The Declaration **

Chapter 4: The Declaration

[A/N: Just a small heads up~ I have never written an Snu~Snu~ scene so apologies if it's bad.]

[A/N 2: Next chapter won't be until a couple of days, I'm a busy person you know~ So this chapter is a slightly longer one~ Enjoy~!]


"Oyah~ Are we going to do bondage play~?" The excited voice of the naked voluptuous blonde haired demoness sounded, as she looked at the pink tentacles that bound each of her limb on to the bed.

The person responsible for the situation loomed over the devilish beauty, their sapphire eyes eyeing her as if she was most delicious meat to ever exist.

"Ah~ Valerie~ If you keep staring at me with such a ferocious look I will cum before you even rail me~" The demon of lust Asmodeus or Luxuria as she likes to call herself, put on a 'frightened' expression, while her cave oozed out liquid continuously.

Having heard enough of her complaints, Valerie moved her hips back slightly, before ramming her throbbing rod into Luxuria's honeypot.


Luxuria gasped, feeling the fast and sudden invasion and was only able to react to the jolts of pleasure moments later.



Valerie groaned, feeling the familiar tightness and the same constant shifting of Luxuria's walls. The pleasure she feels when she fucks is 100-no millions of times more than when she used to have sex with humans.

'I wonder how I haven't gone crazy from fucking her. Maybe because I'm an eldritch?' Valerie put the thoughts at the back of her mind and decided to fuck Luxuria's minds out, something she already deemed impossible.




*Squelch!~ Squelch!~ Squelch!~ Squelch!~*

The sound of Valerie's thick cock rubbing the insides of Luxuria's dripping-wet pussy echoed in the room, while the temperature in the surroundings seemed to increase.

"Ahhhhhhnnn~ More~!" Luxuria moaned without a care in the world as she begged for more.

Valerie like the gentlewoman she is happily complied, and secreted fluids from her tentacles that increase sensitivity onto Luxuria's body.

"Ooooh~! Ahhh~" Luxuria was surprised by the sudden increase in pleasure and let out a surprise moan.

"Ah~Nnng!" Valerie also moaned as she felt Luxuria's walls tighten.




*Squelch!~ Squelch!~ Squelch!~ Squelch!~*

Valerie increased as she could feel the pleasure building it up. She looked towards Luxuria's mounds that had been shaking the whole time and grabbed them.

"Ahhh~" Luxuria moaned as she felt Valerie's touch on her breasts. It was like she suddenly had cold ice on her skin. Of course that wasn't the case though, it was all due to Valerie's tentacles.

Valerie moved her hips while she kneaded Luxuria's rabbits into various shapes. She moved her lips closer to her nipple before she lightly bit it.

"Ahhhnggg!" Luxuria released loved juices as she felt the sudden mix of pain and pleasure.

*Squirt~* Squirt~* Squirt~*

"Ahhhmmm~" Valerie's eyes widened as she felt Luxuria's walls clenched impossibly, causing her to double orgasm, her love juices burst out like a dam while she also poured her seeds into the depth of Luxuria's womb.

"Ahh~" Luxuria moaned lightly feeling Valerie's hot seeds filling her for a whole minute.

A minute later Valerie finished cumming and looked towards Luxuria who wasn't even tired. Well, even if she was Valerie wouldn't let her rest since she still had energy.

Valerie lied back on the bed and placed on top her while still connected, she then released the tentacles binding Luxuria.

Luxuria raised an eyebrow at the position before a seductive smile appeared on her face, "Cowgirl huh~ I guess you want me to do the moving this time. Well, buckle up~"

Right as Luxuria said that, she raised her hips before slamming it down once again onto Valerie's long and girthy rod.



Valerie let out a low moan at the feeling of once again being enveloped by Luxuria's divine or demonic pussy.

*Squelch!~ Squelch!~ Squelch!~ Squelch!~*




Dirty noises resounded throughout the room as a result of Valerie's and Luxuria's flesh colliding, along with semen and nectar from the previous round mixing together.

Though it may sound dirty to others, it was music to Valerie's ears. She looked at the hypnotic way Luxuria's breasts jiggled, and unable to contain herself she leaned forward, once again grabbing them but this time with more force.

"Ahhh~ Harder!"


Valerie complied and started kneading Luxuria's mounds roughly and pinched her erect nipples.


*Squelch!~ Squelch!~ Squelch!~ Squelch!~*

As Luxuria repeatedly swung her hips, a familiar idea flashed in Valerie's mind, and the next moment the tentacles that had receded reappeared.

Valerie leaned closer to Luxuria until she was close enough to grab her fat, juicy butt. Luxuria's eyes shone in anticipation as she saw the tentacles reappear, already having an idea of what Valerie was going to do.

