
While you are thinking about things in the future, what are the things you should consider?

How would you behave in the future, how would you make your choices, and which road would you take?

Would you be able to answer those questions about yourselves?

And the hard thing while predicting someone else's future behavior is that you need to know that person well, as well as what kind of situation they would be in.

You need to know all those things, and according to them, you can predict those person's behavior in the future.

"Welcome, my son. Took you long enough."

The moment I heard that voice coming inside from the barrier, I immediately understood that Father predicted all those happening.

"You must be pretty confused right now, and seeing you are able to come inside the barrier without any resistance or whatever, I can safely say that you finally managed to get your class. If that is the case, then I am probably no longer in this world anymore."