
Chapter 6: System

One hour ago, moments before Valerie regained her past life memories.

On a king sized bed lay a young silver haired girl with an appearance that seemed humanly impossible. If cultivators saw her, they would immediately label her a jade beauty of the highest calibre.

However, currently, none of that was important since a strange event seemed to be taking place within the young girls body. If she was awake she would of seen a strange interface, and messages upon messages appearing in her vision.


[Conditions have been met!]

[Demonic Summoning System is now activated!]


[Primordial Lust Bloodline has been fully assimilated!]


[Demonic Core has been fully formed!]


[The Celestials and other powerful entities have been alerted of your presence!]


The world trembled at the appearance of a Primordial bloodline, and horrific weather changes occurred all throughout the planet. The sky shook violently, the clouds thundered, and many lightning bolts flashed across the sky.

Many of the supernatural beings around the world, be they gods, heroes or demons felt an overbearing pressure fall upon them threatening to crush them. They immediately tried to look for the source, but failed.

However, where the gods and demons failed, one being succeeded. And currently, the said entity was looming over the young silver haired girl.

The entity looked to be a young girl, with short golden hair and richly-colored eyes, that seemed to hold the colors of a rainbow. Her face well groomed, and seemed to transcend the concept of gender, combined with her golden hair that seems to be fixed on the same hairstyle, it makes one feel that her beauty is something that could only be seen from illusions.

And lastly, the most eye-catching part would be the ten pairs, the 20 wings of pure white feathers on her back with the halo floating above her head.

"Young 'Foreigner', I do not have a grudge against you, but unfortunately you are now a threat to my 'children'". A motherly voice that would melt one's mind left her mouth, but the actions she was currently taking was contradictory to her harmless appearance.

The 'entity' concentrated large amounts of energy at the tip of her finger and pointed it to the oblivious young girl. Having gathered enough energy to destroy the 'Foreigner's' soul, the 'entity' prepared to release it, however before she could release it, a shocking scene occurred.

Time stopped.

The 'entity' didn't even have time to react, before everything came to halt. Though time stopped, she seemed to still be able to think and move her eyes, as if someone purposely allowed her to. Something she deemed true, after feeling a gaze landing on her.

She shifted her eyes slightly to meet the gaze, an action she would regret for the rest of her existence.

Universes exploding. Galaxies swept away. Stars disintegrating. Worlds collapsing. Trillions of lives coming to an end.

Destruction. Endless destruction greeted the 'entity' the moment she gazed into those gold eyes full of indifference.

The 'entity' immediately understood the message being passed to her, and couldn't help but tremble internally.

Seeing that she understood the message, the gold eyes disappeared, and time was once again flowing.

Feeling the flow of time, the 'entity's' eyes unconsciously shifted towards the sleeping beauty who seemed to be waking up. The entity looked at her for a few seconds longer, before disappearing.







Closing the door of the apartment, Valerie looked towards the full moon hung in the sky.

"Isn't it Beautiful Kali?"

"Woof! Woof!" Translation: It is mistress, But not as beautiful as you!

"Awww~ You're beautiful too". Valerie smiled as she stroked the not-so-ordinary dog.

"Let's go". Valerie started walking, but not before taking a glance at her neighbour's door and licking her lips with a devious smile on her flawless face, "A goddess, huh? I wonder how she will taste".




'System?' Valerie who had been silently walking for a few minutes called out to her…cheat?

[Yes?] The System replied instantaneously, and it's mechanical voice was somehow full of… expectation.

'What did you say you were before? The Demonic Slavery System? Or was it Delivery?' Valerie finally questioned, after being unable to guess it for the past few minutes of her walk.

[….Demonic Summoning System] After a moment of silence, the System answered, rather…tiredly?

'So how does it work?' Valerie asked, as she ignored the human-like behaviour of the system.

[ As you can see the System is called Demonic Summoning System, in essence you the Host will be summoned to anyone that may need your service, advice or help of some sort.]

[ But of course, after completing what they ask for, you'll be able to receive a reward from them as well as the system!]

Valerie frowned when she heard the first part of the explanation, after all she didn't want to work like some slave for strangers, but if she would get a satisfactory reward then it's a different case.

'What if they don't give me a reward after I complete a task? Or for example, I save their lives, but the reward they pay isn't enough?'

Valerie asked, the most important question to her.

[The moment you are summoned a contract is made with the one who requires your service. If they are unable to pay or their payment is insufficient, then their life/soul is yours.]

[The harder the task, the greater the payment your receive.]

Valerie nodded in understanding, satisfied with the answer she had received. But she was still curious about something, "By the way, how do other demons get summoned? I doubt they also have systems".

[When a demon summoning occurs, a portal appears before a demon, this portal allows entry to the . The is a dimension demons enter to reach the summoner. If-]

'That's enough'. Valerie cut off the system, she didn't want a long explanation as she now understood the purpose of the system.

