Furry's First Friend

As Blueberrii stood watching her house burn in horror, a figure grabbed her hand. It pulled her on the back of it and started running in an odd way, like a wolf.

She rode the mysterious creature into a deep part of the forest far from Blueberrii's house until coming to a stop. Blueberrii hopped off its back in confusion then the creature stood up and Blueberrii turned to shock to see a boy. He had saturated locks of orange hair, had a green left eye with a blue right eye and wore comfortable colorful clothing with bandages wrapped over his left arm.

She had a feeling something was different about him from other boys, right before noticing his orange wolf like ears and tail. He was a fellow furry around her age and held a terrified expression with sweat running down his face. Blueberrii could tell something was off.

"You... You look like me." Blueberrii remarked. "Yes I'm not sure you are aware but I am a furry and so are you, right?" he replied. Blueberrii was ashamed. "Yes." She replied in despair. "Well, my name is Miles and we're going to have to leave here and leave quickly. Being a furry is very dangerous in this society." He said.

"Hi Miles, my name is Blueberrii and why do we have to leave? Things don't seem wrong here." Blueberrii replied. "Maybe not yet but rumour has it our kind is doomed by society. People will be coming to capture us whether it be to scientifically inspect us with dissection or to kill all of us to extinction. I even ran in the form of a wolf to not be seen as furry life." Miles replied.

Blueberrii then got frightened with his claims. "I'm not sure if I have anywhere else to go, what do we do?" She asked. Miles responded, "We must hide and now! But don't worry, I know a place."

That's when Miles grabbed Blueberrii by the hand and they started running into the deep, dark forest.