First Lesson

"Hufff…. Hufff….."

In the middle of the room that was filled with burn marks, mud, and slight wetness, I was sitting.

"Implementing this was a lot harder than I thought."

I mumbled while remembering the thing that I had just tried.

Field magic.

As the name implies, it is a type of magical theory that discusses how to use the magic of any attribute in a field. 

And the moment I started reading the book, I felt this was what it meant by magic.

'Now, it feels like that Elementary Magic book I read at that time was only child's play.'

I thought.

Even though the magic theory I just read was something pretty simple and basic for starters, using this in practice was something that required a lot of effort.

"Though, I think I can perfect it at most three days."

I mumbled, still feeling the improvement.


While moving the lightning mana around me.

'Let's try it with lightning this time.'