And Valerie didn't disappoint, the tentacle moved towards Luxuria's back door, however she stopped right at the entrance. Valerie threw a mischievous glance to the demon of lust, before she started circle the tentacle around the edges of her back door.

Instead of feeling angry at the teasing, a challenging smile appeared on Luxuria's face, which turned into a sadistic one the next second.

A shiver ran down Valerie's spine seeing that, but she didn't have time to regret as Luxuria leaned towards her neck and licked it, and her hands grabbed Valerie's erect nipples.



Valerie's mind blanked as waves and waves of pleasure washed through her whole body, she could feel the pleasure ready to burst from her cock, but for some reason she couldn't release it. And the culprit was obviously the devilish beauty who was riding her.

"Valerie~ You are a million years too early to tease me~" A wild smile appeared on Luxuria's face as she saw Valerie gritting her teeth.

Valerie who now only had cumming in mind did something she had never done to any of the women she had sex with, she secreted even more fluids from her tentacles all over Luxuria's body. One that increased her sensitivity by a thousand fold! And right as Valerie did this, she changed the tentacle at her back door to a penis, and shoved it in mercilessly.

"Ahhhhhhnnngg~! I'm being impregnated~!"

*Squirt~! Squirt~! Squirt~!*

"Aaahg-! Tight and cumming~!"

*Spurt~! Spurt~! Spurt~!*

Luxuria immediately came at the invasion from behind along with the sudden increase in sensitivity, which also made her lose the control she had over Valerie's orgasm.

Valerie who was now free to cum, released her seeds endlessly into Luxuria's womb. However something was different about this load, it seemed to be filled with a sort of power, and if that wasn't enough, Valerie's eyes seemed to be glowing pink as she continuously released into Luxuria's cave.

"Pfffft-!" Lilith, who was in the background spat tea, from who knows where she got, as she heard Luxuria say she was getting impregnated and also when she saw Valerie's eyes glowing pink with power.




A minute and a half later, Valerie finished cumming, and sat there feeling drained, "That was good~"

"What was? Impregnating me~?" Luxuria's seductive voice rang in Valerie's ear.

"Yeah, that too". Valerie admitted honestly, feeling that she had no reason to hide the sense of accomplishment she felt.

"Well sorry to burst your bubble, but I didn't get impregnated~!" Luxuria said with a mocking grin.

Valerie did her best to ignore her mocking tone and said, "Explain".

"Did you forget who I am?"

"Asmodeus. Prince of Hell. The Sin of Lust-Oh! I see now". Valerie immediately connected the dots when she recalled who she was fucking minutes ago. If it is her, then making Valerie's fertile seeds infertile is as easy as breathing.

"That's right~ And I am not just another Asmodeus like the iterations out there, I am Prime Asmodeus, I represent the Primordial Sin of Lust, the truest form of Lust to exist in the multiverse". Luxuria explained, with her arms under her bosom.

Valerie raised an eyebrow at the new information, but other than that she didn't really feel any excitement. She attributed it to the state of her mind that Lilith spoke about.

"What's with the lacklustre reaction? Are you disappointed that you couldn't impregnate me~?" Luxuria asked with an amused smile.

"Yes. Yes I actually am a little disappointed for some reason." Valerie admitted with a shrug.

Luxuria nodded in understanding, not too surprised at Valerie's disappointment. "Well, no need to be too down~ You did get something out of it at the end~"

Valerie followed her gaze downwards until it landed on something. No, not the place they were still connected at, but just above it, on Luxuria's womb.

"Mark of Desire…" Valerie instinctively muttered, as she saw the unique shaped tattoo.


"Oh? So that's what it's called? It's like the Lust Demon's Lust Mark, but yours seems to have interesting abilities". Luxuria analysed.

"Can you remove it?" Valerie questioned, as she didn't intend to mark her.

Luxuria frowned slightly as she heard that question. Did Valerie actually just ask her to remove the mark? Who in their right mind wouldn't want to mark her? If any Incubus or Succubus out there heard Valerie, they would definitely smash her head for asking such a question.

As they were still connected, Luxuria decided to listen to Valerie's thoughts to see why she asked such a question.

'Although I asked her to remove the mark, I would rather she actually didn't. I wonder why? Maybe it's my perverted eldritch side who wants to keep it that way'.

Luxuria smiled inwardly as she heard this, it seemed like Valerie wasn't being honest with herself. But instead of calling her out, she opted to listen some more.

'However, asking her to keep the mark is the same as putting a green hat on my head. She's literally 'The Asmodeus' , so it wouldn't be surprising if she had sex with someone else. So in the end it would be better to remove the mark, since for some reason, possessive desires are starting to build up in me'.

