Entrance Exam 10


A convenient type of magic that would leave no traces on the environment.

It was magic that I liked very much and practiced a lot in case of something like this.


The moment I saw the arrow coming to my face, I knew dodging the arrow was not possible.

Of course, it wasn't like I didn't know the arrow would come.

No, I knew.

Because there is no way I am stupid enough to forget that there was another boy that was waiting for the right time to attack.

So, I just used the telekinesis magic and redirected the arrow at one last second.

And that one change in the trajectory was enough for it to miss.

To add, the expression on his face the moment his attack was missed was a sight to see.

That dumbfounded expression.

It was something I liked very much and enjoyed seeing on other people's faces.

Though, in the end, he needed to disappear from there for the sake of my winning.