Crushing Dogs 4

What is the thing that differentiates a villain from a hero?

There are countless types of villains that were created by the writers….

Some of them are just broken, people….

Some of them did not have any other chance aside from walking on the path of destruction….

Some of them lost someone dear to them…

Some of them were stepped on….

Some of them had their pride crushed….

We can continue this list further, listing many more reasons as to why one could become a villain.

But does that mean every person that has such past needs to become the villain? Does that mean every person that the world chooses to inflict pain needs to become the destroyer?

Does that mean we, humans, do not have any choice?

No. In fact, we have.

And this is the thing that differentiates a villain and a hero.

A villain and the hero both had looked into the abyss. But, when it stared back, the villain would be the one that would blink.