"Damn brat got away again! I will make her pay for hurting you, Jasper." Scarlet groaned.
Jasper was sitting on his office chair treating his wounds, annoyed and frustrated.
"Wait, how did Blueberrii and her stupid new friends find out about our plan anyway?" Scarlet asked. Both Scarlet and Jasper turned to Clint, who was filing reports on Scarlet's henchman's work.
"Clint?" Scarlet said in a passive aggressive manipulative tone. "Do you know anything about this?" Clint looked away, looked to the floor, and whispered to her, "Larry was on cleaning duty while you were out."
Scarlet and Jasper dashed to Larry the cleanup worker and fired him immediately without hesitation as they did not trust him as much as Clint.
Clint felt guilty, but he knew he had to do it to save himself for Blueberrii. Meanwhile, in Everwood, they were holding a prom celebration where everyone was invited.
Miles and Blueberrii were the party's talk and motion. Jess loved helping set up the party and bringing it to life, Vivianne was too busy eating all the candy off the table from Axel's plate, but Blueberrii stood hugging herself uneasy in a corner once the party started.
Miles saw her in this state and decided to be her comfort for the rest of the night. Jess saw them both getting close to each other by settling in and decided she would take the DJ role of the party.
She started the dance music for the prom so the party could get started. Others started dancing around the whole dance floor.
Miles took in a deep breath, took all the courage and heartfelt emotions he shared with Blueberrii along the journeys they had and focused on Blueberrii.
He looked her in the eyes, let out a hand to her and said, "I know you're under some stress, but will you have this dance with me, Blueberrii?"
Blueberrii blushed and stumbled back before gathering courage to grab his hand and respond "Of course." They shared a beautiful dance.
For once, Blueberrii felt peace and calm and like nothing could ruin or hurt her in the entire world.
Having Miles next to her this close made her forget Scarlet even existed.
Others watched as they danced gracefully. Even the three guardians were cheering them on. Miles and Blueberrii were soon elected Prom King and Prom Queen. Wearing a sparkly golden crown on her head with the love of her life next to her made Blueberrii feel like more than just an unfeeling caged animal.
Meanwhile back at Scarlet's base things were only rising up. Since Jasper thought he'd been battling on the water a little too much, he decided to take a walk outside with a massive scar casually around his face.
He never really cared what anyone thought of his mannerisms, he just does whatever he wants to do. Although, as he treaded passed grass in some deepest darkest woods that night, he confronted something conflicting.
He noticed it was something vibrant in the grass, almost so vibrant that it glowed before him. He picked up the structure to see that it was a soft fluffy curly peice of blue hair.
He watched it puzzled on what could have brought him to such confrontation, but then he started to smile. His smile grew wider into a smirk, then the smirk grew creepily uncannily into a grimace of mockery.
He wrapped the strand into a napkin and shoved it into his front suit pocket. He then walked back to the building calmly, keeping that same eery smile plastered on his face.
He walked right into to the government building and straight to the room of Clint. "Clint, follow me I need you for something." Jasper called.
Clint agreed and then followed Jasper to his underground lab. Jasper sat on a chair and observed his work recourses carefully. "Pass me Scarlet's hairbrush." He instructed Clint while pointing to his bag.
Clint then followed every instruction Jasper commanded until he saw the one thing that made him realize exactly what he was conspiring.
Jasper reached into his hat and pulled out the napkin with the blue hair strand. He placed it on a special DNA scanner with the blue hair on one plate and Scarlet's hair on another.
He looked at it, pressed a few buttons, then plastered that same grin that he contagiously gets as he watches the strand.
Clint stood wondering if he was okay as Jasper then starting giggling, laughing and cackling into the sounds of the night.
"I've done it! The wolf girl is mine!" Jasper exclaimed keeping his insane smile. The strand of Blue hair was in fact none other than a source from Blueberrii and Clint knew that this meant trouble.
Clint had to watch anxiously for six nights as Jasper constructed a device that scans for Blueberrii's DNA as it hovers falling asleep many times whilst Jasper kept crafting for the rest of the night.
The next morning after the Jasper's non-stop building for nights, Scarlet was ecstatic to see Jasper using his intelligence on something great and couldn't stop kissing and hugging him that morning.
