Awakening Aura

In the first place, one of the best feelings one can feel would be the feeling of getting better at something you like to do every day.

Feeling like you are certainly improving and achieving results would be a very good motivation.

And that is exactly what I am feeling right now.

For the last two months, I have been training non-stop like a machine. And tomorrow will be the day when I get the fruits of my preparations for the last two months.

Even though there is a high risk of going crazy because of the pain, the process of gaining strength is never easy.

Thinking like that, I finished my body workout training. Since all my parameters are increased, the time I am spending on body training is increased to the point that I won't be able to feel tired until breakfast time.

"Aura, close the room. I will be back soon."

Saying that I left the room and took a quick shower. After that, the following was simply going to the dining room.