
Chapter 2: Verdict

"So what's going to happen to me now? Am I going to Hell? Purgatory? Underworld?" Valerie questioned, her fearless sapphire eyes meeting Lilith's gold one.

Lilith was slightly taken aback by the sudden serious question, even Luxuria broke out of her thoughts at the question.

"Why do you think you are going to hell?" Lilith curiously questioned.

Valerie couldn't believe the question that Lilith just asked her, so she gave her look that said: Are you stupid?

Lilith's lips twitched as she saw this, and Luxuria giggled.

"Just answer the damn question".

Valerie just shrugged and decided to humour her, "Why wouldn't I go to Hell after everything I did? I killed thousands of people and ruined peoples lives. Even if I use the excuse that they were hunting me it doesn't change the fact that I killed them or slept with their wives and relatives".

"Do you regret what you done or feel guilty?" Luxuria who was now sitting next to Valerie asked even though she knew the answer.

"No". Valerie answered with no hesitation.

Lilith nodded in understanding and said, "Are those the only reasons?"

Valerie shook her head and turned to Luxuria-nay Asmodeus, "She is Asmodeus right? One of the Seven Princes of Hell, also representing one of the Seven Deadly Sins being Lust. If you brought me to her doesn't that mean I'm going to Hell or better not am I not already in Hell?"

"You aren't wrong". Lilith agreed.

Hearing the confirmation Valerie calmly nodded. She wasn't afraid since she felt that being burned in Hellfire won't hurt as much as what she felt that day, the day when everything changed, the day she changed.

Valerie could still remember it even now, it was deeply ingrained into her being, she saw in slow motion as a vial with green liquid fell from the sky and into her mouth perfectly. To this day she still doesn't understand how such bullshit even occurred.

But what came after was anything but pleasant. Her existence twisted, distorted, flipped and churned. And she felt pain. An unimaginable amount of pain that wracked her entire being. Having experienced this, no amount pain would make Valerie feel fear.

"Why are you quite? Could it be that little Val is scared~?" Luxuria asked teasingly.

"Read my mind if you want to know if I'm scared".

"I can't".

"Huh?" Valerie gave a doubtful look to Luxuria. What did she mean she couldn't read her mind? Didn't she just do it a while ago?

"Don't give me that look~ I'm telling the truth". Luxuria said with a pout.

"She's telling the truth". Lilith commented, helping out Luxuria.

Valerie turned to Lilith hoping to get an explanation.

"Your mind… Hmm~ how do I say it… is Alien? Twisted? Chaotic? Eldritch?"

Valerie was even more confused about what Lilith was saying. What bullshit is she even talking about? Are they even speaking the same language? Actually now that she's dead and in Hell, is she still speaking English? Or the devils language?

Hearing the useless thoughts in Valerie's head Lilith rolled her eyes and decided to simplify the answer for her, "You are insane".

"Are you cursing me?" Valerie asked knitting her brows.

Lilith couldn't help but face palm at this moment. Isn't anything getting through this woman's head? Actually she shouldn't of even asked her self that, this woman is literally a young Eldritch, there's no way her mind works the same way as others.

Luxuria was dying with laughter. The interaction between these was too funny and she couldn't have enough of it.

'Damn! Big sis is being given a run for her money! I'm starting to like little Valerie more and more-!'

Luxuria felt a shiver up her spine and turned to see Lilith's golden eye glaring at her while radiating power.

'Big sis I'm sorry~ Please don't stare at me like that. Did you forget that I can die if you accidentally use your power?' Luxuria thought, as she sat up properly causing her F-Cup mounds to jiggle furiously.

Lilith turned her attention back to Valerie, ignoring Luxuria. "Sigh~ I was not cursing you, that potion changed you and you should already know that. It also changed your mind, so now know one is able to read your mind unless they are stronger than you and making contact with you".

Valerie made an expression that said: 'Oh! So that's what what you meant'.

But then she couldn't help but ask, "What do you know about the potion anyways?"

"Why else do you think I brought you here? You literally had sex with the person responsible for your transformation". Lilith said while giving a smirk to Luxuria.

"What?! It wasn't my fault! It was my bratty daughter's, she was throwing a tantrum so she decided to chuck my experiment to the mortal world and it just happened to land on Earth!" Luxuria defended herself vehemently that her milky large breasts once again shook.

Valerie's head snapped to Luxuria's direction and the look in her eyes caught both Lilith and Asmodeus off guard.


That was what both of them saw in her eyes, and when they blinked everything was normal. But of course both of them knew that what they saw wasn't an illusion as they both sensed the extreme malice that spiked at that split second.

Lilith was confused at what could cause Valerie to direct that much resentment to Luxuria. Was she angry that she was no longer human? Or angry because she wasn't able to live a peaceful life? Lilith wasn't sure since she didn't see the moment Valerie had turned, so to sate her curiosity she read Valerie's mind.

'I see now… No wonder she feels such hate. It would be surprising if she didn't feel anything for the person partially responsible for her pain. Pain that surpassed the Flames of Hell'.

Luxuria was also confused but then she connected the dots and came up with a hypothesis, 'Since the potion was incomplete, it must of had some side effects and that side effect must been really extreme if it caused Valerie to feel anger that matched a Wrath Demons.

I wonder what I should do now? Who would have thought that the potion that was meant to create a Hentai Tentacle monster would instead create a lewd Eldritch human. Should I just kill her? No I've taken a liking to her, and even if I wanted kill her I wouldn't be able to since it seems Lilith might have a crush on her.

