Introductions & First Fight

Superman finally managed to ask "Who are you? Are you really here to help?"

"My name is Se-An, as I previously said, and yes, I'm here to help." I said

"How are we supposed to believe you?" Batman asked with a heavy amount of doubt in his voice

"Well, if I were an enemy I'd have killed him" pointing towards G L "for his previous actions." I said with obvious irritation in my voice

G L was sweating literal buckets

"That seems to be honest...although I don't really like what G L did, I don't like the way you worded that last statement Se-An." Superman said with a furrowed brow

Looking him straight in the face "I don't care what a Kryptonians opinion is of me. After all, as a Kryptonian-magi I'll never bow down to you in any way shape or form!" I told him with a deep emotionless voice

"...what's a Kryptonian-magi?" G L

"....." Batman, though the curiosity is evident on his face

"Think of us as the Kryptonic version of Earth's Jews during your 2ed World War. Because we were different, we were hunted down to near extinction by our fellow Kryptonians until an agreement was made that each would stay in their own areas and we would never raise arms against each other again, because if we hadn't, both sides would have been wiped out. On that note, a Kryptonian-magi is a Kryptonian that is capable of using magic, while a regular Kryptonian is unable to." I gave a very brief history lesson

"Oooookkaaaaayy, what's going on? Are we fighting him or not?" G L asked with confusion clear in his voice

"Not." Superman

"Not....for now." Batman

"Whatever, you're welcome to try at any time. Oh look, an invader." I said as I flew a half a mile off and grabbed a Parademon that was looking around, then flew back to my previous position. Superman was shocked by my speed and strength since he wasn't sure if I was actually a Kryptonian. "Bats, you want this for anything?" I asked while holding the Parademons head in 1 hand

"BE CAREFUL, THEY CAN MAKE THEIR ENTIRE BODY EXPLODE!" Batman tried warning me with some venom in his voice since I basically brought a bomb right to their faces

"Oh?" my hand glowed with a red hugh as I activated my magic before it disappeared "No problem, it can't force itself to explode anymore." I said in a bored calm voice as the Parademon has been trying to hit and kick me this entire time

"Useful, and yes, if you don't mind?" Batman asked with some respect in his voice for once

"Sure" I stated before ripping the wings and arms off the Parademon and setting it down in front of Batman

"...honestly, thanks" Batman was honest but uncomfortable with saying it

"No problem. Kal-El, as the last of your line and being sent away from Krypton on the day of your birth, I forgive the actions of your ancestors, let's start fresh." I said while holding out my hand for a shake, and Batman was trying to interrogate the Parademon with no luck, finally ending it

"I'm not sure exactly what happened back then but alright" Superman admitted while accepting my handshake

"I know, but we can continue that conversation after this battle is finished" I said while looking serious "What's the plan?" I asked while looking at Superman and Batman, ignoring G L completely

"These aliens are looking for things called motherboxes, according to my research there are 3 of them." Batman said

"Yes, the Amazon's lost theirs awhile ago and the Atlantians just lost theirs, only the cube left in the hands of Man (human) is still not in their hands." I informed them

"I'm not going to ask how you know that." Superman said

"My FoS is better than yours." I said with a deadpan expression

"Oh...makes sense then." Superman admitted, a bit dejected

"Do you know where the cube of Man is?" Batman asked me

"WHOA WHOA WHOA, why are we asking this guy? He literally falls out of the sky and starts spouting off stuff and we're just supposed to believe him?!" G L finally lost his cool and started showing his fragile ego

"I never said you have to believe shit, I'm just throwing out advice. But if you want to do this on your own, I'll head back to my ship and let you deal with this by yourself. I don't have time to deal with your self important attitude in the middle of a fight, so let's settle this now." I stated with a bit of impatience

"No, at least til this fight is over, I'm believing in you. If you had been with the enemy, G L and I'd have been dead already based on how you took his strike." Batman stated, analytical as always

"I agree, but I want to sit down and have a talk with you after this is all over, I thought I was the last Kryptonian alive, I'd love to have a civil conversation with you." Superman stated

"Cool, I'm down for both and save any other questions for later as well, just know, I'm stronger than Superman, by alot plus my magic." I stated, matter of factly

"Well, I have a friend heading this way. An Amazon, maybe she'll have more information about what you said earlier." Batman said

"I'm already here Batman." Wonder Woman stated with a slight smile, coming up behind him

"Diana, this is Superman, G L and Se-An." Batman stated in a no nonsense manor

"I'm aware of Superman and G L, but Se-An is news to me." Diana said intrigued

"I'm a Kryptonian-magi, unlike Superman here, I can use magic, but I'm still a Kryptonian." I stated as short as I could make it

"Neat" Diana said. "So, the Amazon's have lost their Motherbox, Steppenwolf, a new God, showed up and stole it." Diana said

Coming out of the ocean water near us was Arthur Currey "He got the Atlantians cube as well...and you can call me Aquaman." He said obviously having listened to a portion of the conversation

There was a sudden 'woosh' and Barry Allen was there "Hey guys, so I just found a bunch of those bug things..."

"Parademons" I interrupted him

"...right, Parademons rushing out of a hole in the sky with 1 big guy heading into an apartment uptown." he finished hurriedly, at least for us, it was probably pretty relaxed for him

"Steppenwolf is headed for the final box" I said as I flew in that direction with everyone else right behind me. I refuse to let this be 1 of this Earths where Darkseid wins

Upon getting there I tell everyone else "I'll take care of this army, you all go after Steppenwolf!"

"On it" said Batman, and Superman stayed to ask if I was sure but before he could I said "Just go, I'm stronger than you and they need your help more than I do."

With a look of feeling like he's abandoning me, he turns around and says "Be safe" before flying after everyone else

I just look at the army that finally noticed me and started heading my was. Cracking my neck I float towards them while grabbing throats and heads and crushing's a very boring fight

15 minutes later, with the army still heading out of the portal, the building behind me explodes with 1 hero after another flying out uncontrollably. 'It appears that Steppenwolf overpowered them all. I thought to myself

Using a wide range version of heat vision I wiped out all the Parademons between me and the portal. I turned around to see Steppenwolf had the Motherboxes fusing together and a portal was opening up about 100 feet behind him, I had no time to worry about anyone else, I flew to Steppenwolf at my max speed catching on fire and making multiple sonic booms as I threw a punch at his head and immediately trying to separate the cubes.

Steppenwolfs head was detached from my punch but his body and head went through the portal that finished opening behind him, there stood Darkseid in all his glory as he noticed Steppenwolfs body and a spray of blood covering him completely. With a look of disappointment towards Steppenwolfs head, he starts walking towards the portal as I'm still pulling the Motherboxes apart slowly.

The Justice League is back up and looking at Darkseid as he steps through the portal with a smile that just looks both bored and like he's already won, at which point I pulled Superman over to me and told him to keep the Motherboxes apart while Flash, Aquaman, Diana, Batman and Cyborg, guess he was already inside, started to fight Darkseid.

I looked at Darkseid with a serious look as I stepped towards him while watching everyone else fight him, I finally got in range and he threw a punch at me. Not knowing how strong he would be compared to me I raised 1 arm to catch his fist with my hand.....after his fist landed the battlefield froze, my arm moved roughly 1 inch, he had no idea how to react to such strength. I laughed in his face as I pulled my arm back for an uppercut to throw him in the air. 'Does this make me a bully?' I thought to myself before I decided that I don't really care