They had almost drowned and woke up coughing water from their lungs. Blueberrii looked around in confusion. They saw themselves back at Everwood safe.
The figures took off their black clothing to reveal themselves as undercover furries who rescued them. They had totally forgotten Everwood had a rescue protocol that retrieved water accident furry occurrences.
Dawn, Krystal, and Kimchi looked at them four in shock and bewilderment. "We're so sorry guardians, we couldn't do it." Vivianne stated in shame.
Krystal looked back at them, "It's okay, this is why we had installed trackers on your ship in case anything happened." she said. "Also don't worry, you don't have to apologize for anything, dears." said Kimchi.
"Yes, we apologize for your losses on the journey." said Krystal. "Even if you failed, your bravery and friendship is strongly commended and will be highly rewarded." said Dawn.
The reward was a generous sum of money they could all spend on a prom celebration for them a week later.
Even though Blueberrii returned alive and welcomed she was still going to use the anger of losing all those furries to make Scarlet pay. Jess even tried offering her a therapy session, but she declined.
Axel walked by Blueberrii's room and saw her sitting on the bed disappointed and stressed. He walked up to her and said, "I told you this would happen, Blueberrii." Blueberrii looked back at him then grew a frustrated expression on her face.
"Axel you're a real jerk y'know!" Blueberrii scolded. "Me? The jerk? You're leading a bunch of helpless furries into certain death. It would be one thing to leave Everwood with no equipment, but following Scarlet on a ship was the breaking point of your stupidity." Axel responded.
"Can't you fight for what's right like the rest of us, though. The feeling of accomplishment you feel after saving your friends in the end will be worth way more than this act you show for me." Blueberrii responded.
"This is no act, I want nothing to do with this fight anymore." Axel responded. "Okay, but just remember once something by Scarlet is done, it can't be undone. It's your choice if you want to not fight for it and I guess I can't stop you... because I don't mind the pain as long as long as I endure it for my friends." Blueberrii sighed.
She then walked out of the room leaving Axel to think. He was frustrated but yet again he felt strings of guilt thread his heart. He then remembered the alliance of Everwood and his duty as a hunter who provides for his Everwood family. He remembered Vivianne being helpless and crying in the forest as a baby. He remembered how he took her for care and shelter in Everwood. Blueberrii's crying face reminded him of it and he stepped back to think if he was even doing the right thing.
"Blueberrii wait!" Axel called. Blueberrii stopped walking and paused in her stance. "You're right, Blueberrii Scarlet's work can't be undone, and if you kill yourself trying there's nothing I can do to help..." Axel stated.
Blueberrii turned around and watched him confused. "Huh?" She muttered. Axel clenched his fists. "Don't you get it, I'm joining you on this." Axel said. "I mean, I know you're gonna die out there, and I can't say I'm not gonna miss your squealing with your friends late at night while I can't sleep."
After Blueberrii realized what he was saying, her face brightened with joy and she ran up to hug him tightly. "I knew you'd stick around in the end!" Blueberrii exclaimed. "Hey, get off me, dork!" Axel grunted trying to fight her away from squeezing him. Blueberrii then let go and started thinking of how much help it would be for Axel to join them.
"Okay, tomorrow I'll stockpile Everwood with healthy foods and train with the furries well, captain!" Axel chuckled. They both laughed for a while. Blueberrii never saw him grin in years.
Axel soon headed off to hunt fruits and Blueberrii was proud that Axel had finally joined them. Unfortunately, she knew that Axel had some important points and she had no idea of what they were gonna' do to conquer Scarlet.
"Rise and shine, sleepy-heads." Miles calmly said through everyone's sleeping rooms. All furry teenagers under eighteen slept in rooms in a massive hallway, so it wasn't difficult for Axel to wake them all up.
"Ugh, I just had the best dream though, damnit Miles..." Dante grunted. "No time for napping, come on we all have work to do." Miles responded. He brought everyone to a newly built training area.
"Dawn, what is this?" A young furry inquired. "It's a training area, Blueberrii was informing us about it for a while now. After that boat crash, we can't afford any more unfitness from you all." Dawn stated.
Blueberrii had informed the Everwood guardians of building training camps for them to be ready if anything were to happen if they ever encountered Scarlet, when the guardians accepted, she carried out Miles to help gather everyone for training. "If you all get injured, it will hurt really badly!" Miles informed the younger kids.
He needed that to motivate them to train. Unfortunately, Blueberrii still felt like something was missing. "Okay everyone let's get those muscles in shape!" Axel exclaimed, startling everyone.
This made Blueberrii remember the thing that was missing, was the brawns of the operation. Luckily, Axel was a top student in his self defense classes, had many experiences with fighting as a kid, and was best at bossing others around.
To start, he had everyone separated in teams. The first team were the runners. The runners were very young furries of Everwood ranging from ages one to seven and their priority was stamina.
They run and find ways to trick their opponets while doing so, whether it be sliding under branches, rolling, jumping or even leading two opponents into each other as a counter attack.
Next up were the supporting fighters. This team was composed of mostly women and operated on skill and agility, more than strength. They're most known team members were Florian, Kimchi, Vivianne, Jess and Blueberrii leading them.
Axel knew most the girls would be at a disadvantage if he placed them in a stronger team. Although, Not all girls were cast into the skill team.
Next up is the strength team which incorporates physical combat strength as a first. The most known fighters on their team were Dawn, Krystal, Dante, Miles and Axel leading them.
With everyone in their respective teams, Axel was head trainer in training them for the rest of many weeks. Miles and Dante would also help train some of the younger kids as Axel was pretty strict with his teaching.
Blueberrii didn't seem to have the right mind to train or even lead. She kept telling Axel that she didn't know if she could do it and it lead her to make mistakes and lack focus through many of Axel's training excersices.
"Blueberrii you need to stop tumbling on the last running lap." Axel instructed. "I know it's just, I find myself thinking of Scarlet over and over again and it scares me." Blueberrii explained.
"I understand, but you gotta' move on from that." Axel stated. "How are we ever gonna' learn to succeed if we don't work on the present instead of whining about the past. Don't forget about the past though, learn from the past, let it drive you to do better!" He encouraged.
Blueberrii thought about it and used his thinking strategy as a way for her to slowly gain confidence in her leading.
Axel gave everyone examples of anything and everything they could use as weapons as a field. He showed them how to handle branches like swords, how to kick wood like stone walls and many different fighting styles with safety included.
Everyone picked it up quickly in little days, feeding off fruits and healthy food to fuel their fighting. Never has even the teacher of Everwood seen such fast learning from a student in all her years.
They decided to pause their training for one day only, the prom party. On the night before the party everyone was safe and asleep in their beds, except for Blueberrii.
She sat unsettled in her room, staring at her drink form waves in it's glass and wondering what Scarlet's next plot would be.