
Chapter 3: Recollection

"I said~ You will become a demon~". Luxuria repeated once more, while stroking Valerie's cock.

"Mm~ Ah~ Why?" Valerie trembled as she felt the bolts of pleasure just from a few strokes Luxuria's hand, truly deserving to be the Lust Embodiment.

Luxuria smirked as she could now hear Valerie's thoughts since she was making contact with her. "I will be turning you into a Succubus as it goes well with the type of Eldritch abomination you are".

"I see- Wait? I'm an Eldritch abomination?"

"You didn't know?" Luxuria stopped stroking Valerie's cock, much to the latter's dissatisfaction, as she stared at her in disbelief.

Lilith who had been in the background watching everything play out was also surprised at the new information. She only saw Valerie's memories of her life but not the thoughts she had, so she guessed Valerie already knew that she was an Eldritch but it seems that wasn't the case.

"Of course I didn't know! I thought I was some sort of Hentai Tentacle monster". Valerie said while hatefully glaring at Luxuria who gave her orgasm denial.

"Ehe~" Luxuria smiled mischievously, although she didn't mean to deny Valerie's orgasm she decided to play it off naturally.


"Yes wifey?" Valerie smiled, not missing a perfect chance to tease Lilith.

'W-wifey? It doesn't sound that bad'. Lilith thought, smiling inwardly and a small blush on her divine face. Ridding herself of such thoughts, she put her focus back on Valerie who was grinning mischievously.

"Valerie, you are indeed an eldritch abomination as Asmodeus said. Do you not recall the one and only time you transformed into your true form? The time you drank the potion, you passed out just to find yourself in a lab". Lilith confirmed and explained.

Valerie put on a serious expression hearing this and thought back to the moment the potion fell in her mouth.

All she remembered was feeling immense pain that didn't even allow her to black out, and after the pain diminished she passed out.

She didn't know what happened when she passed out, but when she woke up she saw a ugly humanoid pig, laughing creepily and spouting nonsense about finally attaining immortality while holding a massive needle.

After that her mind blanked, and when she came to, all she saw was rivers of blood, dismembered body parts, and hundreds of corpses of people in white lab coats and destroyed tubes.

Valerie frowned and tried to dig into those blanked memories, but she didn't expect what came next, "Ugghhh! Fuck!"

Luxuria who was closer to Valerie than Lilith quickly touched her body, turning the pain into pleasure.

*Squirt~* Squirt~* Squirt~*

"Ahh~" A moan left Valerie's mouth at the unexpected shift from pain to pleasure as she released love juices from her lower lips onto the bed and cum from her cock onto Luxuria's face.

Lilith seeing that the situation was handled walked closer to Valerie, while giving a disapproving look to Luxuria's cum-filled face.

'Come on sis~ It was an emergency and I accidentally used a little more power than I should~' Luxuria complained inwardly, as she cleaned the cum from her face with her tongue.

Lilith's lips twitched at what she just heard, 'A little? Don't you know if you used that much power on a ordinary person they would be ejaculating for a month straight'.

'They would be long dead by then'. Luxuria answered back with a smug smile.

Lilith shook her head not wanting to listen to this pervert and put her attention back on Valerie who she was now in front of.

"Are you alright now?" Lilith cupped Valerie's cheeks and stared into those gem-like eyes.

"Mm". Valerie dazedly nodded as she got lost in Lilith's care and face.

Seeing Valerie lost in her beauty made Lilith happy, but now was not the time for that, so instead she decided to help Valerie with her memory problem.

With her index finger Lilith tapped Valerie's forehead, and what followed after was the breaking of glass.



"I…I remember… that wasn't a humanoid pig… It was a disgustingly fat man!" Valerie's face contorted in disgust as she now perfectly recalled the man whose face was few meters from hers at the time.

"Ugh! I really want to puke! I definitely do not regret killing everyone there, how can someone even associate with such a…a…Abomination! Even my Eldritch form wasn't as bad as his face…ughhh". Valerie complained while she thought about her eldritch form, which didn't seem gory or mangled. Sure it looked alien, but it seemed appealing and undeniably alluring.

'Wait… Did I just think that a bunch of flesh and tentacles was alluring? Is this how those Outer Gods feel about themselves? That no matter how ugly their form is to others, to them it'll only be beautiful, is that why I think the same of my own form? Or is it the innate ability to induce fanaticism that I read about on the wiki?'

The two demonesses on the other hand smiled amusedly at Valerie's reaction. Luxuria especially, as she was now curious to know what made her act like that.

"Here". Lilith, who heard Luxuria's thoughts tapped her index finger on the latter's head, sending her the appearance of both Valerie's true form and man she was complaining about.

"Oh damn, no wonder she reacted like that". Luxuria commented, not feeling disgusted as there was many demons who looked even uglier. In comparison to them, this fatty's looks could be said to be rather mild. But for someone like Valerie who lived among humans it's no wonder it was a shocker.

"As for her true form, it's actually surprisingly pretty when compared to those grotesque Outers".

Lilith nodded in agreement to that statement as she's personally seen the grotesque being known as the Blind Idiot God. 'Unlike that freak, Valerie's looked soft and warm, squishy even. And when she slaughtered those scientists she moved with an unnatural grace.

From what I've seen in her memories, some women looked at her true form in awe and some ran away. As for the men, they were completely repulsed or broke down. It's probably due to the fact that she was a lesbian before she turned'. Lilith thought.

Valerie, who had now got over the appearance of the fatty and her form, looked towards Luxuria, her own sapphire eyes meeting those pink eyes.

""Let's fuck"". They both said at in unison, as pink smoke burst out both their bodies, filling the whole room with a pleasant and desire inducing scent.


Lilith rolled her eyes at these two perverts. They just recently fucked for 7 days straight and now they are back at it again. Well she can't really blame Valerie, her nature aligns with lust, and she would of instead been surprised if she was able to hold back when 'The Asmodeus' was in front of her.

Lilith watched as the pheromones rushed to her direction, however instead of engulfing her, they moved around her, as if they were sentient and were afraid of destruction.

'Should I stay or… I guess I'll stay…For research purposes and finding out more about Valerie's abilities'. Lilith nodded, convincing herself that this was all for research and a greater purpose.


[A/N: Sorry for the short chapter and cliffhanger~ I accidentally deleted around more than half the word count. So Snu Snu~ will be next chapter~ And No this isn't a excuse it was truly accidental. But if you don't believe me you can only blame yourself for not being able to see Mount. Tai~]