Luxuria's was disappointed when she heard Valerie's thoughts. She didn't like it, the cowardly behaviour similar to a human's, a way that demon shouldn't act and a way her daughter shouldn't act.

Yes, a demon. Valerie was already transitioning into one, the desires she was starting to feel was proof. Luxuria thought for a second whether she should discipline Valerie in the way of the demons, but ultimately decided to listen a bit more and see whether Valerie's eldritch mind could surprise her.

'But just cause it's 'better' does that mean I should give up on making her mine? No! It was obvious that she restricted her level to mine, otherwise it would of been impossible to even make her wet let alone moan.

So I will get stronger.

Strong enough to make her go all out.

Strong enough to dominate her.

Strong enough to break her!

Strong enough to make her obey!

I am no longer on Earth where I had to always be on the run.

I am no longer restricted by those rules set up by humans. So all I have to do now is follow the teachings of my great father, Konrad:

I…won't compromise and must have all I want!'

As Valerie's thoughts intensified, a burst of ominous energy erupted from her, covering her into a spherical cocoon.

'That was so hot~! I wonder if Valerie would have such passionate thoughts about me?' Lilith who heard everything, questioned herself as she started imagining scenes where Valerie confessed to her- 'Wait! She already confessed to me! Does that count or was she teasing me?'

"Ha…Haha…HAHAHAHAHAHAHA~!" A diabolical laugh left Asmodeus' mouth as she now eyed the Valerie's cocoon in amusement. She was not angry when she heard what Valerie was saying about her, no, she was actually very pleased.

The laugh spread throughout all corners of Hell, whether it was the tortured souls or the mighty Archdemons, all who her heard it shivered in fear, as they wondered what evil the mighty Prince of Lust had in mind.

"Well said Valerie! A demon does whatever they want, whenever they want, wherever they want! So get stronger my daughter, for I await the day you make me yours!" Valerie's cocoon shook, seemingly in acceptance.


Luxuria snapped her fingers, and in an instant she was covered in the same ominous energy as Valerie. A second later it receded, and she now stood there wearing clothes, though it wasn't enough to hide her magnificent curves.

"Girls, I know you are awake and heard everything, but don't worry I won't kill you. Instead I have job for all of you, let it be known to all the demons that I have adopted a daughter. Oh, and make sure to emphasise on the fact she used to be human and I'm throwing her into the lower world". Luxuria announced, as she now watched the previous unconscious Succubi kneeling before her.

""""Yes! Your highness!"""" All the Succubi heeded her command without question, well almost all.

"Eh? You won't kill us?" A voice suddenly asked. All the Succubi's head snapped in the same direction, wondering who had the audacity to question the Prince of Hell.

And what greeted them was a unnaturally beautiful young girl with black hair and red eyes. Though that was something a normal person would think, until they saw her pointed ears, curled horns, purple wings and spade shaped tail.


"Do you want to die Sabrina?" The corners of Luxuria's mouth curled upwards as she questioned the young Succubus.

The Succubi who saw her smile were all enchanted, even if the words she spoke were dangerous, and Sabrina was no exception to this.

"Yes-! No! Who the Hell would want to die!" Sabrina bit her tongue enough to bleed, before retorting Luxuria's question.


The Succubi all gasped in horror as they heard the foolish young succubus raising her voice at the Prince of Hell. All they felt now was pity for her, if she didn't have the blood of a Wrath demon running through her veins, then she wouldn't of dared to raise her eyes let alone her voice.

Rather than feeling angry at Sabrina raising her voice, Luxuria's smile instead widened. She looked towards the other Succubi and said, "All of you apart from Sabrina and Amelia can leave, and make sure to do the job I told you to do".

""""Yes! Your Highness!""" The Succubi complied and disappeared, leaving only four-no five individuals.

"You do know what will happen if the demons get word of this right?" Lilith spoke narrowing her golden eyes.

The remaining two succubi were shocked at hearing an unknown voice behind them, they thought that it was only them, Asmodeus and Valerie in the room!

Luxuria grinned at Lilith, clearly indicating that she was aware of what would happen, "Chaos. The demons would be unable to accept that a human could become the daughter of a Prince of Hell. And the fact that I'm just leaving her in the lower world, they would think that I just adopted her and dropped her for some entertainment, something quite common for demons.

And as such, they will go after Valerie, to test her, devour her, dominate her. They will take this chance to make a name for themselves, and more demons that are leaving Primordial Hell, the more active the Celestials will become. Especially that Chastity bitch, after all she will be able to sense the birth of a Primordial Lust bloodline."

