After living in Everwood for nine whole years, Blueberrii and her friends had become the strongest friend group you could ever imagine.
They were all comfortable living in Everwood, and they were having fun. They were even getting ready for a Thanksgiving party for everyone to celebrate.
Even though Blueberrii liked living in Everwood, she still missed her old home in Woodlock, when days were simpler. She also missed her dead father and lonely mother who was deprived of her two missing daughters.
She never forgot Scarlet. She always wished that Scarlet could just have a good relationship with her but sadly she does not know if that's possible.
Meanwhile Scarlet's plan was getting closer and closer to action and they did not even know.
Fast forward to a few days later and it is Thanksgiving! A country spread holiday where everyone gets the day off and the day of the secret unknown meeting.
Scarlet and Jasper walked up to the building that night, but it was closed. They had to find a way to get in. They had disguised themselves as cleaners with buckets, mops, hats and jackets then lock-picked the door so it wouldn't raise much suspicion.
They snuck past, trying not to get any workers to look at them in suspicion. They decided they were going into the room to give the governors a speech of the century to make them turn against furries even more.
They listened to a conversation in a room closely. "So, what do you suppose we do with all these furry appearances. Brian?" a muffled voice spoke.
Scarlet with no hesitation bursts into the room without patience. "Excellent question!" she yelled. She walked up to the table, Jasper walked to the side of the room with a bag. "I'm sorry, who are you‐" someone asked before being cut by Scarlet's ego. "All these furry occurrences are obviously so bizarre, and I know what you're all thinking... It's honestly so wrong to have these wonderland looking creatures wandering round' like they belong here. They're scaring society and it's such a bad look on society's image to have these dangly creatures here. It makes you sick, doesn't it?" Scarlet empathized.
The board looked around at each other unspoken. "What are you doing in here and who exactly do you think you are?" said a woman. Jasper threw the bag loaded with cash on the table. "Is this enough?" he said. The head of the meeting then shushed the woman. "Let this cleaner woman finish. I wanna hear what she has to say."
Scarlet then smiled in acceptance and looked over at Jasper. She then looked back to the head of the meeting. "Thank you, Brian, was it?" She said to the head of the meeting. He nodded correspondingly.
Scarlet then proceeded with her point. "With all these new furries around it's hard to focus on anything else other than the fact of these gross cat humans around! I say we capture and possibly extinct all furry kind. I know you guys have had that idea in mind for a while now so let's make it official. Additionally, we could secretly run some tests on these creatures and see what they're all about."
The governors looked around sharing opinions with each other on the situation. They liked Scarlet's dominant leading attitude and her ideas that she brought on.
She walked over to Brian, the leader of the board, bent down to his ear and said, "Of course, if anyone disagrees we'll know what to do."
They all held a vote on who wants to take this into action to make Scarlet head governor of the ministry and give Jasper a high-ranking role alongside her. She soon found herself elected in that position with Jasper being highest of many working for her.
She had gotten her own personal assistant. They earned themselves a new look, a new attitude and she felt amazing. Scarlet wore a suit that complemented her red locks of hair that almost reached the ground. Jasper stood tall in a purple, green and dark red suit with a dark red top hat and fashionable cane, he'd always had quite a mind for fashion.
Brian had willingly given up his position as well and now that she had what she wanted, she didn't have mercy on any that disagreed with her opinion and let Jasper show them the door by firing them and possibly worse if they told anyone about her plan, for it was a secretive governorship.