Burning The Memories Of Connection

As the sisters Scarlet and Blueberrii grew, so did the contradiction and complexity of their relationship.

Her father grew to accept Blueberrii and treat her with extra care. Often Scarlet would find herself in pain at the mere sight of seeing a "disfigured insignificant creature" get more attention than her in her own household.

As she grew older, so did her hatred of all furries to exist, especially Blueberrii. She would go on to do anything to Blueberrii to make her life the worst it could possibly be. Whether it be stealing her food or pushing her off a chair, to the desire in her head of breaking her bones.

Until one day, on Blueberrii's first day in her school, Scarlet witnessed Blueberrii get fame and popularity for her condition in amounts that Scarlet can only dream about.

That night something inside Scarlet snapped. A flip in her mind switched that had changed the pursuit of how she would deal with things that irritated her. She waited for everyone in the house to fall asleep, which occurred late at night.

She then poured gasoline carefully around the house, from the kitchen, to the bathroom and even the bedrooms. She grabbed Blueberrii's soft white ear and slowly began cutting it. Blueberrii awoke and held her bleeding ear in pain.

"Ow! Why would you do that?" Blueberrii squealed. Scarlet didn't speak a word and looked back at Blueberrii with her emotionless, grey eyes. They argued and conversed for a while until Scarlet apologized in laughter, but Blueberrii didn't find it funny. Scarlet then exitted the room, leaving Blueberrii idle in her bed.

She looked down and noticed a note that read, "Take this gift from one sister to another." Meanwhile Scarlet took a box of matches from her kitchen gave one last look at the house then threw a match into the living room from outside the house.

Then in one big flame, a massive bright hot blazing wind brushed against Scarlet. She ran out a window and climbed to a far tree but was still in viewing distance of Blueberrii's doom.

Then she heard a loud horrified scream that echoed throughout the neighborhood. "Please help! My father is still in the house!" Blueberrii yelled running outside with her mother. Scarlet had forgotten that her father was far upstairs previously on a chair, but he was also a cause of her misery, so she did not try to stop it for a second.

An ambulance and police officers pulled up to the scene after Marinette called for help. Firefighters grabbed Blueberrii by the arm away from the apartment and nearer to the forest, as she was trying desperately to save her father out the house.

Unfortunately, her father did not make it. The flames grew too high, and it was too late once the fire was extinguished. Blueberrii's face was covered in tears with absolute oceans descending, only to be evaporated by the heated flames. Her body was shaken, she couldn't find her brain to process what was happening, and her legs could barely let her stand.

Even if Scarlet's father were gone, even if she were homeless now, seeing the look of inability, weakness and vulnerability on Blueberrii's horrified face brought Scarlet more joy than she could possibly imagine as a ten-year-old.