Bandits 3

What is the thing we call enlightenment or inspiration? 

Most of the time, those terms would be related to art.

However, that is not that true.

Inspiration or enlightenment of them might come in whatever disciple you are in, regardless of your position.

It may come as an engineer when you are designing something.

It may come as a painter when you are looking at a beautiful woman.

It may come as a student when you are solving a question.

You wouldn't know how it came into your mind, how the process went on, or how to recreate it.

But, in the end, it would come making you reach new heights in your life.

At least, this is how I would describe that state of mine when I was getting beaten at the end.

All those forms that I learned, those sword swings I learned from Father, the swordplay of Augustride.

The techniques I learned from Akira.

None of those above were suited for me in the first place.