First Story Event

Waking up early in the morning, I stretched myself.

"Ho…I really stood there all day…" I thought, feeling a bit sore. Of course, it was not physical but rather psychological.

Like the feeling, you get after studying for a long time…. I felt slightly burned out.

'I need to move my body.' With that thought, I raised myself from the bed and started walking to the training room under my dorm.

I had already finished writing my report, so I didn't have any assignments left for a while, meaning I was free.

"Jiyu-da." Remembering certain phrases from an anime I liked, I reached the entrance to my basement and immediately started training….


After finishing my light training session, I left the basement and cleaned myself.

In a sense, I had a reason not to tire myself fully.

Because today is the day when the first event takes place.

As you all know, Chronicles of Aeris is an RPG game, even if it was an eroge.