Then what should I do~? Hmm… Oh! I know! Why don't I just adopt her! Yes that's a perfect plan! And as for my daughter, since they will be sisters I doubt she would kill her. Also I can get a potential Outer God as my Daughter, two birds with one cock! Umu, what a genius I am!'

Luxuria nodded proudly at her own plan, not realising the mistake in her own analogy and also Lilith who was eavesdropping on everything.

'How sly, but what does she mean I have a crush on Valerie! It's only an interest, yes an interest. Nothing more'. Lilith thought to herself.


"Valerie! It's decided! You will reincarnate!" Luxuria clapped her hands excitedly.

"Hmm?" Valerie raised an eyebrow in surprise, her previous grievance slightly reduced.

"I said you will reincarnate!" Luxuria repeated.

"I heard you the first time. What I want to know is why?" Valerie clarified.

"Because I am to blame to for your circumstances and as such I would like to give you a second chance." Luxuria said with a serious expression.

Valerie was further surprised at Luxuria admitting her mistakes so honestly. But she still didn't agree right away, her chaotic mind told her that she was hiding something.

Noticing her hesitation, Luxuria decided to use her trump card, "I'll let you fuck me silly whenever you want!"

Hearing that, Valerie couldn't help but once again check out Luxuria's body, causing her dormant dragon to rise up valiantly. Lust was starting to cloud her mind and she only had one thought in mind: To Ravage all of Luxuria's holes.


A snap resounded, bringing Valerie back to her senses, her previous misty eyes gaining clarity.

'Don't do that again'. Lilith telepathically warned Luxuria.

'Fine~ Even though that wasn't even 0.1% of my power' Luxuria answered back reluctantly.

'Did you forget that you are not just any lust demon, but PRIME Asmodeus?' Lilith reminded.

'Yes, yes. Meaning that I am the First and most powerful Asmodeus to exist in all realities'.

'Good. So you should understand to not use your powers carelessly like that again'. Lilith added before shifting her attention back to Valerie.

Asmodeus or Luxuria as she likes to be called, just sighed in disbelief at her big sister's overprotective attitude towards 'her' soon-to-be daughter.

"Are you alright now?"

"Yes…Thanks to you". Valerie said with a smile on her beautiful face.


"Ahem! That's good then" Lilith coughed with a small smile on her face and continued, "As Asmodeus said before, you will be reincarnated".

"Then what about my sins". Valerie questioned curiously.

"Fufufu~ That's something you don't need to worry about Val~!" Luxuria grinned widely.


"Because of big sis here! As long as she's here it doesn't matter if you even cause a a universal genocide!" Luxuria said smugly, as if she was bragging about her self.

Valerie's eyes widened in surprise and awe at the information and looked towards Lilith, scanning her up and down.

Lilith one the other hand was trying her best to hold back a grin from forming on her face when she saw Valerie's awed look. She didn't know why (she definitely did), but it felt good when Valerie had such a view about her.

"So who is she?" Valerie turned to Luxuria once she finished checking out Lilith.

"Big sis here is the Goddess of Sins and Des-!"

"Demons". Before Luxuria could finish, she was interrupted by Lilith.

"I am Lilith, the Goddess of Sins and Mother of All Demons, or Demon Goddess of Sins for short". Lilith explained.

All though confused about why she interrupted Luxuria, Valerie still nodded in understanding.

Luxuria rolled her eyes in amusement when she saw what Lilith did. Why didn't she just tell Valerie her real identity? Did she think that Valerie would judge her for it? Of course she wouldn't! Valerie's mind has long been twisted for her to care about trivial things like good and evil, well she may care a bit, but not so much that she would reject Lilith. But what could she do? She was just a little sister so she had no right to lecture her big sister.


Lilith really had the urge to smash Luxuria's face into the ground. But she couldn't do that now since Valerie had formed a high opinion of her, something she didn't want to lose.

"So that also means you can wipe away someone's sins, making it so that they are like a newborn". Valerie said feeling intrigued at the idea.

"That's right". Lilith nodded, slightly amused at Valerie guessing one of her powers.

Now she wondered if Valerie wanted to ask her to wipe away her sins. She would do it if she asked, but then that meant Luxuria's plan wouldn't work. Something she believed was good for Valerie, as it went well with her lustful eldritch nature and ability, abilities she couldn't use to the fullest on Earth.

"I see… Anyways let's get started with the reincarnation."


Luxuria let out a sigh of relief and wiped her imaginary sweat when she saw that Valerie didn't ask for her sins to be wiped away. Sins are of major importance to demons, and it helps increase their strength.

And since she plans to adopt Valerie, it also meant she was going to turn her into a demon. A Succubus to be precise. With the transformation, her sins will be refined into demonic energy and in turn her demonic core will increase in rank.

By doing diabolic deeds demons can gain extra demonic energy, though depending on the type of demon they are, certain acts give more demonic energy. Succubus for example get more from sex than torturing someone.

"Alrighty~! Let's get started~!" Luxuria said in excitement, appearing on the floor while kneeling between Valerie's legs.

Although surprised at her speed, Valerie calmly asked, "What are you doing?"

"Turning you into a demon of course~". Luxuria answered, as she grabbed her long and thick meat pole with her delicate hands.

Valerie gasped a little as she let a dumbfounded, "What?"
