Awake & Training

I reach out my hand and froze...I realized I was already being empowered by the Sun and would most likely destroy anything I touched inadvertently. I gently pressed the button to open the chamber and with a successful 'hisss' the door slid upwards revealing the medical bay. I stepped out of the chamber and started exploring my improvised Fortress of Solitude (FoT).

After 15 seconds my mind cleared and I hit the ground in pain, all my attention was focused on the sounds of the ship. From the sound of the air refirbishers to the whir of the shields and invisibility cloak around the ship, I heard it all in deafening clarity. I laid there and adjusted to my new hearing, as that was calming down my eyesight started to go haywire. After 5 minutes I was calm enough to stand up and continue my exploration of the ship.

It took me an hour to explore everything and know my way around without getting lost. I went to the training room and called out "Turn on the Solar Radiation Boosters" (SRB). With a faint whir the light from the windows in the room started to brighten and I felt euphoric as my cells were becoming drunk of power as they soaked it up like a sponge.

As I was floating in the air I asked the AI "What is the status on Earth and its heroes?"

The AI responded "No major incidents have occurred, Kal-El has begun his protecting of Earth a few years ago and no other world enemies have visited Earth yet." (this AI was another gift from C, knowing everything Sean knows about all the world's he will visit and will only inform him of such things when he is alone, consider it a fellow reincarnator)

"Very well, since I've already learned all Kryptonian combat styles let's use 1 of my wishes." I wish to be able to have energy adaptability, basically I can turn any energy into my own power and it will start to increase my reserves and regeneration of my powers and energies. All I heard was a click in my head as the solar energy I was receiving from the room started to increase.

"Se-An (An is an actual house from Krypton so it works out perfectly), it's time to begin integrating the knowledge of Earth."

"Very well, I have nothing else to do since I'm receiving so much solar radiation I don't even have to eat or drink anything to survive." I stated


After 11 months I learned all the languages on earth and my power increased to beyond planetary destruction level while under the SRB, outside I was a bit stronger than Kal-El thanks to my energy adaptability. I stepped onto the floor for the 1st time in 11 months and told AI "Turn off the SRB, I need to adapt to regular solar radiation levels before the show starts."

"Command confirmed." AI responded

"AI, conver atmosphere from Krypton to Earth." I gave 1 final order, knowing this would boost my power again and be very painful.

"Beging atmospheric conversion." AI said as I heard machines all over the ship power up and begin circulating the air on the ship to remove the impurities from the Kryptonic atmosphere to the much more pure Earth atmosphere like conditions.

After about 20 seconds I started to have problems breathing and my skin felt flushed, I hit the ground and coughed out a mouthful of blood as I passed out.

The next thing I knew I was waking up and started flying almost without thinking about it. It's amazing how learning to fly under ONLY the radiation from the Sun was improved so much by adding in the better atmosphere of Earth.

"AI, how long was I out for?" I asked

"3 weeks" responded AI



"...very well, where is Kal-El right now? and what's his situation?" I asked AI

"He is in Metropolis playing with Batman and Green Lantern, it seams they think he has something to do with the Parademons roaming around Earth looking for the Motherboxes." AI informed me

"I see, so Zack Snyder version of the Mother Boxes, and cartoon Superman, Batman and Green Lantern. Any news on Steppenwolf?" I inquired

"He appears to have just taken the Amazon's Mother Box and fled." AI informed me

"Very well, I won't help Atlantis out yet as they wouldn't appreciate it in any way, let's go see how Kal-El is doing and if he wants to play or not. Could be interesting, is my new suit ready yet?" I asked with some anticipation

"Yes, it's completed to your specifications." AI stated

"Perfect" I said as I flew off to suit up

(imagine Supermans black suit mixed with Brollys outfit but also black with golden boots and spaulders and arm guards, I never cared that the lower half of the suit was bare bones, also instead of a cape he has spaulders and a trench coat style cape instead of a shoulder style that goes down to just above the ground when hes walking, think Sephiroth style but not so skinny since hes beefed up like a Saiyan from all his solar absorption)

After suiting up I stepped into the airlock and stepped out and looked at Earth for a moment before seeing the fight going on and flew towards them at full speed. I caught fire as I entered the atmosphere and moments later I stopped in front of them about 3 feet in the air with my arms crossed just staring at them while they had just come to an understanding with each other.

"....." Superman

"....." Batman

"....." Green Lantern

"...well thats a shit introduction from anyone. How do you do? My name is Se-An (pronounced Saiyan according to the audio function, im going to stick with that pronunciation instead of "C-Ann" that was going throughmy head, so Se for short is pronounced "Say"). I noticed an invasion is going on and decided to help...or take care of it, I don't need anyone's permission to act, but I don't want y'all to start depending on me for everything." I stated under their stares

Nobody said anything as Green Lantern threw his fist my way with a green glowing fist headed for my entire body. I just deadpan stared at him as the energy was almost to me, I didn't dodge or even raise my hand. It shattered on contact and I felt like I walked through a light breeze I hardly noticed was there.

I looked him straight in the eyes as I raised 1 eyebrow and said "Now you're just being rude." He took 3 steps back and froze as Superman opened his mouth and started asking me questions.