot. Alright, Asahi and Mashiro are done, so let's go up here."

Only now did Misaki realize that she had to do something serious. She turned off the TV in great regret, and then led his junior to the second floor.

Nanami walked half way, turned around, blushed, hurriedly bowed to Asahi, and followed, like a little white rabbit meeting a carnivorous animal.

"Am I that scary?"

Asahi pointed at himself.

Chihiro glanced at him: "People who just hurt girls have no credibility at all. By the way, you have already taken insurance action."

Even though she said it was fine before, Chihiro doesn't want to have a small nephew who appears mysteriously after one year.

"Don't worry, today is a safe period."

Asahi looked very confident.

"How long have you been planning this? Tell the truth."

Chihiro stared strangely.

Asahi would never admit it: "It's just a coincidence."

"Deceitful male mouth, forget it, as long as you know it in your heart."

Chihiro is too lazy to investigate, she is quite comfortable with Asahi.

This is their third year together at Sakurasou, and Asahi's character is almost recognizable. After all, they get along day and night, unless Chihiro is mentally handicapped, or Asahi's disguise is too good, otherwise, she thinks she can't miss people.

And Chihiro is definitely not mentally handicapped, and Asahi is also very honest, maybe even a little too honest, so the answer is obvious.

In Chihiro's heart, Asahi is a ruffian who has principles, knows how to measure up, and liking the new and disliking the old.

Like Jin, Asahi may have other girls in the future, but Mashiro will never be mistreated.

This is enough, Chihiro is not a biological parent, everything has to be perfect, she thinks this is very good.

Asahi smiled, and didn't want to say anything more to show his determination, no matter how good the words were, they weren't as strong as the actual actions.

Just then, the cell phone in his pocket vibrated.

"Did you forget to turn off the sex toy switch that just used up?"

Chihiro gestured with probing eyes.

"I hope you will think about it more before you speak."

Asahi took out his phone and pressed the answer button.

The person who called was Takashi Toka. Before answering, Asahi almost guessed what the other party wanted to say, and as he expected, as soon as he pressed the answer button, the guessed words came from the phone.

"Hasegawa, do you still remember the one before? I'll be going on a business trip this month, and I'll leave Rikka with you for now. I will send her to Sakurasou tomorrow."

Sure enough, it's already the end of April, and Asahi is still thinking about when Toka will tell him, and he will probably forget.

"Okay, remember to say it when you arrive."

Asahi was not one to hesitate, he had said something before.

"Just that."

Toka hung up as soon as her voice came out, very stylishly, saying only what had to be said, only what had to be done, never procrastinating.

"Yo, it's a call from your secret lover."

Chihiro lay on the couch, she finished typing, and couldn't help but joke.


"At least it's better to lie than tell the truth at a time like this. Don't you feel guilty after doing such a thing?"

Chihiro fights for his cousin.

Asahi smiled slightly: "It's okay if I have a clear conscience."

"You used to be pretending, but now you are finally showing your true colors."

Chihiro is seen seeing through the truth.

"Whatever you want."

After leaving a word, Asahi returned to the room alone.


First day of May

"When will the movie be released?"

On the roof of the teaching building, Hina tilted her head and asked.

"When it's released, it's estimated for the end of this month or next month. The news of the anime movie was released long ago, so I don't have to worry about the publicity."

Asahi took a bite of the glutinous rice ball and said.

[Kotonoha no Niwa] in its original memory only lasted 40 minutes, but under Asahi and Misaki's modification, the time was extended.

Asahi always felt that the original [Kotonoha no Niwa] was a bit too short, giving people the feeling that there was more to be said, and the part where the two reunited was added.

Although an hour is not very long, this long time can barely pass through the cinema.

"I'm looking forward to it, Asahi's new work has my suggestion in it, it will be great for sure!"

Hina showed a cute expression, like a little girl who wants candy.

"When the time comes, we will watch the first movie together."

Asahi sent out an invitation.

Hina opened her eyes slightly: "Don't you want to attend the premiere?"

Asahi bends his right leg, looking free and unrestrained: "Leave it to Misaki, I don't really like places with too many people, including things like publicity."

Misaki is much more suitable to participate than Asahi. After all, she has participated in at least 40% of these movies, which is about the same as her, so she definitely qualifies.


Hina hesitated: "I don't have a definite time, what if I have something to do that day?"

Asahi didn't even want to give an answer: "I will definitely ask for the day off. I usually have plenty of time after all, and basically nothing will bother me."

And it feels very comfortable to ask for time off in the name of official business.

"Just the two of us?"

Hina's voice was very low, and she unnaturally brushed her hair back.


"It's not impossible, but what if other students see it?"

Hina is most worried about this problem.

Can't escape, afraid of being found out by others.

"Forget it"

Asahi turned to look at her.


Hina immediately retorted, and then seemed to tell herself this to strengthen her conviction. She squeezed her slender fingers, and finally made up her mind: "Just be careful, we should be fine."

Her face was slightly crimson, and her expression and voice became more and more beautiful.