Battling Like Boars and Swearing Like Sailors

After completing some DNA scans and test runs, Scarlet and Jasper were about ready to start dissection and cruel elimination of the furries. In this time, the ship of Everwood was finished.

They led the boat off land. Jess and Vivianne were on the lookout for any passers-by as they were now on earth's surface.

"It's so fresh, warm and breezy up here! I forgot how much I loved earth's grass!" Jess stated. She had not been out of Everwood's hiding since she was a little fairy.

As the boat hit the water, Blueberrii, Miles, Jess and Vivianne leaped on the boat grabbing each other's hand to get on. Clint immediately started removing any traces of their mere existence of being here. Scraping away footprints and hair strands to later be burned.

Blueberrii and her friends took one last look at Everwood, at the forest above it then back at Clint while holding in their tears. "I wish you the best of luck, you four." said Clint, his hands covered in mud. They all waved goodbye and then they were off.

Vivianne, even having been born a cat fursona really admired the ocean below her. "We should really get out more." Miles said with a giggle while holding the wheel. Jess was busy reading a book on how to operate a ship which Clint gave to them.

Miles was getting the hang of sailing the ship, but Blueberrii was stuck in a corner curled up. The thought of what Scarlet would do if she found her haunted her and was stuck to her like poisonous thorns. She found herself scratching the wood of the ship with her nails to relieve her kept in stress and was sweating heavily and having trouble controlling her hyperventilation.

Vivianne walked up to her and hugged her to try to make her feel better. Miles looked back to Blueberrii, previously unaware that she was crying. He let go of the wheel to give her comfort. "Hey, I know things are hard now, but I believe in you we all believe you, including the fifty furries stuck on that island that need you." Miles said with his arm on her shoulder for comfort.

Blueberrii smiled looking at Miles, her face slowly turning red of blush. Turns out Jasper and Scarlet weren't the only two forming a secret connection with each other that week as Miles found himself growing more and more fond of Blueberrii. All the romance was split out of the air as Jess let out a blood curdling scream.

Blueberrii, Miles and Vivianne turned around to see Jess pale and too stunned to move looking up at three massive ships.

The leading ship was ridden by a red-haired woman in a suit, it was Scarlet! Miles rushed over to the wheel stumbling and tripping on his tail and struggled to turn the boat around. "Blueberrii?!" Scarlet yelped in a psychopathic voice. Jasper rushed over to see the scenery and the air was filled with his evil laughing at the fact of their tiny ship and vulnerability to attacks.

The echoing symphony of his laugh made the atmosphere one thousand times scarier for Blue and her friends. "You can't escape from me now, Blue!" Scarlet shouted. Then many officers dismounted off her ship with ropes and nets to catch Blueberrii and her friends with, swimming rapidly towards Blueberrii's ship.

"Please, leave us alone, Scarlet!" Blueberrii shouted in a crackling tone of her voice as her aggressive crying made it hard for her to speak. "What happened to the other furries?!" Jess yelled demanding an answer from Scarlet. "Oh, I killed those little rats long ago. Hear that Blueberrii? Your little furry buddies are dead!" Scarlet exclaimed with a wide grin.

Unfortunately, while the furries were building the boat, Scarlet was busy ending the lives of many furries, all in different unexplainable ways. Jess held her mouth in disbelief. Blueberrii collapsed to the ground in failure of her plan, struggling to breathe at the thought of what happened to the furries as Miles sailed the ship aggressively while sweating and struggling with the wheel.

"Don't give up on us now Blueberrii!" he yelled, still struggling to control the wheel. Jess and Vivianne started throwing nearby objects knocking down Scarlet's soldiers one by one in anger and rage.

Blueberrii responded to Miles' exclamation. It hit her like a slap in the face and she realized she was being weak and pathetic. She had instinct to avenge her dead comrades, so with tears still rolling down her face, she grabbed a shard of broken bottle glass nearby and threw it at Scarlet.

Scarlet dodged and it hit Jasper across his face giving him a big unattractive bloody scar across his face. Jess covered Vivianne's ears as he exclaimed a list of unfriendly words loudly in a row in a venting tantrum.

Scarlet went over to Jasper, worried and angry as he laid on the ground, hand covering his face. She put a napkin on his wound, "I'm not finished with you yet, bastard!" Scarlet heard Blueberrii exclaim from the distance.

She looked back but Blueberrii and the others had already sailed away. Blueberrii pounded her fists on the ground of the boat in frustration. "Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!" she exclaimed with oceans of anger coming off her cheeks.

Miles had even accidentally injured the wheel while turning from Scarlet and now he did not have a good grasp on the ship. Then, a dessert island approached closer and closer to their speeding ship. "Everyone hold on to something, tight!" Miles exclaimed, bracing for impact.

A loud shatter startled them all, then they looked up to see their boat shattered to pieces and they were all covered in scars. Blueberrii stood conflicted shaken and weak emotionally and physically. "They're all gone Miles... because of me. If I hadn't taken so long to respond to Scarlet's announcement all those furries could have been alive now." Blueberrii sobbed.

"Don't worry they're in a better place now and we've tried our best. Imagine how proud God will be to see us one day." said Miles. "Why can't that be now? I've been through enough already I don't wanna take this pain anymore, I'm just about ready to die on this island." Blueberrii responded.

"I know things look bad, but if anyone ever gave up after a mistake no one would have gotten anywhere, Blue. I refuse to give up now." Miles explained. Miles sat next to her bruised body grunting in pain. His arm bandages had started to peel off revealing burn bruises on his arm. Blueberrii then had her attention glued to his arm.

"Oh, I see you've noticed. Burned on the arm by some bullies with an iron. I moved on from it though and did something about it, told my parents. They showed up to the school and the bullies ended up getting a three-month suspension." Miles said.

Blueberrii looked at him with amazement. "Really goes to show that if you give up on something it affects you negatively as well." Miles stated wrapping back the bandages on his arm. "Wanna go for a swim?" Jess asked, trying to lighten the mood.

They all agreed and had a nice dip in the water. Then they heard something rise from beneath them. "My prayers have been answered." Miles stated.

Then four suited figures in black clothing attached to a thick string grabbed them each and carried them under the water.