Clint's Inner Integrity

The next morning, Scarlet had just awoken in her office. She had unlocked a new urge and determination to capture them.

She looked at her phone with all the missed calls from Jasper then decided to open her office. Jasper had gotten up ready and was walking out of his room to to Scarlet's room.

He wanted to apologize to Scarlet for getting her upset in hopes of her letting him back in, so he walked up to the room where Scarlet slept. Just then Scarlet stood standing in the central hall.

She saw Jasper and ran up to him almost tumbling down as she jumped on him for a hug. "I missed you so much Jasper!" she exclaimed happily. Jasper looked confused.

Even if, he knew Scarlet was a moody unpredictable woman, so he just went with it.

"Has anyone seen Clint?" Scarlet asked a couple henchmen. "Sure, saw him walking out earlier." A henchmen responded. "That man never fails to surprise me..." Scarlet said shaking her head in disbelief.

Scarlet then got her henchmen to gather massive trucks and equipment stockpiled with many weapons and searching tools, including Jasper's DNA device.

Just then Clint walked back into the building to see them getting everything done in a hurry. "Clint, would you stop leaving the premises without my permission? Damn." Scarlet scolded Clint.

She then got Jasper to make sure the guns were ready. Clint couldn't stand seeing such violent weapons that they were to use on the furries so he had to do something.

"Y'know Scarlet, this fight would be pretty short-lasted if we used guns." Clint hinted. "You're a genius! I was thinking the same thing." Scarlet agreed. "We'll use swords to rough them up!" She cackled. "Oh, I'm gonna' enjoy this!" Jasper grinned. She then replaced the guns and made them load trucks with fancy, massive, shiny swords.

Scarlet then gathered all her men and they packed seats in the cars like military forces where they trained. Scarlet sat with Jasper and Clint.

"Can't wait for Blueberrii to feel an expression of sisterly love when I stab a blade through her heart!" Scarlet plotted.

"Great villain speech, but remember the greatest villains have the best laughs with their evil plots." Jasper remarked, leaning on the back of the car seat. "Oh, so what you think you're better than me now?!" Scarlet exaggerated. "If the sword fits, sweetheart." Jasper mocked.

Clint then sat and listened as they then escalated to a yelling contest at the front of the van until eventually Jasper fixed his attention to a sight through the window. "Stop the van!" He demanded the driver.

He hopped out the van and stooped to the ground. "This way men! They've headed into the forest!" Jasper instructed. "Take track of our coordinates, I'll signal you when the fight must commence." Jasper instructed the driver.

That morning Blueberrii and her friends woke up not so well rested the next morning and immediately decided to start running off from where they left, they had no where else to go but away.

They brainstormed many plans in the forest, whether it be rebuilding a new Everwood or living in the ocean, they stayed in the forest collecting food and water and they felt Scarlet's presence enhancing.

After they all washed off, they decided to run further into the massive forest. Meanwhile, Scarlet approached rapidly with 300 men that had feet of steel that shook the earth. "Faster!" Scarlet demanded. She heard the patter of feet from ahead of them until finally she found what she was searching for.

"A-ha!" She exclaimed. "Stop right there, maggots!" Ahead of them were a big group of furries. Every single furry that ever still lived in Everwood.

Blueberrii watched back at Scarlet, trembling in desperation. "Scarlet, you have to stop! This has gone too far!" Blueberrii exclaimed.

"Listen, Blueberrii, we can do this the easy way or the hard way." Scarlet threatened.

This was Scarlet's first confrontational chat with Blueberrii in years. Clint stood conflicted, not knowing what to do. It made his brain itch painfully, he knew he had to do something.

Clint observed carefully to Scarlet's every move and noticed she kept grasping her right arm tightly, as if she were holding something back.

"Scarlet, this isn't you! I know you could change!" Blueberrii yelled.

While Scarlet was monologuing, Clint tried to sneak up to Blueberrii pretending he was writing notes then mouthed to her "124 Goldrose Street" Clint noticed at the side of his eye that Scarlet was slowly raising her gun towards Blueberrii.

A feeling of desperate protecting then overcame Clint's actions and out of instinct, he tossed a pair of keys to Blueberrii, grabbed the gun of Scarlet, and held it in a tight grasp along with both of her hands in an attempt to tackle the gun out of her hands. "Clint..." Scarlet grunted in an angry tone. "Run!" he yelled to Blueberrii.

