Meanwhile, Scarlet ran away from the house thinking Blueberrii was finally burning in the house dreadfully.
Whilst she was running giggling and cackling, she bumped into a boy wearing a backpack with a dark set of messy brunette hair and bright purple eyes.
"Ow" She groaned in agony. "Sorry about that." He stepped back in embarrassment. He pulls out an aid kit from his backpack and bandages Scarlet's head.
"Uh, thanks. My name's Scarlet Bellawood." She stated. "Nice to meet you, Scarlet. I'm Jasper, Jasper Arbathroff and you don't need to thank me it's nothing."
Jasper was always the smart type of kid. His parents tested him with a hyper intelligent IQ since he was four.
"So, what are you doing out here in the woods all by yourself?" Jasper asked. "That's what I should be asking you." Scarlet remarked. "Well, I'm here as I ran away from home because... anyway what about you?" Jasper asked. "Heh, funny I ran away from home as well, probably because I burned it down and never want to look in the eyes of my parents again." Scarlet said with no regret.
"Wow, a lot to unravel... Is that where that bright light and faint smoke is coming from?" Jasper said with an impressed expression. Scarlet nodded aggressively.
"Kid, not that it's my business, but what caused you to do this?" Jasper inquired. Scarlet then explained everything to Jasper, although most of it was her ranting her hatred on Blueberrii and all furries.
Jasper listened intently. He absorbed every point she made and focused on her speech never breaking eye contact. "This is a pretty complicated and emotional situation, but I also like the way you think. I fully agree." Jasper stated.
They both grinned. Now that Scarlet and Jasper had one big controversy, they agree on, they knew this was the start of something beautiful.