Scarlet headed back inside her personal building room instead of the one she usually shares with Jasper, locking it.
Never coming out for a whole night and leaving Jasper outside. Jasper left to a different room to have a breather.
He hadn't entered a bed by himself in months because of the plotting with Scarlet in the building. He found himself alone on the bed questioning his life choices with the accompany of tears and many glasses of beer.
He had his hat off and didn't want to ruin his expensive suit for the night keeping only a vest and coat with his suit pants.
Scheming with Scarlet was fun, but he never really got some alone time for his mentality. He questioned himself if he even loved Scarlet anymore or if Scarlet was even the same girl he met in the forest nine years ago.
Just then, he heard the door open. He didn't care about who it was unless it was Scarlet. He saw Clint, staring back at him puzzled upon his mess.
Jasper turned away from Clint. Clint began "Jasper I know you might hate Scarlet at the moment but-" Clint then saw an empty wine bottle approaching him rapidly. The bottle shattered to splinters behind Clint as he ducked.
"I love Scarlet, never say that I don't!" Jasper threatened. Clint nodded wondering how he's still even alive. "It's just... I can't remember the last time Scarlet said 'I love you' to me..." Jasper said, eyes still soaked in tears.
Clint sat next to Jasper on the bed and encouraged him to be free to get everything off his chest.
Jasper told Clint much he missed and loved about Scarlet. He spoke about how he remembered when they first met and even how he admired her confidence, but he just got struck too hard by some words.
Words at times can be many more powerful than actions and Jasper only now felt that for himself. He kept drinking gradually more bottles of alcohol as he coversed, getting his mindset thrown off at points.
"Y'know Jasper, I haven't seen my wife, Annie since I started working here so I understand." Clint sighed. "You? With a wife? How humorous!" Jasper chuckled. "Ha, yeah she wanted kids but we had financial struggles and-" Clint said before getting handed stashes of heavy cash from Jasper.
Still drunk, Jasper muttered, "Take a little of mine, I don't got much use for em'." Clint watched the money glisten in his palms flabbergasted. "H-how much is this?" He asked. "I don't know, a million or somethin' you go figure it out." Jasper responded his eyes getting heavier and his words lingering drowsier.
"Seems like you still have some kindness in your heart." Clint said, then ducked as another glass bottle rampaged towards him. It broke on the wall behind him once again. "Quit it!" Clint yelled. "Just practicing my aim" Jasper replied with a smirk.
"My best condolences to you, Jasper." Clint said. Jasper nodded right before falling asleep flat on Clint's bed. He passed out on the bed for the whole night, a hot mess and Clint exitted the room after he gave into his drowsiness.
Furthermore, Scarlet was angry in her desk, but she looked at her old pictures of her with Jasper. She remembered all the fun they used to have stealing and scheming together.
Tears formed in her eyes. She missed him; she was too caught up to herself when she made sentences slip that shouldn't have that day. She fell asleep with her head on the desk crying filled with emotions.
On the other hand, there they were, Miles, Blueberrii, Jess and Vivianne running in the forest on that evening. They had to meet up and find the rest of the group.
"Blueberrii!" A voice called in the distance. It was Axel, covered in dirt and leaves. Blueberrii and her friends quickly went up to Axel to see what the situation was. They explained their situation to Axel, then greeted him.
"We're so glad you're alive!" Jess exclaimed to Axel. "Are you okay, you seem to be covered in dirt." Blueberrii said in consern.
"Yes, I have all the furries in camouflage in the forest resting." Axel stated. He tossed them fresh fruits. "I went out to collect fruits for them." "Wow, that's very kind of you, Axel." Vivianne smiled.
Axel looked back at her quite embarrassed that she saw him in this state, until he realized a horrifying sight. "Vivianne, your leg!" Axel exclaimed. He instantly ran up to her to see what type of red liquid leaked from her leg.
Vivianne was wounded and bleeding and she never even realized it. "It looks like a bullet passed by your leg, luckily it missed and didn't injure it badly." Axel said.
"Don't worry, I don't feel much, probably because of adrenaline." Vivianne assured him. Axel sighed in frustration. He gathered leaves then wrapped it around her leg. He then carefully wrapped pieces from branches for a stable healing. "Let's quickly meet with the others." Miles requested.
They all then covered themselves in dirt and leaves and followed Axel to the place where the others rested in the forest. Axel carried Vivianne in his arms as he couldn't bear to watch her limp to their destination.
They arrived safely with everyone. "Okay, everyone let's sleep here and stay warm. We're far enough, it's gone very quiet from where the building was." Dawn instructed. "Okay, everyone, just remember our training. We're gonna' need it for tomorrow." Axel cautioned.
They decided to stop rising anxiousness for now, and rest for the night, but they knew that the next day would be the biggest day they've ever encountered.
Exhausted, hungry and alone, they all fell asleep in the forest all together alone in tears.