Callius' POV

After I saw the traces, I increased my speed and kept riding Night.

However, finding the group was a lot trickier than I thought.

At some point, for some reason, the storm that was raining snow heavily increased its density, making the traces that were on the ground a lot harder to see.

And that was what made it almost impossible to understand the direction they had taken.

'This is getting annoying.'

No matter how strong I am or how good my eyes are, I can't see the things that normal eyes can't see.

Or can I?

Of course, I can.

And that was the reason why I was still able to pursue them.

Thanks to the many traces that were left by them walking.

'This beast…. From the looks of it, it had already been tired to the limits.'

Now, of course, in this world, there are most of the time, such beasts are used for transportation and logistics.