After the Exam 2

Now, since Ark is the world's best academy and a place for many talents from all around the world to gather, it has very good facilities.

And one of them is right before my eyes.

Room of the Rank 1 student.

Since the academy also has a ranking system to fuel the talents inside to work harder, the rewards are also given accordingly.

Just like this one.

The moment I opened my eyes, a high-luxury room welcomed me.

Everything that could be seen was looking clean and unused.

It was like a fresh room that had just been cleaned.

In fact, it was; no, it still is.

Since I can sense the non-attributed mana constantly being used and circulated inside.

That means the room is consecutively getting cleaned without any stop.

However, that is not the important thing right now.

The ceiling, which is almost 10 meters high, gives a fresh and magnificent atmosphere.