'I take it that the system allows me to be summoned without needing to go through the like other demons. I also get additional rewards from the system. And I'm guessing that I can get summoned more frequently then other demons of my level'.

[Host's deductions are correct. But that isn't all, the system also allows Host to see her status, inventory, Lottery and also have access to the Hell Shop.]

Valerie's sapphire eyes shone with interest and she immediately muttered, "Status".


[Name: Valerie Sapphire Asmodeus ]

[Race: True Demon(Succubus)/Eldritch]

[Titles: Lily Lover, Number One Green Hatter, Divine Seducer, Daughter of Asmodeus]

[Demonic Core Rank: Lesser Demon(Early)]

Eldritch Skills: Eldritch Form, Madness Aura, Eldritch Influence, Regeneration, Erotic Pheromones, Indomitable Libido, Fertility Control(Self), Eldritch Language, Mark of Desire, Heavenly Tentacles, Malleable Anatomy, Realm Connection: Outer Void(Inactive)

Demon Skills: Soul Absorption, Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Speed, Enhanced Senses, Superhuman Durability, Possession,Semi-Immortality, Language Bypassing, Infernal language

Succubus Skills: Succubus Form, Charm, Life Absorption(Via Sex), Lust Empowerment, Unnatural Beauty, Sexual Mastery, Dream Manipulation, Illusion Manipulation

Traits: Retractable Wings, Succubus Tail, Demonic Claws, Horns, Alien Mind

Magic Skills: Space Magic

Blessings: Blessing of Lilith, The Primordial Entity of Sins and @%#?!$

Primordial Lust Bloodline(20% Unlocked):


[Perfect Form]

[Infinite Stamina]

[Eternal Lust Flames]


Valerie's eyes widened in surprise at the number of skills in her possession. From what she can see a lot of them were passive, but still, they were a lot. She then checked the most important thing.

[Primordial Lust is the purest and truest bloodline of lust, the origin of lust itself, it is present in every lust bloodline since they are lower versions of itself.

The Primordial Lust bloodline dates back to the existence of everything and nothing.

The bloodline to become Lust itself!]

'What an overbearing description'. Valerie thought with an amused smile, before fixing her gaze at the top of the status page.

"Valerie Sapphire Asmodeus, huh. I guess Sapphire is the surname Amelia picked for me, most likely due to my eye colour. As for Asmodeus, it's self explanatory".

"Next is the interesting titles…"

[Lily Lover: You are a hardcore lesbian and have corrupted hundreds of women and brought them to the dark side.]

[Effect: Girls around you slowly turn into lilies, the more influence you have on them the faster the change. Even a hardened hetero or someone with a partner can be turned.]

"What do you mean by dark side? It's clearly paradise, and their moans were proof of that". Valerie felt wronged, how could it be called the dark side, it's clearly a flowerbed full of Lilies.

[Number One Green Hatter: You have cucked and fucked and become number one.]

[Effect: You instinctively known when someone wants to go after your woman.]

[Effect 2: Housewives and MILF's always see you in a favourable light when you meet them.]

[Effect 3: Once you have fucked someone's partner, that person can no longer harm you and can only cry in shame and rage. Note: You can toggle this effect On/Off]

A sadistic smile appeared on Valerie's face as she saw the third effect.

[Divine Seducer: You have seduced a god-level being and made them fall in love with you.]

[Effect: 50% more attractive to Gods and Divine beings]

[Effect 2: Anyone stronger than you will have more patience when talking to you.]

"Was it Lilith? Most likely is, there's no way it's Asmodeus. Hm? I guess I'll do my best to love you back Lilith". Valerie's previous smile grew wider.

[Daughter of Asmodeus: You are the daughter of the Primordial Sin of Lust, a child of a Prince of Hell.]

[Effect: You can easily compel any demon weaker than you and even those that might be slightly greater than you.]

[Effect 2: The speed in which your demonic Core grows stronger is multiplied several times.]

[Effect 3: You gain the name of Asmodeus, and all good and bad things that come with it.]

[Effect 4: You can gain benefits by punishing and torturing the sinful.]

"Four effects, how generous. Though the third one seems kinda sus. If it's bad things, I'm guessing Asmodeus must have green hatted a lot of beings". Valerie said with a thoughtful look as she shifted her gaze onto her skills. She wasn't going to go through all of them though, as some of them are self-explanatory. So instead she looked at the ones that interested her and is more likely to use.


[The reason why there are sexual skills in the eldritch section is because of the potion she drank. It was meant to be a Hentai Tentacle Monster potion, but due to it being incomplete, it caused an unexpected transformation in Valerie, but she retained some abilities a Hentai Tentacle Monster would have and gained others that an eldritch would have.]