Project: Capture All Furries

Furries were giving in and taking her instructions by getting escorted to Scarlet's building. Some younger ones couldn't stand leaving their families but were soon captured by Scarlet's men as she watched them scream and cry.

She watched and enjoyed it. She imagined Blueberrii screaming the same way once she got to her, but she was frustrated that she had not found Blueberrii yet.

Jasper was also determined to catch the creatures, but how he felt was nothing compared to Scarlet's hidden evil and fueled rage. She pulled Jasper by the tie, "Don't you feel things aren't going fast enough, Jazz?" she stated, looking at Jasper with an intimidating stare.

He looked around in desperation "Fine! I'll help get some furries." Scarlet thanked him with a wide lovable smile plastered on her face. Jasper went on her command in disappointment at her easy ways of emotionally manipulating him.

There Jasper was walking past the many individuals getting kidnapped pass him as he walked pass and gave approval to his fellow workers. Jasper returns bringing Scarlet's personal assistant and manager, Clint who was just standing nervously in the hall.

Clint walks in with information telling her that the furry capture project was a massive success.

"Did you find the blue headed brat?" Scarlet asked. Clint shook his head in denial and started shaking and crying inside in fright at how Scarlet would react.

"Are you kidding me?!" She exclaimed. "How is this so, Clint?!" She walked up to him up front and focused her attention on him staring at him deadly.

"Um, w-we found no scraps of any new DNA from the subject ma'am." Clint replied in a shaky tone. Jasper pulled Scarlet aside and gave Scarlet her the personal furry squish toy she loved as it reminded her of the thought of squishing a furry to death.

When she was done, she put it in her suit pocket, rolled her eyes and said, "Let's proceed with the next stage." Clint nodded and informed her henchman to get the ships ready for stage two.

They were planning to load the furries in a massive boat to the island for their prison. Next was the island abduction stage.

In Everwood, you could hear the faint sound of ships leaving. Scarlet was in a massive ship guiding the other ships with Jasper to the island where they would dump the furries.