Scarlet then decided to search the area with Jasper, little amount of henchmen and the device as a test.
While walking in the forest, they had Clint follow them to write down any necessary information like shifted branches or any footprints.
"It's strange," Jasper said, "It's almost as if the very existence of Blueberrii had never occurred once she left the house." "But we know she was here we saw her alive ourselves!" Scarlet replied.
"It still confuses my mind." Jasper said before stepping onto a branch. He went down, got a ruler and his notepad, and inspected it.
Scarlet watched him thinking he had lost his mind. "The twigs, surrounding grass and mud in this area have been shifted." He spoke. He noticed the grass had a large square shaped crease and was weak and uneven. Clint stood sweating to himself praying for Blueberrii and apologizing in his mind over and over again for letting her down.
Jasper and Scarlet were investigating right above the very grass above Everwood. Scarlet pulled a microphone on her collar. "I need a dispatch of my men on the scene in Summerbark forest!" she spoke.
"Oh, and bring a shovel." She stood laughing at the stupidity of it all. She knew this could be necessary to Blueberrii's absence. Not long after a team of men dressed in suits of Scarlet's type and holding shovels and bags appeared.
Jasper walked back and pointed to an area of the floor, "Dig here" he commanded them. They responded and started rapidly digging through.
Clint was stuck bracing, painfully watching and biting his nails until it bled with stress.
"Does anyone hear that?" Vivianne said. "Nope!" Jess responded. Above Everwood was a metal noise cancelling barrier so no one from above could hear anything going on, but Vivianne heard and felt the shaking from below.
"Jess, I don't know I keep hearing thumps." Vivianne said to Jess. "It's okay, maybe you need to go lie down" Jess responded.
Blueberrii and Miles were stood dancing at the center of the prom when the noise grew louder and louder until you hear a loud metal bang then it stopped.
Scarlet thanked the men, and they headed off. The furries' fun quickly turned to fear and suspension waiting for something, anything to happen watching the roof curiously.
Then an imprint of melted metal drew itself on a circle until it dropped. Jasper had used a gadget to melt and saw away a fragment of the metal. It dropped to water by the welcoming gates of Everwood, along with a cushion for landing.
Jasper jumped down first and used a device to rid of the wall before him that blocks others from entering. After the wall came crashing down, he stared at the creatures and abstract territory that is Everwood, then a slow wide terrifying grin plastered on his face.
Scarlet noticed him stuck with that expression on his face and jumped through the hole as well shocked to see he was staring at a bunch of furries jampacked in a mystic fairytale land.
"What the..." She stood still. Normally she is evil and willing to kill in an instant but all the furries gathered in one area trying to hide from her made her sick to her stomach's core. She looked at them with a face of disgust and hatred that could emotionally conflict someone to their soul.
Clint and the rest of the men left over then jumped through the hole ashamed. Blueberrii stared at him in betrayal, Clint couldn't look back.
"Well, Blue I see you're popular down here, more popular than me as well. So popular that I can't begin to imagine the amount of people to show up to your funeral tomorrow." Scarlet said. "It's gorgeous!" Scarlet stood with such a death stare of hatred that her eyes started to water as she looked deep into the soul of a frightened little girl.
"Everyone, out now!" Axel yelled. Every furry in Everwood instantly started running to the escape sections in Everwood in panic.
Furries saw themselves getting chased by henchmen, tackling aggressive fighters and running through escapee mechanisms.
Blueberrii then saw Scarlet heading for her communicator to call for backup. Blueberrii knew she had to save everyone from whatever she was doing. Blueberrii did not care if it took her life, she was going to make Scarlet pay.
She ran towards Scarlet as her friends followed behind her trying to stop her. Blueberrii then took a leap dealing a professional hard kick to Scarlet's left arm knocking herself out in the process. Scarlet screamed a painful yell.
Then a small team of Scarlet's henchman dropped their only net from above and captured all four of Blueberrii, Miles, Jess and Vivianne in a net.
All the other furries seemed to have escaped already. "We have what we want for now!" Scarlet shouted. "Take those bastards to the underground jail cell!" Scarlet commanded her henchman.
Then the men started to carry them away in a net.