Sword Duel

When a person gains a new type of power, that doesn't instantly affect their strength. It is like money. 

Just by having a lot of money, you won't be strong. You need to know how to spend that money as well.

Therefore, for me, refining my aura and getting familiar with the new sensations coming was also essential.

Remembering all the things that I have done so far, I started meditating. Trying to imitate that feeling I got while my wounds were healing on their own with the existence of aura.

Slowly putting my will into my existence of mine, I started feeling that familiar feeling again.

Since I had already awakened my aura, regenerating it was not that hard, either.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a faint blue light wave lingering around my body.

This was my own aura. However, since now I was in the beginning stages, it was still faint. 

And, of course, in order to strengthen it, the only thing I can do is to train and train…