They left Clint because they thought he was not important enough to waste their time on.
Clint was stuck crying in the building wondering what he got himself into. After he saw what type of person Scarlet truly was, he was silent but terrified pretending he agreed with Scarlet all the time, but Scarlet always treats others as her puppets, so he was just another accessory to her.
Scarlet had recruited him since she recognized him from pre-school and Clint was too wimpy to protest against it.
Clint secretly wanted Blueberrii and the other furries to find safety, but he finds himself stuck in henchman position for Scarlet's approval just once. Clint wasn't set out for full evil like the rest of Scarlet's henchmen. He felt like the only odd man out left from the tip of his fluffy blonde hair to his feet.
Scarlet's other henchman were not like him, they fully wanted to destroy furries just like her as all the other innocents had been fired and now since she was gone, he finally could do something about it without her realizing, having a look around at the new terrain with no furries in sight.
He went to the scene of the fire where it all began, then ventured into the forest having a disappointed breather. Eventually, a feeling in his heart ached for the lives of many of furries. He collapsed and sat on the ground weak. He had a feeling that he wasn't alone.
Before he began leaving the forest, he heard something.
"You're placing it wrong!" A boy yelled in the distance. "The sail for the ship goes here, watch the blueprint!"
Clint then crept quietly behind some trees to get a closer look.
"Quiet, Axel. You'll get us caught!" said another. It looked to be a crew of teenagers working on a boat just like how Scarlet worked on a massive ship.
"Alas! We have been spotted!" A girl called out pointing at Clint in the bushes. A boy then then ran up and tackled Clint to the ground.
He kicked and punched him violently as Clint screamed in defense. Luckily, one of the teenagers stopped the boy from attacking him. Clint had a closer look and realized that they were furries.
He was confused as not just any furries can escape from Scarlet captivity, he thought that they might have information on Blueberrii.
"I'm here to help, have you seen a girl named Blueberrii?" Clint asked still holding his stomach in pain. The boy refused to give him information but luckily, Clint had spotted a red-hooded teenager who gave off a different stance than the others.
Clint looked closely and hastly realized she owned locks of fluffy blue hair. "Blueberrii, Scarlet is plotting against you! Let me help!" Clint exclaimed.
Blueberrii then stopped in her tracks and her shaky, frightened breathing came to a pause. "You care about that?" She asked. Clint stated who he was and how he endured Scarlet's tyranny for many sleepless nights.
He tossed a map that lead to where Scarlet headed. He told them in panic about Scarlet's plan, but they all seemed to know about her evil deeds already.
After seeing such materials and hard honesty brought with Clint, Blueberrii and her friends decided to accept him as a friend and recruit him. They all introduced themselves to Clint and hastily headed down to their secret tunnel and brought Clint before the guardians of Everwood.
Once the guardians saw a man suited in full governor clothing, they hesitated and startled themselves in aggression. Before anything serious happened, Blueberrii informed them all to stay calm and with Clint, explained to them his situation, Scarlet's plans and how he wants to help behind Scarlet's back.
The guardians all excepted him as a special member of Everwood but also had to act fast because Scarlet was planning to kill all of the furries before torturing them for days.
Clint told them everything about the time Scarlet left for the ship, the materials she used for hers and gave them additional tips on using the ship that he learned from Jasper.
They strategized additions to a plan to get the furries from Scarlet. Now all Dawn had to do was send a brave team of sailors to go on a risky mission to recruit the furries on a ship. "Any volunteers?" Dawn pleaded.
After a long moment of silence and folks looking at each other with little motivation, Miles raised his hand. Blueberrii always loved Miles' will and determination and she grew inspired by it.
Blueberrii then raised her hand, soon Jess and Vivianne raised their hands as well. They planned to do it as a team. Every creature in Everwood along with Clint got to finish work on the ship for them to go on this rescue mission and they finished exceedingly fast.
Dawn told Clint to try his best to cover any traces left by the furries before Scarlet returned and Blueberrii with her friends were to travel undetected with the help of clothes covering most of their body hiding their ears and tails alongside with Clint's guidance to where they are going and then they headed off, prepared to go on a remarkable ocean journey.