Aliya Norris

After that talk I had with the slanted-eye swordsman of our party, I was left alone once again.

"A dying man's last wish, huh?"

In the first place, there wasn't any information about a man named Ishimoto Akira in the game.

In the game, there were some people with slanted eyes that fit the theme of Samurai. On the map of the world, we weren't able to enter the place where those people live either.

However, of course, there is some information related to where they came from.

I once heard from my father about those.

'In the far east of the world, there is a land called Land of the Reeds. There live warriors who always fight for their honor, always think of their names.'

That was what he said at that time, and aside from that, I don't know anything else.

But considering the parallelism between Earth's Japan and this place, the contents can be understood pretty much.