"Why don't you just admit you're doing all this to make Valerie grow faster so she could challenge you quicker". Lilith rubbed the bridge of her nose, seemingly fed up with Luxuria's ploys.

"Ehe~ Seems like I can't hide anything from big sis~!" Luxuria stuck her tongue out in response.

As for the two bystanders, they were shocked at the high level conversation they just heard. From the the conversation they just heard, they realised that Valerie was someone Asmodeus favoured greatly and she had high hopes for her. But that was not as shocking as the Prince of Hell calling someone big sis!

The Prince's of Hell are said to be the oldest of demons, so if she's calling someone big sis then it can only be that legendary figure! The one who was said to be the first demon to exist. The First Mother, The Queen of Hell, The Demon Goddess, and her most well known title, The Mother of All Demons, Lilith!

The two Succubi stared at Lilith in awe and wonder. Still unable to believe such a figure was actually real and not just some folklore.

Luxuria who listened to all their thoughts giggled, causing both the girls to come out of their reverie.

The older looking Succubus with black her similar to her sister, but pinkish-red eyes, Amelia, was the first one to remember why they were left here, "Your Highness! I implore that you forgive my foolish sister for raising her voice against you!"

[Image of Amelia]

"Eh?" Sabrina who was brought out her trance, by her sister's voice looked at her in confusion. Why was her sister asking for forgiveness for her? It took her a moment to recall the previous events, before she suddenly widened her eyes in horror.

Luxuria released an amused smile at the pairs action, she really wanted to tease them, but decided against it since Valerie was about to break out of the cocoon.

"There's no need to ask for forgiveness. I didn't leave you behind to kill you either".

""Huh?"" Both sisters were dumbfounded, if not to be killed or tortured then why are they here? Wait… Maybe it's for that.

"No, I didn't ask you stay behind to have sex with me. I want you to stay with Valerie, my daughter, in the lower world". Luxuria explained.

"We accept!" Sabrina immediately answered, before her sister could even open her mouth.

"That's good. Now watch." Luxuria turned back to the cocoon.

Crack-! Crack-! Crack-!


"What a unpleasant feeling that was~" An all too familiar voice rang out, reaching the ears of everyone present. However unlike before, the words spoken now seemed to have subliminal seductive power behind them.

Step-! Step-! Step-! Step-!

Footsteps sounded in the room and stopped right before Luxuria.


"As expected of me~!" Luxuria commented narcissistically as she now stared at the demonised Valerie.

The familiar silver was there, but now even silkier, smoother and tougher. Her previous sapphire eyes now replaced with glass like purple eyes. Valerie's previous C-cup breasts increased by two sizes and were now E-cup. However her most striking features was the new black horns that emerged from the side of her and pointed upwards. The pointed elf-like ears, the large black bat wings big enough to encase her body, and finally the iconic tail ending with a spade.


"Hm? These clothes, aren't they the ones I wore during high school". Valerie said with a nostalgic smile, as she looked at the familiar logo, tie, skirt and garter belt.

"It seems so, are you ready?". Lilith who was standing in the back, walked forward standing next to Asmodeus.

Valerie turned towards her, and burned her figure into her mind before beckoning her to come forward. Lilith complied wondering whether Valerie wanted a hug, something she didn't mind giving, but what happened next made her brain short circuit.

Valerie sealed her lips and started kissing her passionately with unparalleled skill. Lilith could only be dominated under Valerie's relentless attacks. After a minute Valerie gave a Lilith a break, as latter leaned onto her body.

"I will miss you, Lilith". Valerie wrapped her arms around Lilith, giving her a tight hug.

Lilith who was still blushing from the kiss nodded and said, "Me too".

"Bah! Why are you guys acting like your going to war and will never see each other-!" Luxuria froze, as she saw the familiar look Lilith was giving her. "Haha. Don't mind me continue with your fluff~fluff moment".

Lilith rolled her eyes and let go of Valerie, "You will be going now, and don't worry, you won't have to worry about any immediate danger when you reincarnate".

Valerie nodded with a smile, she couldn't be bothered to ask any questions as she was too excited for her new life. Obviously from the influence of the some of the beautiful otakus she had had sex with on Earth.

"Valerie~! I am waiting for your challenge! Make sure to rise up, corrupt and dominate the women out there. And once you reach the pinnacle, we will have our true battle~!"

Those where the last words Valerie heard, before everything turned black.

The End.


[ The End of her first life that is~! Ahem! Bad joke, I know. Well, as you can see I made this chapter extra long~ Why? Because I think it would be boring to have like 3 more short chapters of her still in Hell(?). And as I said at the beginning of the chapter, the next chap will probably be in a couple days.]