How does a boss look like 3

The inferno swept through the arena, enveloping both the golem and the vines in its searing embrace. The golem roared in agony as its wooden form charred and crumbled, and the vines withered and turned to ash.

For a moment, it looked like Callius gained the upper hand, just like he always has done until thus far. Everyone was expecting the same to happen. No matter how strong his foes were, Callius always had shown unpredictable magical spells, surprising the crowd, and it was the same this time as well.

The audience erupted in cheers as they witnessed the destruction caused by Callius' powerful fire attack. They believed he had defeated Diana and emerged victorious.

"Did you see that? Callius is amazing!"

"That fire attack was incredible! I think he had won for sure!"

"He's going to be the best mage this academy has ever seen!"

"But, I really wished Diana to win this time. I want her to erase that proud expression on his face."