Fortress of Iron Mountains

In the first place, there were subtle differences between the themes of the locations of the game. 

For instance, if the starting point of the game Wraslugia Kingdom has the appearance of a light atmosphere with heartwarming elements, then the Fortress of Iron Mountains has the atmosphere of working.

What I mean by that is pretty simple.

It is more like a factory-oriented city.

The moment I got out of the portal, the scene that welcomed me was a lot different than before.

Sounds of machines tickling, cogwheels rubbing at each other making loud voices.

Even from the city hall itself, I was able to hear those voices coming from the workshops.

"Yo, boy. Get in the line."

And, following that, with a loud voice and rough accent, a dwarf came beside me saying.


Just like that, I finally stepped onto the territory of blacksmiths and engineers of this world.