
This chapter will contain R-18 scenes, and it is not necessary for the plot. I am just testing things out, so you can criticize me if you want. I am open to any improvements.


In the first place, there is a reason why alcohol is banned in most religions….

Because it thinners the conscience of a person and makes judgments clouded.

After grabbing the first cup, I gulped it in one go.


And it was strong; however, it was not to the point where a two-star knight's body couldn't handle.

"Heh? Where is your confidence now?"

"Shut up. Let's see how you will do."

"Hmm, let this lady show you how to drink then."


Saying that, she gulped it in one go as well.


Albeit, she too was not unscathed. 

"Hmm~ What were you saying?"

"Lot thos lody show yo how to dronk? Was it?"