Blueberrii told Axel "Get them to 124 Goldrose street." Clint was still struggling to intake Scarlet's long red nails which she was seeping into his hand's skin to get him to release grip of her gun. "Follow me!" Axel exclaimed to the furries and they scrambled into a neighborhood from the forest.

Blueberrii looked back for a second to see Clint get knocked out from a full fist punch from Jasper with the sound of a gunshot after she looked away. Clint had been killed. She squealed in horror. "Don't look back! Just keep running!" Miles demanded.

They ran into the depths of the street searching frantically for the destination. "There's no way we're gonna reach there in time!" Jess said in stress. Just then her wings began to flutter, they fluttered more and more rapidly in aggression. "What's happening with your wings?!" Miles asked. Jess looked back to see her wings fluttering insanely fast, she didn't know what caused it as her heart rushed and beated rapidly. "Ah! I don't know! They just won't stop!" Jess exclaimed trying to calm herself down.

Just then she felt herself feel lighter and lighter until she looked down and saw the ground disappearing from her reach. "Jess, you're flying!" Blueberrii exclaimed. Jess then screamed in confusion. "That would be pretty useful to us, Blueberrii." Axel stated.

"Jess, guide us to 124 Goldrose Street!" Blueberrii instructed. "You got it, Blue!" Jess responded. She fluttered frantically watching around for street signs until she finally saw a house labelled 124 on Goldrose Street. Jess lead all the furries to where they should go, Blueberrii gathered all to follow her as she watched and Axel, Miles and Dante were the three to make sure no furry is left behind or injured.

Jess gave them signals to where they should go others to Clint's house address and had finally found it overtime.

They walked inside and finally had time to rest, although it was cramped with many furries. They were scared and were brain-storming ideas on what they could do but there seemed to be nothing but hope they find a way out. They locked the door in fright. It seemed like the world was ending to them and if anyone just looked at them, they could be a target for Scarlet.

Jess had lost her ability to fly after reaching inside the house and calming down. The inside of the house was full of pictures of Clint and his wife.

Blueberrii picked up the picture. She stared at it in a face of grief. "He was just a normal guy with hopes of bringing peace to us..." said Blueberrii with tears forming in her eyes. "Just comes to show how Scarlet can ruin someone's life in the span of seconds."

They all shared a few seconds of tears until it was broken by Axel's speech. "Wait, but why would he tell us to go here in specific?" he asked. Blueberrii shrugged.

They all agreed to look around together. They went into his kitchen his bedroom, even his attic and couldn't find anything until something nuzzled Vivianne's tail from underneath the rug. She pushed the rug aside. It was an uneven hollow piece of floor wood which led him to confusion until she realized that she could move the floor wood by pushing it back and forth.

She pushed the piece aside and saw a staircase leading down to something. They all went down the staircase for their faces to be stunned with surprise and shock.

There were stacks of armor, weapons and shields stacked in piles around cabinets and cupboards. Clint had been planning and rooting for them since the beginning. "This is amazing..." Axel said, while tampering with the weapons.

Seeing all the defensive materials stacked in this hidden basement gave Blueberrii new emotions, emotions to fight.

She remembered her mother's words she heard as a child. "Fight for what's right, Blueberrii and that's where you'll conquer the borders leading to happiness." her mother spoke in her head.

"All the emotions we had to bear; all this fear we keep bottled up inside for no use, it makes me want to do unexplainable things to Scarlet to make her pay." Blueberrii said. "I'm just about done with crying in a corner telling myself repeatedly that everything's okay, because in reality, I know that you all know things aren't. How long will we be running from Scarlet our whole lives?!" She tried to give everyone a hint of what they should do next.

"She's right, it's time we fight back!" Axel said, raising a sword. Everyone exchanged glances in agreement. "This furry hunt run has gone on far too long, let's do it, Blue." Dawn reassured her. Blueberrii was happy to see everyone agreeing to her plan.

Axel started instantly on training everyone with using real weapons and suiting in fine armory.

This was what Clint had been preparing them for before he shared a sacrificial goodbye.

They knew Scarlet could be coming to the base at any time, so they decided to get things ready as soon as possible.