
Have you ever thought what is the worst thing an adult or parent could do to a child without it being a crime lawfully?

Of course, just as the questions before, this question also doesn't have a definite answer.

However, there is one answer that is plaguing a lot of youngsters that have suffered.

It was expecting a lot of things from a child and forcing the ideologies that you weren't able to complete on him/her.

Because, as a child, a person would not be able to understand that the things he/she is supposed to do were nothing but a wish of his/her parents, and won't be able to stop this feeling of emptiness that will come after the failure over something she didn't even wish to do….

Just because a parent sees signs of his/her child being good at something doesn't mean the child is good at it. They may have made a mistake, though most parents would never accept it, because of some useless pride…..